Chapter 1669: Killer Relentless (2)

Chapter 1669 Killer is ruthless (2)

If there is a chance to do it again.

She will never make the same mistake again.

will not foolishly hold a heart and let people trample on it.


Cha Cha raised his hand and pressed his temple.

The opportunity for the original owner has come.

She won't make the same mistake again.

She got up and looked at the room.

Beautiful corals, fine porcelain, precious rosewood, and luminous pearls and suet jade that can be seen everywhere are enough to show how rich the original owner was.

This is the life that Tianyi enjoys.

Everything is the best in Tingfeng Pavilion.

No wonder so many people are envious.

Cha Cha picked out a new piece of clothes from the closet, changed the blood-stained clothes, and just after finishing, someone knocked on the door.

"Miss Tianyi, the pavilion master has an invitation."

"Well, I see." Cha Cha replied.

Seeing the original owner's sword, she picked it up and held it in her hand.

As a killer, the sword should never leave the body.

She left the room.

Follow the maid.

The original owner knew the route of Tingfeng Pavilion very well. Naturally, Chacha could directly judge that the route of this maid was wrong.

This is not the route to the Tingfeng residence.

is the way to the competition arena.

Her expression paused.

quickly found the timeline.

is today, the original owner has been reduced from the level of heaven to an unknown killer.

The original owner just performed a task yesterday.

was seriously injured.

Others may not know, but the original owner must know about Ying Wu.

Ying Wu occasionally performs tasks with the original owner.

Yesterday's mission was ordered by the wind.

Designate the original owner to execute.

The original owner could have refused, but because she was following Feng's orders, she did not want to refuse.

Yingwu stayed in Tingfeng Pavilion.

In that mission, the original owner almost lost half his life.

Ying Wu even brought some wound medicine to her in the morning.

But in the blink of an eye, he wanted to compete with her.

is really taking advantage of her illness to kill her.

In the memory of the original owner, I was very impressed with today.

was also the day when the original owner was disheartened.

The original owner knew that yesterday's mission was deliberately designed by Tingfeng, in order to help Yingwu replace her as the new Tianyi while she was injured.

Cha Cha droops the eyelashes.

to replace her?

That may disappoint Ying Wu and Ting Feng.

The original owner will lose to Ying Wu due to injury.

But she won't.

She clenched the sword in her hand.

The chill of the sword body was passed down her palm to the bottom of her heart.


A man was sitting high on the field.

Dressed in clean white clothes, with a slight smile on his face, even though he behaved very gently, he could still feel his coolness and alienation.

In the middle of the competition arena, the woman in white is calm and calm, holding a sharp sword, and there are bursts of chills between her eyebrows, as if she is bound to win this competition.

And around the arena, there were people.

Tiandi Xuanhuang's killers of all levels, except for those who did not return from the mission, are all here, of course, including some unknown killers, who were lucky enough to squeeze in to watch the competition, but unfortunately did not have the opportunity to watch the play.

Cha Cha tapped his toes and jumped to a short distance from the middle of the competition arena.

She looked at Ying Wu a few meters away indifferently.

Without any extra expression, he turned his head to look at Tingfeng on the field.

She said, "This competition is supported by the pavilion master himself, the pavilion owner has worked hard."

listened to the wind and smiled lightly.

Sharp eyes fell on her.

seems to be different from before, but nothing different.

Hearing the wind lightly said, "Ying Wu is also the one you brought out. She wants to challenge you today. As the pavilion owner, I am very pleased with her bravery and pursuit."

Cha Cha suddenly set his eyes on Ying Wu.

She curled her lips, her eyes full of irony.

"It's a good thing for young people to have courage and pursuit, but I suggest that Yingwu girl should have a good understanding of how the four words "sky high ground thick" are written."

I don’t know how high the sky is, it’s you!

Yingwu's face flashed with displeasure.

didn't move.

Probably felt that the injured Tianyi was holding on.

"Ying Wu would like to thank Senior Tianyi for reminding me. It's just that in the competition field, you still need to see the true chapter of your strength. Please enlighten me."

Yingwu held the sword and clenched his fist, and his body was often cold.

Cha Cha looked at her slowly.

Want to take her place?

Join together to calculate her?

Tsk, what a pity, the person I met was her.

Yingwu wields a sharp sword, her figure looks like a wandering dragon, her coldness and killing intent are at the same time, and each sword is full of strength.

Chacha is not in a hurry to fight back.

Ying Wu's every sword, she avoided perfectly.

Soon, fine sweat appeared on Ying Wu's face.

Off the field, there were gradually people talking.

"Strange, why didn't Master Tianyi fight back!"

"Why do you keep hiding?"

"It's too embarrassing to be chased and hide!"

"Isn't Master Tianyi powerful? Today is too disappointing."

"Looks like Master Tianyi is dead."

"There are talented people in the country, and it's time for Tianyi to replace them."


Ting Feng's expression gradually flashed doubts.

This is not like Tianyi's style.

She doesn't dodge all the time.

Or is she procrastinating?

Yingwu gradually developed a little anger.

"Tianyi! If you keep hiding, when will this competition end?"

She knew that taking advantage of Tianyi's injury to compete with him was taking advantage of the danger of others.

But so what?

Who hurt Tianyi!

Since she was injured, it's no wonder she did it.

Such a good opportunity, she has no reason to let it go!

Cha Cha finally showed a smile.

smiled meaningfully.

"Can't you see that I'm teasing you? It just so happens that I don't want to play anymore. If you challenge me, you will have to pay the price of challenging me."

Cha Cha slashed with a backhand sword.

The swordsmanship is like a broken bamboo, but with one move, Ying Wu was forced to retreat again and again.

Yingwu was horrified, is it so powerful?

He was seriously injured.

No, she can't lose!


The hands-on Chacha, every sword Ying Wu couldn't bear lightly, either forced back or could bear it.

It was a scene where there was no win at all.

on the field.

Listening to Feng's leisurely expression suddenly became a little more complicated.

He seems to have underestimated Tianyi's strength...

The dark eyes, dark and unclear, bottomless.

No one knew what he was thinking.

Cha Cha was calm and calm, admiring Ying Wu's embarrassed posture.

"Suddenly I'm tired and don't want to play anymore.

You have been by my side for a long time, and I will teach you one last time.

Remember: seniors are always seniors! "

The words fall.

She figured very quickly, even holding a sword flower with a smile.

Knives, lights, swords, shadows, in an instant.

Yingwu was stabbed and fell heavily on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

The winner and loser are already divided.

The arena was silent and fell into a long silence.

Because, no one could see how Chacha hurt Yingwu.

Her sword is fast and steady.

Even, there was no blood on the sword.

this moment.

Everyone has only one idea.

In the early stage, she was really teasing Yingwu. If she did it directly, it is estimated that Yingwu would not be able to catch a single move...

This strength, the gap is too big.

Tianzi and others were silent and did not dare to make a sound.

Sure enough, not challenging Tianyi was the right decision.

In the end, he is still a new young man.

Crisp applause came, listening to the wind got up from the stage.

slowly came to Cha Cha and looked at her with a smile.

"Ying Wu's challenge failed, Tianyi is still Tianyi."


Friendly reminder: Tingfeng is not a male protagonist~

(end of this chapter)