Chapter 1660: Game Love (20)

Chapter 1660 Game Love (20)

Qin Manli nodded, agreeing with Lu Huaizhi's statement.

in her heart.

It doesn't matter if there is no solution.

She is willing to give everything for Lu Huaizhi.

The two exchanged a few words briefly. After Qin Manli confirmed the details, she came to Lu Huaizhi's room, turned on the computer, logged in to the account that posted on the forum, and opened a new post.

publicly apologized to Xiao Cha.

The content of the post directly tells the situation again.

[First of all, I apologize to Camellia, it's my problem, not Lu Huaizhi.

I have seen the lawyer's letter, but I didn't expect things to turn out like this. The post just now was secretly opened by Lu Huaizhi's computer and sent using his account.

I didn't expect that it would implicate Lu Huaizhi, so I sincerely apologize.

I framed Camellia because I was jealous of her. She and I were roommates before, but we separated because of conflicts, and were later taken in by Lu Huaizhi.

I wanted to teach Camellia a lesson, but accidentally hurt my benefactor...

I will bear the consequences no matter what. I hope that Lu Huaizhi will not be implicated in this matter, otherwise my conscience will be unhappy. 】

As soon as this post was published, it caused many people to watch the drama and eat melons.

The melons in the hands of the melon-eating crowd are almost scared away.

Although the content of this post is long, it can be shortened into a few paragraphs.

One: The person who made the post is Camellia's roommate.

2: Camellia sent a lawyer's letter to Lu Huaizhi.

3: Lu Huaizhi took in Camellia's roommate, and was misunderstood as the person who posted the post. Camellia's lawyer letter was wrong.

The representative of eating melon class will reply at the bottom of the post after summarizing.

A bunch of people were dazed and confused.

These days, it is not easy to eat a melon.

I also need to clarify the relationship between the characters first, and my heart is full.

Chacha was a little stunned when she saw the post, and it was easy to guess that this apology post was sent by Qin Manli.

She looked at the content of the post speechlessly.

She can be sure that the previous post that framed her was not sent by Qin Manli, but by Lu Huaizhi.

But she didn't expect that Lu Huaizhi would make Qin Manli a scapegoat to keep him out of the way.

is really... shameless.

Oh, that's not right, Lu Huaizhi has no face in the first place.

Sweet talk, good at confusing girls.

Chacha had no good feelings for Qin Manli.

Only boredom remains.

Now seeing Qin Manli being deceived round and round, she is a little speechless.

She neither pity Qin Manli nor sympathize with Qin Manli.

is pure emotion.

Girls should keep their eyes open.

Otherwise, after being hurt by a scumbag, it will be difficult to get out.

She also reminded Qin Manli before.

Unfortunately, Qin Manli didn't believe her, and only believed in Lu Huaizhi.

Put that dog thing on the apex.

After all, if she watched Qin Manli get deceived by Lu Huaizhi, she would be a little unhappy.

It's not that sympathy is overflowing, but that you don't want to see girls hurt by scumbags, and some people may not be able to get out of it for a lifetime.

Cha Cha stared at the phone and decided to finally pull Qin Manli.

After all, she didn't want to see Lu Huaizhi clean and stay out of it.

She lowered her eyes and pondered for a while.

The phone rang suddenly.

is a message from Xinghe.

Galaxy: Open the door.

With just two words   , Cha Cha inexplicably saw a bit of coldness.

"..." Does Xinghe know what happened on the forum?

should not be.

He should not go to the forum.

Cha Cha ran nervously to open the door.

Before he could say anything, he was pushed against the wall by Xinghe.

Chacha, "!!!"

With beautiful and smart eyes, I dare not look at the galaxy.

The sudden wall thump made me a little panicked.

And the progress suddenly accelerated, um, overwhelmed.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Xinghe asked in a calm voice.

Cha Cha raised his head and looked at him blankly, "What?"

"I think you look better than me."

Xinghe suddenly came up with such a sentence.

stared straight at her with a smile that was not a smile.

Chacha's little heart jumped up and down in an instant, and became even more nervous.

His words...

I guess I saw the post on the forum.

She sighed, "Did you see the post?"

Originally didn't want to let him know, but it turned out that if she hadn't poured money into him to attract his attention, the current situation would not have happened.

Speaking of which, it really caused him trouble.

Chacha was a little annoyed.

"I've troubled you."

Xinghe looked at her deeply, his throat rolled and whispered, "You didn't cause me trouble, I'm very happy."

The words fell, and Xinghe frowned.

He regretted it.

He shouldn't have said it so bluntly, I don't know if it will scare her. shouldn't be scared, right?

Didn't she come for him?

That should be very happy?

Galaxy is not sure to pay attention.

reached out and touched her head, intending to divert the sentence just now.

"The hair is quite soft," he said.

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, with doubts in his eyes.

for a moment.

She pulled his clothes.

"You just said you were happy! Is that what I meant?"

Does it matter whether the hair is soft or not?

Not important!

The most important thing is whether you are happy or not!

Xinghe tilted his head, a little afraid to look her in the eyes, "I don't understand what you are saying, I still have something to do, I'll go back first."

Galaxy is about to leave.

Cha Cha pulled his clothes with a little force and pulled him back.

A strange light flashed in his smart eyes.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I can tell you slowly, I'm very patient."

Xinghe, "..." What if the little girl is too straightforward?

He seemed unable to hold back any longer.

"You don't need to speak slowly, I barely understand..." Xinghe lowered his eyes unnaturally, not daring to look at her.

As Zeng Lin said, the iron tree blooms in ten thousand years.

The result of    flowering is… overwhelmed.

I don't know how to face her, the inexperienced Xinghe can only rely on subconscious behavior.

"Don't force yourself to understand, let's talk slowly, since you read the post, then I'll tell you frankly, although the content of the post is nonsense, but I do like you."

Otherwise, she wouldn't spend so much money.

Xinghe stood there, her indifferent and calm face suddenly turned red when she heard her last words.

"I, I..." I spent a long time, but I didn't make any difference.

Chacha, "..." Xinghe seems to be a little boy who has never been in love.

actually still blush? ? ?

Chacha, "Do you want to tell me something? You can just jump out one word at a time."

Xinghe, "...Who wants to jump out word by word, I don't stutter." It was just a little nervous.

However, some words really can’t be said. Xinghe thought about it. Since he can’t say it, it should be possible to show it with actions.

He lowered his eyes, freed one hand to clasp the little girl's chin, and lowered his head to kiss her.

Seven-seven, "..." Hey! shameless!

is obviously a big bad wolf, pretending to be an innocent boy.

Bah, you know cheating tea.

(end of this chapter)