Chapter 1659: Game Love (19)

Chapter 1659 Game Love (19)

Because I promised to play a game with her after the live broadcast of Chacha.

Xinghe got off the live broadcast ten minutes in advance.

Cha Cha, who has been paying attention to the situation in the live broadcast room, paused.

Holding the phone in his hand, he was a little nervous.

She really doesn't know much about games.


Super dish.

If Xinghe teamed up with her to play games, she thought, she might be embarrassed...

Chacha was still in a tangle, and the door of the apartment was knocked a few times.

She put down her phone and ran to open the door.

wondered who would come here at this time.

Then he saw the galaxy standing at the door.

Chacha, "..." Are you looking for her to play games?

I'm a little embarrassed.

She lowered her head, a little embarrassed, "I don't play the game very well, and upgrades mainly rely on krypton gold..."

Speaking of krypton gold, I am even more embarrassed.

After all, she has become a krypton gold boss in the game.

"It's okay, I can take you." Xinghe's voice was gentle.

took the initiative to walk in, this time, it was obviously a little less indifferent than before.

Xing He closed the door, went directly to the sofa and sat down.

"Are you going to have a game now?"

"Yeah." Cha Cha nodded.

Xinghe is so active, she is not too good to refuse.

Xinghe first logged into the game account to add her friends, and then invited Chacha to form a team together.

Neither of them used a large size.

The tacit understanding is full of trumpets, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

ten minutes later.

Xinghe glanced at Chacha silently.

"You follow me, I will protect you, don't keep rushing forward."

Cha Cha, "...good."

Hmm, seems to be disliked.

Another five minutes passed.

Chacha suddenly found new fun in the game.

She manipulates characters in the game and follows Xinghe all the time. If someone comes to kill her, Xinghe will fight back and prevent anyone from hurting her.

Sometimes, when they encounter the remaining blood of the opponent, Xinghe will also send a head to Chacha.

This feeling of lying and winning is really great! !

A round is over.

Cha Cha looked at the galaxy with a smile.

Xinghe's thin lips ticked lightly, but without saying anything, he took her to another game.

The feeling of being taken flying is too perfect.

Chacha lay down and won.

Let the other party be in a hurry there, she is as stable as Mount Tai.


Game after game.

Chacha soon realized the feeling of winning streak.

Don't ask, it's very cool to ask!

Almost an hour passed.

Galaxy stopped.

He glanced at the time and said calmly, "It's late, rest early, you can call me to play games later."

Chacha blinked, looked at him very well-behaved, and responded, "Okay."

Bring the Galaxy with you to play games and win!

And playing games is not only fun, but also develops feelings.


But, Cha Cha didn't expect it.

The story of her playing games with Xinghe was exposed on the game forum the next day.

The whistleblower picked up Chacha's trumpet and Xinghe's trumpet, and took screenshots of the team's record.

claimed that the well-known anchor of Galaxy, in order to win the favor of the krypton gold boss Camellia, specially opened a trumpet to take her to play games.

And Camellia is a well-known kryptonite. Not only in this game, but also in the live broadcast room of Galaxy, Camellia's game is too hard to look at, and it all depends on Galaxy to fly.

Xinghe, as a mysterious, cold and faceless anchor, suddenly became approachable. The relationship behind him can be imagined, and there must be a shady deal.

also said that Xinghe was very attentive in order to make the camellia the gold owner happy.

Party Chacha, "???"

Although I really want to be the sponsor of Galaxy, but I haven't found the opportunity yet.

Hey, the person who broke the news is really awesome.

Because of the two names of Camellia and Galaxy, many people know it in the game forum.

So under this post, many people soon made comments.

There are ridicule, jealousy, slander, and all kinds of rumors.

Even, someone replied to the post: [Let’s break the news, I will delete it later, someone who has fate can see it, the last party held by the live broadcast company, both Xinghe and Camellia attended, Xinghe looks pretty good, I’m very handsome, but Camellia It looks like it's hard to describe. Camellia, as a krypton gold boss, even awarded an award to Xinghe. Speaking of which, the next thing is very hard to describe.

After the awards, Camellia left the party and Xing He also left. Someone saw Camellia and Xing He hugging each other and went directly to the hotel.

And then... you know.

Some people seem to be not so aloof from the world.

After all, he is the anchor who often dominates the list, how can he have nothing to do with the sponsor? 】

In this building within a building, someone quickly cursed.

