Chapter 1668: killer ruthless (1)

Chapter 1668 Killer is ruthless (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

Fortune Gold Level 9, the distance to Gold Level 10, the progress is 40%.

Lucky Supreme Card drops a card immediately. 】

Cha Cha raised his hand skillfully.

A card with pale golden light fell on her palm.

The palms moved slightly.

The words on the    card appeared in front of him: Killer.

The next plane is related to the killer.

could also be her identity.

or directly related to the main thread.

Chacha didn’t say much.

"Rest for a while before entering the next plane."


turned into a little milk cat, Qiqi, and rubbed beside Chacha.

I didn't think it was good to be a cat before, but now I'm used to being a cat, and Qiqi likes her identity more and more.

Little milk cat is cute and soft.

You can act coquettishly in front of Chacha.

With such a cute appearance, Chacha couldn't bear to kill it, it was so beautiful.

Of course, it would be even better if you could follow Chacha to the plane all the time.


When Cha Cha woke up, he gasped immediately as he made a move.

Pain all over his body.

This body seems to have been beaten and seriously injured.

She frowned and looked down at her injury.

There are not only skin injuries, but also serious internal injuries.

Especially on her shoulders, she could smell blood.

With his intact right hand, he gently tore off his clothes.

Sure enough, there was a sword wound on his left shoulder, and it looked like he was injured not long ago.

Chacha thought about it and bought a bottle of good medicine from the system store.

By the way, I checked it in the system mall.

There are many items on this plane that allow her to purchase them.

However, these items are of little interest to her.

All are weapons.

Knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, whips, hammers and other weapons.

Further down, there are some good wound medicines, poisons, etc.

Cha Cha pursed her lips, and it felt so good to hang up.

The good wound medicine was sprinkled on the shoulder, and gauze was wrapped around the wound.

at the same time.

Chacha didn't waste time either.

quickly received the relevant memory.


The country where the original owner is located is called the New Moon Country.

The place where    is located is called Tingfeng Pavilion.

Tingfeng Pavilion is very famous in Shuoyue Kingdom, and everyone hears it.

It is a killer group.

Pavilion Master Tingfeng aims to cultivate killers.

So that qualified killers can complete the task of listening to the wind distribution.

Tingfeng is a person who is particularly good at running killer organizations.

is very smart.

Tingfeng Pavilion's killers have a rank ranking.

From high to bottom.

The    grades are divided into four major grades: Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang.

There are ten people in each level, and then they are ranked according to the excellence of the killer.

The row numbers are from high to low.

Tianzi grade: Tianyi is the most powerful, followed by Tian2, Tian3, Tian4... Tian10.

Next, one, two... ten.

Xuanyi, Xuan Er... Xuan Shi.

Yellow One, Yellow Two... Yellow Ten.

After    Huang Shi, he is an unknown killer, a killer without a rank title, that is, a low-level killer in Tingfeng Pavilion.

The treatment of the killer is also based on the level.

Sky-level killers are the best, followed by Earth-level killers.

And Tianyi, as the first person in the sky, is naturally the best-treated person among all the people in the sky.

There are four levels of assassins in Tiandi and Xuanhuang, and they can dispatch unknown killers at will.

In addition to obeying orders, these unknown killers also have to deal with people of the moment. Of course, these people can also change their situation.

No matter it is an unknown killer or a killer of the heaven and earth Xuanhuang level, you can challenge the person of the upper level.

If you win, the loser who is challenged abdicates from the level he was in, and the winner takes his place.

Therefore, the ten killers with the yellow character are constantly changing. Everyone wants to live a good life and want to climb up, and the people with the yellow character are naturally often challenged.

Keep your place and keep enjoying everything.

If you can't keep your position, then roll down.

The killer of the heaven and earth level will not change so frequently.

Because the strength is too strong, when many people want to challenge, they will look forward and backward, and no one dares to challenge without a certain degree of certainty.

It is because of this hierarchy.

The killers of Tingfengge Everyone worked hard.

Because if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

The development of Tingfeng Pavilion is also very terrifying. In just three years, it has developed into the No. 1 killer organization of the Moon Moon Country.

The original owner was the killer of Tingfeng Pavilion.

ranked Tianyi.

The first person in the Tianzi level.

has great power.

Tianyi is not a name, but a title.

The original owner was an orphan. A few years ago, he was a wanderer and had no name. He was met by Tingfeng by chance, and after he took a fancy to it, he followed Tingfeng.

Tingfeng established Tingfeng Pavilion, and she followed into Tingfeng Pavilion, and later became Tianyi with terrifying strength.

The original owner, who didn't even have a name except for the title, was destined to be a tragedy in his life.

The original owner was moved by Tingfeng.

First, he was rescued by Tingfeng, no longer wandering, and then he was taught by Tingfeng carefully. After spending a few years together, it is normal to be emotional.

Unfortunately, Tingfeng has no feelings for her.

Anyone can use it for listening to the wind.

And the original owner, as Tianyi of Tingfeng Pavilion, naturally wants to use all the value of the original owner cleanly.

After realizing that the original owner had affection for him.

did not hesitate to use it to the extreme.

Tingfeng always said to her: I only believe in you and only you.

Use again and again.

damage again and again.

Every time the original owner wanted to escape, he would soften his heart because he heard the wind.

And listen to the wind, know that she has the mind to escape.

Start to use the original owner to cultivate the next day one early.

Tingfeng is very optimistic about a girl named Yingwu.

Yingwu is very similar to the original owner, and was brought back by Tingfeng.

In order to stay by Tingfeng's side, he worked hard to climb up.

But Tingfeng did not allow her to challenge those killers, and let her stay by the original owner.

Ting Feng's request to Ying Wu was: Take Tianyi as a target, and no killers of any level except Tianyi are allowed to challenge.

Challenge Tianyi and replace the original owner to become a new Tianyi.

This goal took root in Ying Wu's heart like a seed, and grew wildly.

Later, Ying Wu successfully replaced Tian Yi's position.

The original owner became an unknown killer from Tianyi.

was arbitrarily bullied by those who disliked her.

Many people like to watch the gods fall.

And the original owner stayed in Tianyi's position for three years, which has long attracted the jealousy and resentment of many people.

Because of martial arts, I usually don't dare to do anything to her.

Now he has become an unknown killer, the lowest level person, and the situation can be imagined.

The original owner could have escaped.

But she was disheartened.

Because at the moment Ying Wu replaced her and became the new Tianyi.

She realized that Tingfeng didn't have any feelings for her.

To him, she was just a murder weapon.

Nothing more than that.

Later, the original owner died.

died on the day Ying Wu and Tingfeng got married.

Her life is like a joke.

Years of love can't match a new Yingwu.

The cold heart she was trying to warm was warmed by others.

His feelings, his warmth, were given to Ying Wu who replaced her as Tian Yi...



There is hatred and resentment.

I hate myself for not seeing it sooner.

complained that he didn't escape sooner.

(end of this chapter)