Chapter 1658: Game Love (18)

Chapter 1658 Game Love (18)

Lu Huaizhi's eyes flashed.

Obviously, he couldn't hold his face.

These two people, one is Xiao Cha and the other is his nemesis.

Unfortunately, no one gave him face.

As if they were all waiting to see his jokes.

Lu Huaizhi thought about it, and felt that he probably wouldn't be able to take advantage of it.

"I'm waiting for Manli, you haven't seen each other for a long time, do you want to meet her?"

Cha Cha raised his hand and grabbed Xing He's wrist.

left a sentence, "Not interested."

Then, he left without looking back.

Only Lu Huaizhi stood there awkwardly.

He turned his head and stared fiercely at the two figures.

Xing He hooked up with Xiao Cha.

Xiao Cha is so rich.

After   , how will he win over the galaxy?

I'm afraid that I will always be pressed by the galaxy.

And Xiao Cha, that little madman, doesn't care about anything when he gets mad.

Last time, in order to keep him down, he threw money at other anchors, but he was squeezed out of the top ten.

This move doesn't care about money at all...

Lu Huaizhi thought about it again and again, but still felt that he still had to find a chance.

After all, for him now.

Xiao Cha is a golden mountain.

After thinking about it, Qin Manli came.

She stretched out her hand with a smile on Lu Huaizhi's arm.

"Did you wait a long time?"

"No." Lu Huaizhi shook his head and smiled.

Take Qin Manli to bed first.

The woman who gets it can never run away.

Otherwise, he really lost a lot.

When he thinks that not only did he not get Xiao Cha's money, but he also didn't get Xiao Cha's people, and his whole person was not well.

However, when he looked at Qin Manli, his eyes became more and more gentle, as if he wanted to melt her whole body.

Under such eyes, Qin Manli couldn't resist at all.

No one knows how long she has liked Lu Huaizhi.

Now that I can see Lu Huaizhi often, and even sit down to eat together, it is like a beautiful dream to her.


Xing He drove his car away from the restaurant.

kept silent all the way.

Actually, he wanted to ask her what happened to that Lu Huaizhi.

However, when it came to his lips, he still couldn’t say it.

The relationship between the two of them is not that far.

If he asked now, he might have left a bad impression on her.

You can't just fall short.

Xinghe stared ahead with dark eyes.

As for Cha Cha, he fell asleep soon after.

Every time I eat and drink enough, I feel sleepy.

When Xinghe was about to arrive at the community, he glanced at the little girl in the co-pilot. Unexpectedly, she fell asleep like this. She really had no defense against him.

Seeing that she was fast asleep, Xinghe couldn't bear to call her.

stopped the car and waited quietly for her to wake up.

The phone rang.

Galaxy quickly turned to mute.

was sent by Zeng Lin.

Zeng Lin: Why are you and Xiao Cha together? Isn't she staying in a hotel? Also, tell me honestly, what the **** was driving me out for? I suddenly doubt what you said before!

Xinghe, "..." is not too stupid.

He replied lightly

Xinghe: There is no purpose, just want to abduct her home.

Zeng Lin was silent for a while.

After a long time, Zeng Lin asked him: Are you awake? Are you not crazy? Are you really blooming? Are you still Su Xinghe? Could it be that someone faked it? ? ?

Xinghe didn't answer Zeng Lin's question, just a faint warning: Keep your mouth shut and don't talk nonsense.

The reason why he said it so succinctly.

is also to prevent Zeng Lin from saying the wrong thing one day.

Put the words aside for now, Zeng Lin will pay more attention.

Zeng Lin finally realized that Xinghe was talking about this matter very seriously, he fell into deep thought, and always felt that the little girl might be a little miserable, but it was difficult to remind her.

After all, if Xinghe succeeds, it will be a family in the future.

After thinking about it, Zeng Lin decided to pretend he didn't know anything.

If there is a chance, he can also be an emotional consultant for Xinghe reluctantly.

When Cha Cha woke up, it was already an hour later

She looked at the time and looked at Xinghe embarrassedly.

"You should wake me up... I wasted so much time." A little embarrassed.

"It's alright, let's get out of the car."

"it is good."

The two went back to the apartment together.

Chacha felt more and more that living in the opposite distance was just right.

is really perfect.

The saying   , the first to get the moon near the water tower, is really not just a talk.

eight pm.

Xinghe live broadcast room, Chacha used the number of camellia, and swaggered into it.

I haven't used this account for the past few days. Maybe a bunch of people are talking about Xinghe being abandoned by her... She doesn't want this to happen.

Well, she's here to support the scene.

And this live broadcast of Galaxy.

It is rare to say a few more words.

The cold and low voice, the inexplicable Su.

A bunch of fans screamed.

There are also fans shouting that they saw the photos of Xinghe, super handsome!

Cha Cha stared at the barrage for a while.

Hey, let’s turn off the barrage.

Otherwise, she might be tempted to go to war with her rival.

Galaxy Live was playing the game live for a while, and suddenly said, "To thank the fans for their support, there is a welfare session today. Three random fans will be selected to team up with me to play the game."

As soon as the    voice fell, the live broadcast room went crazy.

【Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 】

【Kang Kang me, I can! 】

【Brother Xinghe, me me me me! 】

【I don't want to speak with black hands. 】

【I think showing your face can also be a benefit, sisters praise me! 】

[Hee hee, don't show your face, if you show your face, other male anchors may not survive, don't ask me how I know. 】

【The sister in front, you are so floating. 】

【Sister, I have a friend who wants to see the photo in your hand. 】

The barrage was in a mess, lively and lively.

Cha Cha stared at the screen, waiting for Galaxy to draw people.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, and without hesitation she took out her lucky supreme card.

Holding the Supreme Card, she can definitely be drawn!

Otherwise, she just destroys this card.

Seven Seven, […]

Is the    Lucky Supreme Card used like this?


This is okay too? ? ?

Three minutes later.

Galaxy draws three people at random.

In order to ensure fairness and impartiality, it is carried out directly on the computer, and everyone in the live broadcast room can see the extraction process.


Everyone was stunned.

The first person to be drawn is the krypton gold boss Camellia.

Even Xinghe was stunned.

I didn't expect that I was so lucky, so I got Xiao Cha directly.

Chacha, "!!!"

Well, this card saved a life today.

is somewhat useful.


Chacha suddenly deflated.

Well, she's very good at playing games.

She fully demonstrated her Luchi characteristics in the game.

Perfectly brings the word Lu Chi to the extreme.

Cha Cha suddenly regretted it.

This is to play games with Xinghe in the live broadcast room.

Isn't it... a public execution?

All fans of    Galaxy can see her **** technique...  

Too embarrassing.

Chacha thought for a while, and decided to send a message to Xinghe to discuss with him. After the live broadcast ended, the two played a game quietly.

Galaxy quickly agreed.

At the same time, Cha Cha explained in the live broadcast room, saying that he had something to do temporarily, and quickly left the live broadcast room.

Then he changed to the trumpet and watched Xinghe draw three more people.

Cha Cha watched the live broadcast silently, "..."

Is it too late to practice techniques now?

(end of this chapter)