Cha Cha stared at the phone for a long time.

"..." What is it that the camellia grows indescribably? ? ?

When she stands with Xinghe, she won't be crushed, okay?

unacceptable! She actually **** her beauty!

Also said that she couldn't wait to turn Xinghe to the hotel?

Is she that kind of person?

These days, why do people still think that spreading rumors is not against the law?

Chacha stared at the post for a while.

directly boarded his own tuba, in the middle of the building, the owner of the floor of Aite and replied: [I look too hard to describe? Are you blind? 】

Floor Master: [Look, the camellia deity appears, she is in a hurry! She is in a hurry! I don't dare to reply directly to my relationship with Xinghe, but here I hold my face and don't let go. 】

Camellia: [Then what do you say? Let me listen carefully. 】

Layer: [You say I'm blind and your anger is soaring, obviously because I'm right!

But you don't mention Xinghe in a word, it's clear that you are guilty! 】

Camellia: 【? ? ? What a powerful logic! 】

Next, the layer master seemed to have found a breakthrough point.

Caught Chacha is a personal attack

Chacha replied to the last sentence without haste.

Camellia: [Youth or girl, be good, wait at home, waiting for my lawyer's letter. 】

Under normal circumstances, this kind of personal attack may not yield results, and it is a waste of time. Many people choose to endure or turn a blind eye.

But Chacha is different, she has money and time.

directly took up the weapon of the law.

Xiao Hang has a team of lawyers in his hands.

It’s been quite idle recently. Cha Cha called and the lawyers under Xiao’s group dispatched.

resolve this matter as quickly as possible.

at the same time.


That floor master was complacent, thinking he had won, and was still there to spread rumors and frame...

As everyone knows, retribution is coming.

The matter on the forum, Chacha did not mention it to Xinghe.

in her opinion.

Xinghe is very indifferent to many things and should not go to the forum.

So, it also gave her the best time to settle things.

An hour later.

That floor master really received a lawyer's letter.

And the layer owner is not someone else. According to the lawyer's feedback, the layer owner and the whistleblower are the same person.

That person is none other than Lu Huaizhi.

Even Cha Cha was a little surprised.

To do this kind of thing, Lu Huaizhi actually did it himself?

At least you have to pay to hire a few professionals, right?

Like Lu Huaizhi, who opened several trumpets at the same time and posted various comments at the same time, he really is a talent.

has been live broadcast for several years, so I have to be a little brainy about it.

How can you be so stupid to do such a thing?

is simply incredible.

She thought that Lu Huaizhi's methods would at least be more advanced.


This is the case now.

Chacha felt that she could solve it by herself.

There is no need to let Xinghe know.

When Xinghe heard the wind, she had already finished the solution.


Lu Huaizhi, who received the lawyer's letter, was confused and his pupils were shocked.

He obviously just posted it not long ago.

Received a lawyer's letter directly on the horse?


Who is Xiao Cha?

How strong is the background?

Moreover, this time he mainly smeared the galaxy.

He just couldn't understand that Xinghe's obvious show of affection was simply to deceive Xiao Cha, so that Xiao Cha could continue to give money to him. Why did Xiao Cha help Xinghe like this?

Holding the lawyer's letter in his hand, he was a little scared, but more unwilling and jealous.

Obviously all of this should have belonged to him in the first place.

All because of the galaxy.

If Xinghe hadn't stole all this, he would be the number one anchor in the game area now.

Lu Huaizhi became more and more unwilling to think about it.

But unfortunately, he couldn't do any other actions.

He still has a lawyer's letter in his hand.

The matter of   's lawyer's letter is still to be resolved.

He didn't know what Xiao Cha would do next.

Qin Manli came back at this time.

She was a little surprised when she saw that Lu Huaizhi's face was not quite right.

"Huaizhi? What happened to you?"

After that, I looked down at the things in Lu Huaizhi's hands...

Seeing this, Qin Manli was almost stunned. It took a long time for her to respond, "Lawyer's letter? Huaizhi? What happened? How did you get a lawyer's letter?"

In the past few days, the relationship between Qin Manli and Lu Huaizhi has heated up rapidly.

Not only that, but she also moved to Lu Huaizhi these days.

Lu Huaizhi likes her very much and is very gentle.

This relationship is something she has never dreamed of before.

And now, she really has it.

is like a dream.

No one knew how happy she was.

