Chapter 1662: Game Love (22)

Chapter 1662 Game Love (22)

Cha Cha pulled Xing He away after he finished speaking.

Never look at Qin Manli again.

for fear that her IQ will be lowered by her.

Galaxy followed her footsteps cooperatively.

And Lu Huaizhi stood up with an ugly face and hurriedly caught up with the two.

Outside the cafe.

Lu Huaizhi blocked the two.

It turned out that Xiao Cha knew what he had done, so he turned his eyes against him in the blink of an eye.

As for how Xiao Cha knew, he no longer wanted to ask. Anyway, now that Xiao Cha knew his true face, he had nothing to disguise.

But he was not reconciled.

So even if he was dying, he had to give it a try.

Lu Huaizhi looked at Xinghe, and a hint of malice suddenly appeared in his heart, and he spoke slowly.

"Do you think she really likes you? She just treats you as a toy, just like me. She used to be very kind to me and treated me like everything, but in the end, didn't she just kick me away? She even kicked me hard. Stomping on my feet and obliterating all my efforts?

Galaxy, my today is your future!

One day, Xiao Cha will meet a new toy and throw you away. At that time, your end will not be any better than mine! "

Provoking the relationship between the two of them is probably the only thing he can do now.

Today's everything came unexpectedly.

He never thought that Xiao Cha would expose him directly in front of Qin Manli.

A lot of things are too late to think about.

He does whatever comes to his mind, regardless of the consequences.

Cha Cha looked at Lu Huaizhi slowly.

The hatred in his eyes became more obvious.

"You still want to provoke my relationship with Xinghe? Stupid!"

She pulled Xinghe, crossed Lu Huaizhi, and left without looking back.

The steady pace was slightly messy.

Xinghe smiled helplessly, "I don't believe a word of what he said, so don't be nervous, don't worry."

Hear his voice.

Cha Cha paused and looked back at him.

"I'm neither nervous nor in a hurry, I'm just **** off by Lu Huaizhi that dog."

Still thinking of sowing discord at the last moment?

is simply hopeless.

"Chacha, don't curse."

Galaxy reminded softly.

Lu Huaizhi didn't deserve to be scolded by his little girl.

"Well, okay, don't scold people." But is Lu Huaizhi a human? She scolded the dog thing...

Xinghe raised his hand and touched her head, gently hugging her into the car.

Thinking of what Lu Huaizhi said just now, his eyes became a little colder.

It's easy to solve a problem with a simple road.

At that time.

in the cafe.

Qin Manli looked at the documents in disbelief.

She didn't believe that Lu Huaizhi would be such a person.

These materials must be falsified.

Xiao Cha is so rich, what is fake information?

is not a problem at all.

She believed that Lu Huaizhi was neither a liar nor a scumbag.

Not even deceiving her feelings!

Qin Manli threw the documents on the table and stared at the lawyer in front of her with red eyes, "Go and tell Xiao Cha that she wants to provoke my relationship with Lu Huaizhi, she is dreaming! As a lawyer, you are not afraid of retribution for helping Zhou in his mistreatment. !"

Attorney, "..." If it wasn't for money, he wouldn't waste time here with a mentally retarded.

Lu Huai knows that there is no doubt that the scumbag is a scumbag, but this little girl is too stupid.

The truth is in front of you, but you still don’t believe it?

is really funny.

The lawyer shook his head, silently picked up the messy documents on the desktop, and organized them one by one in an orderly manner.

"Since Miss Qin insists on believing that she is not seeing the wrong person, then please go to the police station with me. I suggest you cooperate a little bit, it will be good for you, maybe you can save a day of detention."

Qin Manli's expression changed.

After all that, after so much tossing, why don't you still have to call the police and detain her?

She turned her head and looked at Lu Huaizhi outside through the window.

Seeing him standing there motionless, Qin Manli left the cafe and ran towards him with twinkling eyes.

"Huaizhi, I read the information Xiao Cha gave me, but I don't believe her, she must be falsifying and deliberately destroying our relationship!

She just doesn't want us to have a better time, she's too vicious! "

Qin Manli eagerly expressed her opinion, as if trying to prove something.

Lu Huaizhi raised his head and nodded gently.

"Well, thank you for believing in me."

Lu Huaizhi, who regained his sanity, has not forgotten his current situation.

Anyway, there is Qin Manli, a silly scapegoat.

The truth is put in front of you and you don't believe it.

Where to find such a stupid girl?

just finished using it, and kicked it away.

A fool like    is easy to deceive and coax.

When    kicks away, he won't cause too much damage to himself.

Qin Manli looked at his gentle expression and smiled knowingly.

She knew that her embrace was the most gentle.

Qin Manli, "Then I'll go to the police station with the lawyer now to settle this matter, and we can live happily ever after."

She looks like a little girl immersed in love, innocent and firmly believes in her boyfriend.

I firmly believe in those fairy tales that will last forever.

Lu Huaizhi didn't break her fantasy, and responded cooperatively.

He even took the initiative to send her to the police station.

The lawyer watched all this silently.

Is the number of scumbags so powerful now?

Oh, it's also possible that Qin Manli has no brains...

Before entering the police station, the lawyer asked Qin Manli twice if she really wanted to be the scapegoat.

Qin Manli not only did not thank him for his words, but felt that he was very impatient.

"Aren't you a lawyer? Why are you so annoying? Can't you be faster?"

Lawyer, "...Okay, I hope you don't regret it later."

He sighed.

looked at the man not far away.

I don't know what drug Lu Huaizhi gave Qin Manli.

is so determined...

According to the previous situation.

The police fined and detained Qin Manli.

The lawyer repeated the results to Chacha one by one.

Cha Cha snorted, "Then according to this, detain Qin Manli for a few days to see if she is sober and stupid. As for Lu Huaizhi? I escaped this time, and the next time, where will so many Qin Manli come from? Make him a scapegoat."

hang up the phone.

She silently nestled on the sofa.

Just this morning.

The process of the live broadcast company has been completed.

She is now the boss of the company.

also means that she is the boss.

As for Lu Huaizhi, tsk tsk, isn't it easy for a small employee in the company to take care of him?

Thinking about it, Cha Cha laughed.

Galaxy came over at the right time.

"What do you think? So happy?"

He took the washed grapes and came to Cha Cha.

Chacha, "I'm thinking about how to deal with Lu Huaizhi! I've already figured out how to torture him!"

Galaxy's slender fingers pinched a grape and brought it to Cha Cha's lips.

Chacha took a bite out of his mouth.

Sweet and sour, the taste is just right.

"Sweet?" Xinghe asked again.


Milky way, of course it's sweet.

She blinked, followed by pinching a grape and sending it to Xinghe's lips.

"You taste it."

Galaxy, "..."

Suddenly, he replied, "Well, it's very sweet."

(end of this chapter)