Chapter 1661: Game Love (21)

Chapter 1661 Game Love (21)

After a long time.

Xinghe held Chacha's hand and came to the living room.

He looked a little embarrassed.

Afraid that she would feel abrupt.

casually found a new topic and wanted to divert his attention.

"Now there is a new post, what are you going to do with it."

Xinghe said with an unnatural expression.

Chacha, "I don't deal with it very much. Since the person said it was her post, then send another lawyer's letter directly, and then make an appointment to meet in the afternoon."

she frowned as she spoke.

subconsciously raised his hand to touch the corner of his mouth.

It hurts a bit.

Cha Cha was not too happy to see the Milky Way.

I saw someone who was very active just now, but now I don't dare to look at her at all.

Cha Cha's head full of black lines stretched out his hand to break his head, "Look at me!"

Galaxy, "I..."

Chacha, "Look at me, see if the corners of my mouth are broken?" Well, her prosperous beauty!

The corners of her mouth are broken, and her beauty is about to be discounted.

Xing He heard the words and looked over immediately.

Sure enough, the corners of his mouth were torn and bloodshot.

"I didn't mean to, I went to get the medicine..." I just couldn't control my strength for a while, maybe that's how it is.

Galaxy was a little annoyed by his behavior.

She was not angry, but the corners of her mouth were broken and unhappy.

Xinghe clumsily went to apply medicine to Chacha, Chacha looked at Xinghe's trembling hands, helplessly held his wrist, and stared at Xinghe carefully.

"You are usually aloof, why don't you look right when you see me now? What about your aloofness?" Boy, your aloof personality is broken.

Blushing, innocent, afraid to look at her...

Compare with before.

Tsk, the character design collapse is too obvious.

There is still a contrast cuteness?

is simply incredible.

Galaxy, "..."

He thinks that he just hasn't been in a relationship, has no experience, and doesn't communicate much with girls. When he gets to know him again, he can feel it, and it should be fine...

Forget it, go back and ask Zeng Lin for advice.

Zeng Lin should be very experienced.

Seeing that Xinghe became more and more embarrassed, Chacha stopped teasing him.

Go back and find an opportunity to tease him again.

Well, think about it for a moment, a boy who usually looks very cold, blushes and stutters when he kisses his girlfriend, this contrast... It's really tempting.


Qin Manli soon received a new lawyer's letter.

Xiao Cha's lawyer is very fast.

Because in the same city, the speed is simply against the sky.

During this period, it was less than an hour.

Qin Manli looked at the lawyer's letter, and the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

In this way, Lu Huaizhi will be fine.

She took the lawyer's letter into Lu Huaizhi's room, vaguely heard Lu Huaizhi explaining to others, and seeing her come in, Lu Huaizhi's voice stopped abruptly.

Lu Huaizhi immediately hung up the phone when he saw Qin Manli.

then looked at her with a smile, "My agent called me, thanks to you this time, if it weren't for you, I would definitely be finished, and my future might be ruined."

Qin Manli clenched the lawyer's letter in her hand, her fingertips turning white.

"I'm glad I can help you."

She was not worthy of Lu Huaizhi.

After this time, he may be even less worthy of Lu Huaizhi.

Qin Manli fell into sorrow.

Happy and sad in my heart.

I am glad that I can help Lu Huaizhi.

I am sad that the distance between myself and Lu Huaizhi is getting farther and farther.

Lu Huaizhi reached out and hugged the person into his arms.

"Manly, I will always remember you, and I will always love you."

"Huaizhi..." Qin Manli shouted, burying her head in his arms, hugging him tightly.

He is the luck of her life.

Without him, she doesn't even know what to do with the rest of her life.

Lu Huaizhi knew that Qin Manli had received a lawyer's letter, which also meant that Xiao Chahui would let him go.


He only did not expect that Xiao Cha would take the initiative to meet him and Qin Manli.

Lu Huaizhi was unsure and a little worried.

But when he thought of Qin Manli's feelings for him, he had nothing to worry about.

Even if Xiao Cha really suspects that he did it, but she has no evidence, Qin Manli loves her so much, and it has nothing to do with him, so there is nothing to worry about.

The time for the appointment was at two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's not even twelve o'clock now, just in time to have lunch before going to the appointed place.

Lu Huaizhi is just in case.

has been acting as an affectionate character, taking good care of Qin Manli.

This made Qin Manli very relieved.


Two in the afternoon.

Qin Manli and Lu Huaizhi showed up at the cafe on time.

Chacha and Galaxy also appeared.

At the same time, there is another man, in a suit and leather shoes, mature and stable, who is a successful person at first sight.

Cha Cha bent her lips when she saw the two of them.

"Do you know why I asked you out?"

Lu Huaizhi shook Qin Manli's hand, looked at her affectionately, and then replied, "It's because of the posts on the forum, right?"

Cha Cha, "Well, I won't talk nonsense, this is my lawyer, I will work hard for my lawyer to discuss this matter with you, of course, since this matter was done by Qin Manli, it will not implicate you. Huaizhi, I am a very bright and upright person, so I won't do some shameful things."

When the    voice fell, Lu Huaizhi's face was a little ugly.


The lawyer solemnly stated the consequences of this incident.

The fine is light, but it will be detained for five to ten days.

and will leave a record.

This is a very troublesome thing for Qin Manli.

Lu Huaizhi looked at Qin Manli worriedly, then at Chacha.

"Ms. Xiao, you and Man Li have been college roommates for a few years. It's really her fault. Give her another chance and we'll solve it in private. Can you see it?"

If it can be resolved privately, it would be best.

If he can't, he has nothing to lose. Anyway, Qin Manli was detained instead of him.

Cha Cha Dan smiled and looked back at Lu Huaizhi.

"I always look at my mood when I do things. What's more, Qin Manli made a mistake in this matter, but it's not impossible to solve it in private, but I'm not short of money, as you all know, I'm rich."

"What do you want?" Qin Manli looked at her with red eyes. "Are you so ruthless that you have to kill me? I don't have any money for you, and I have nothing. If I am detained, I will detain me. I have nothing to say! But Xiao Cha, I hate you, I hate you!"

Cha Cha's face instantly turned cold.

"Your attitude makes me very unhappy, and the consequences of my unhappiness are very serious."

People like Qin Manli should be beaten by society.

She actually wanted to give her a hand?

Oh, sorry, she didn't have a brain.

Cha Cha stood up.

threw the information to Qin Manli.

"You like Lu Huaizhi so much, you have to know what he is like?

I heard that you are in a relationship now? But it's a pity, he has several girlfriends at the same time, which can also be called bed and companion.

Originally, I thought you were stupid, and I wanted to give you a hand when I was deceived. Now it seems unnecessary, and there is no need to say this euphemistically.

Student Qin, please accept the beatings of society.

Congratulations on being played around by him, and being willingly made a scapegoat by him, tsk tsk, this earth-shattering love...

I was so touched.

My lawyer will take full charge of the following matters, I hope we never see each other again. "

After that, Cha Cha took Xing He and left without looking back.

(end of this chapter)