She always thought that she would never see Lu Huaizhi in her life.

But in the end, Lu Huaizhi became her boyfriend.

Every time she thinks about this, her whole person is as happy and happy as floating on the clouds.

She took this relationship very seriously, and even took Lu Huaizhi to heart. At this moment, seeing Lu Huaizhi frowning and her face wrong, she was nervous to death.

In her heart, Lu Huaizhi was her life and everything.

Lu Huaizhi raised his head and looked at Qin Manli's hot gaze.

An idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Almost instantly.

Lu Huaizhi made a decision.

"Manly, I'm fine, don't worry, it's just a lawyer's letter, nothing..."

Lu Huaizhi put away the lawyer's letter as he spoke, as if he wanted to hide it, Qin Manli felt different, and reached out and grabbed the lawyer's letter.

When I saw the content inside, I was scared to tears.

"Huaizhi, will something happen to you? How can Xiao Cha be so cruel! After all, she was a friend before, didn't she drive you to the dead end?"

Lu Huaizhi shook his head, looking annoyed.

"It's my fault, it's my problem, I shouldn't post on the forum just because I'm angry... I'm just angry, I didn't expect it to be like this.

Manli, don't be afraid, even if I do go to jail, it doesn't matter, I will arrange all your affairs so that you will no longer have to worry about it.

Also, let's break up! "

Qin Manli was stunned, and tears fell.

"No, I don't want to break up, we just established a relationship, how can you propose to break up?"

Didn't this kill her?

Lu Huaizhi gently wiped her tears, his eyes full of nostalgia.

"Manli, Xiao Cha won't let me go. If I go to jail, you will have a boyfriend in jail in the future. If others find out, they will scold you behind your back and stab you in the spine.

I don't want you because I was hurt, so we broke up before it happened.

In this way, even if I go to jail, I will not implicate you.

Manli, don't hesitate, go and pack up. "

Lu Huai said with knowledge and sincerity.

Every word is for her.

seems to really love her and treat her as everything...

However, the moment Qin Manli cried and fell into his arms, a smile appeared on Lu Huaizhi's face.

Jail is definitely out of the question.

He was just spreading rumors and causing trouble, so he was fined and detained for a few days, and he would not go to jail again.

However, the worse he said, the more Qin Manli worried about him, so a good scapegoat was in front of him, how could he not use it?

Although he can bear the result of spreading rumors, once Xiao Cha promotes it in the game and mentions it on the live broadcast platform, he can't go on.

He spread rumors about Xinghe because of his own selfish interests. If his fans knew about him, his personality would have collapsed, and fans would leave him. Without fans, it would be even more difficult for him to make a comeback.

And this kind of thing is like a top black material.

Even if he is popular on other live broadcast platforms in the future, if someone doesn't like him, he can also pull it out and bring it up again. This is a bomb that can kill him at any time.

Therefore, he must have a scapegoat to solve the matter.

Fortunately, Qin Manli is very knowledgeable.

Qin Manli cried for a while and said sobbing.

"Huaizhi, can I take care of you? You posted the post on the computer, we live together now, and there is no evidence that you posted the post, or it may be me!

I know your password, but I don't like Xiao Cha. I have a conflict with Xiao Cha. In order to retaliate against Xiao Cha, I deliberately spread rumors...

Huaizhi, this is what I finally can do for you. You have helped me so much, and I finally have a chance to repay you. "

Lu Huaizhi was overjoyed.

This is the result he wants.

However, Lu Huaizhi did not rush to agree, "Manli, no, it's my business, I won't allow you to do this for me! Don't say it anymore, I won't agree!!"

Qin Manli shook her head and smiled wryly.

"But Huaizhi, you have no other way.

You have to know that once this incident is made public by Xiao Cha, your fans will not be able to accept it, and your live broadcast... may also have problems.

And I am not like you, I have nothing, no matter how much I lose, I will lose nothing.

At that time, I will be better at admitting my mistake, and try to ask Xiao Cha to give me a chance... Huaizhi, don't refuse, I have already decided, if you insist on disagreeing with my method, I may do other things... …”


Lu Huaizhi pretended to be embarrassed and nodded.

The bottom of my heart has long been happy.

is so deceiving.

"Manli, I owe you too much, you are the kindest girl I have ever met, don't worry, I will not put you in jail, I will go and beg Xiao Cha to let you go, and give her some more money. , I believe there is always a solution..."

(end of this chapter)