Chapter 1663: Game Love (23)

Chapter 1663 Game Love (23)

Chacha smiled and waited for Xinghe to continue feeding.


Xinghe actually stood up and took the grapes away.

Chacha, "???"

She blinked, confused.

"Don't go!"

Her grapes!

Xinghe looked back at her with a calm expression.

"I think feeding you grapes will disturb your thinking about Lu Huaizhi, so don't eat it."

Mingming didn't settle the account just now, but after letting her taste the grapes, she suddenly started to settle the account...

Cha Cha got up from the sofa in a complicated mood.

Just about to chase.

saw Xinghe leave the apartment with grapes.

went straight back to the apartment opposite.

chacha, “…”

She chased after her without saying a word.

Anyway, the two apartments face each other and are very close.

Xing He sat on the sofa with grapes on the coffee table in front of him.

He looked up at the little girl standing at the entrance.

"Don't you want to continue thinking about Lu Huaizhi? Why did you come to me?"

Galaxy asked with a smile.

But now.

Looking at his smile, Cha Cha only felt that the surrounding air was cold.

She seems to have discovered another characteristic of Xinghe: jealousy.

She obviously didn't miss Lu Huaizhi, she was thinking about how to deal with Lu Huaizhi, how could she be jealous even while riding a horse?

The vinegar jar was turned over?

He even brought her grapes away?

Forget it, let’s coax it.

I don't know where the Xinghe, who blushed after kissing, went to...

She hurried to the sofa.

Yigulu threw himself on Xinghe.

"I didn't think about Lu Huaizhi! Who is Lu Huaizhi? Which shit? I don't know, I don't know, I only know you, and I only like you!"

The little girl is soft and fragrant.

Xinghe wrapped his arms around her waist, afraid that she would fall.

After a few words flutteringly, he felt all the displeasure in his heart dissipated.

Although she knew she was making him happy, she was still very happy.

Xinghe smiled, "Eat grapes."

"Yeah!" The little girl in her arms nodded happily.

It seems that she has nothing to lose.

Just... ran to his apartment inexplicably and was held in his arms by him.

For the sake of him feeding the grapes, she thought she didn't know his thoughts...

Today is also a day to pamper Galaxy!

Qiqi, […I am jealous. 】

Chacha, "Good."



When   Xinghe was broadcasting live, Chacha was in the study room of his apartment.

Because he doesn't show his face, as long as Chacha doesn't make a sound, he doesn't worry about being known by fans.

stayed in his study for a while.

Cha Cha turned around and went to the living room.

The living room is a short distance from the study.

In the living room, at least she didn't dare to make a sound without being tied up.

As soon as he came to the living room.

Chacha couldn't wait to open two packets of small snacks.

Enjoy the happiness brought by snacks.

narrowed his eyes and immediately thought of Lu Huaizhi.

Yes, I almost forgot about that dog thing.

She hasn't started yet!

Chacha got up and opened the live broadcast software.

Then I saw Lu Huaizhi's live broadcast room on the homepage of the live broadcast. This is a recommendation position. The recommendation position on the homepage can allow more people to see the anchor.

It stands to reason that Lu Huaizhi should not be able to get this recommendation position. This resource is very good and very good. Many anchors want to stay on the homepage for a while after they have broken their heads.

Now it is Lu Huaizhi's position on the homepage.

Chacha looked at it for a while unhappy.

Then took the trumpet and entered the Lu Huaizhi live broadcast room.

After three seconds.

Cha Cha cursed in anger.

Lu Huaizhi is too scheming!

He actually put makeup on himself.

Makeup is not the key, the key is that Lu Huaizhi actually used the effect of make-up to sell miserably.

Look at Lu Huaizhi from the screen.

I saw Lu Huaizhi's face was pale, his lips were bloodless, and his eyes were dark and blue. He didn't know what was going on.

However, under such circumstances, Lu Huaizhi did not have a trace of blood in his eyes, instead he looked very energetic.

But Lu Huaizhi deliberately suppressed it.

This allowed Cha Cha to peep into his mind for a second.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to sell miserably.

The things on the game forum should be known to many people. Many of the fans who watched his live broadcast played this game.

Yes, many people know that Lu Huaizhi was misunderstood.

It was obviously his roommate who did it, but he was stunned.

Fortunately, his roommate still had a bit of conscience and came forward to explain the matter, otherwise Lu Huaizhi would have been scolded by many people...

Fans began to feel sorry for Lu Huaizhi when they thought of this.

Looking at Lu Huaizhi's pale face again, he felt even more distressed.

After Lu Huaizhi said a few simple words, fans began to frantically buy gifts.

Simply put, he intends to spend money to comfort him.

Chacha calmly looked for the operation of the live broadcast platform, and then also learned about the resources of why Lu Huaizhi could get the recommendation position on the homepage.

It is precisely because of what happened on the game forum that the operation felt that Lu Huaizhi had gained some popularity in this incident, and he just took advantage of this popularity to push a wave.

Unexpectedly, Lu Huaizhi offended the new boss...

Chacha did not care about operations.

Directly ask the operation to remove Lu Huaizhi's live broadcast room on the homepage and replace it with someone else's, or anyone else's, just can't let Lu Huaizhi appear on the homepage of the live broadcast software!

The operation is understood in seconds, and the work is done immediately.

In less than a minute, Lu Huaizhi was removed from the homepage.

Lu Huaizhi's fans found out after five minutes.

They swiped the barrage in the live broadcast room to ask Lu Huaizhi what happened. There was no reason to remove it for no reason. The time has not yet come, so it should not be removed so suddenly.

Lu Huaizhi was also confused.

Although he was very flustered, he still pretended to be calm and called his assistant, asked the assistant to ask about the situation, and then continued the live broadcast.

Immediately afterwards, fans felt even more distressed.

The    assistant definitely won't be able to get any information.

No one dared to offend her new boss.

There will be no blind person bumping into it at such a time.

And the company's manager and deputy manager, etc., hurriedly told the people below to be strict with their mouths!

Do not implicate their bosses by seeking death yourself.

Although Lu Huaizhi has doubts, it is not easy to go to the company to ask. After all, in the company, the anchors who have the right to speak are very popular anchors.

He has no right to speak yet.

can only live stream honestly and quietly.

Chacha was not interested in Lu Huaizhi's live broadcast, so he turned off the computer.

She didn't want to target Lu Huaizhi so quickly.

Lu Huaizhi couldn't wait to sell so badly, so she can't be blamed.

for days in a row.

Lu Huaizhi finally realized that something was wrong.

As if someone deliberately targeted him, there were frequent incidents in the live broadcast room.

He was very suspicious that it was Xiao Cha who did it.

But...Xiao Cha is not a member of the company, even if he is a big boss of krypton gold, it is impossible to tell the senior management of the company to sit.

But, something is wrong.

Until Lu Huaizhi's assistant suddenly called Lu Huaizhi.

said that the company arranged for him to be the assistant of another anchor.

Lu Huaizhi, "??? Then who is my new assistant?"

Little assistant, "Sorry, you don't have a new assistant."

Lu Huaizhi, "..."

The company is targeting him!

Even his assistant was withdrawn?

is too deceiving!

(end of this chapter)