Chapter 1670: Killer Relentless (3)

Chapter 1670 Killer is ruthless (3)

Chacha clearly saw the killing intent flashing in Tingfeng's eyes.

A man of unfathomable strength.

For listening to the wind.

I'm afraid I don't want her to live anymore.

She means variable, means out of control.

A master like Ting Feng.

I want everything under control...

Never allow the existence of variables.

Cha Cha just pretended that he didn't see anything, won Ying Wu, turned around and left.

Too lazy to say a few more words with Tingfeng.

After she turned and left, Ting Feng frowned unhappily.

He glanced at Ying Wu, who was vomiting blood on the ground, and said coldly, "Useless thing."

He created such a good opportunity for her, yet she still lost like this.

Yingwu heard Tingfeng's words, and a little grievance rose in her heart.

She didn't expect that Tianyi would be so powerful.

Even though she was injured so badly, she still beat her to the ground, she couldn't resist it at all.

has no power to fight back.

Yingwu lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

I was a little dissatisfied with Tianyi in my heart.

She has been with Tianyi for so long, and she never knew that Tianyi still has such a fast swordsmanship.


These days, Tianyi has been guarding her, and he doesn't consider her his own at all.

Also said to teach her?

I'm afraid I'm just waiting for this day to see her jokes?

The contest ended with Tianyi’s overwhelming victory.

listen to the wind and leave.

The crowd also dispersed.

I originally thought that a new person would emerge and become a new Tianyi.

After all, many people in Tingfeng Pavilion know that Ying Wu is the person that the pavilion master likes, and in order to hone her, she specially let her follow Tianyi's side.

This is a treatment that no one has ever had.

And now, Ying Wu has not defeated Tian Yi.

In addition to being a little disappointed, many people are also a little gloating.

Look, the people the pavilion master likes are nothing more than that.

If I want to become a new Tianyi, I am afraid it will take several years...

may also have no chance in this life.

Tianyi is still the unshakable Tianyi.

Yingwu dragged her injured body to Tingfengyuan.

Tingfeng Garden is the place where the owner of Tingfeng Pavilion lives and is named after the word "Tingfeng".

Listen to Fengyuan.

Ying Wu knelt on the ground.

Tingfeng sat on a chair and was wiping the sharp sword in his hand with a jinpa.

"Even if you kneel to death, it won't change the fact that you lost to Tianyi today." His voice was indifferent, without a trace of superfluous emotion.

Ying Wu's body trembled, "I'm sorry Pavilion Master, Ying Wu is useless and has failed your teaching."

She was weak and pitiful because of her injuries.

At this moment, after hearing Tingfeng's indifferent voice, it's even more pitiful.

If it were someone else, he might pity her devastated flower.

But the other party is listening to the wind.

In the current timeline, Tingfeng has not had any feelings for Yingwu yet.

In Tingfeng's eyes, she is a weapon.

Oh, no, it used to be a sharp weapon, but now it is a sharp weapon that was broken.

Needs to be re-sharpened.

Instead of wasting more time, it is better to change people in time.

Xu is listening to the wind's mind is too obvious.

Yingwu panicked.

hurriedly said firmly, "I beg the pavilion master to give Ying Wu another chance, and Ying Wu will be loyal to the pavilion master for the rest of her life!"

Hearing the wind rubbing the sword, he paused.

His eyes fell on Ying Wu's face.

The red eyes are full of firmness, with incomparable confidence.

The reason he chose to bring Ying Wu back was because of her eyes, the kind that would not give up even in adversity and still climb up firmly, just like the sky...

"From now on, you don't have to follow Tianyi anymore, just stay in Tingfengyuan." He said.

In the current situation, it is useless to follow Tianyi.

Tianyi will no longer teach her.

Staying in Tingfengyuan is safe.

"Ying Wu Xie Pavilion Master..."


The news that Ying Wu was left in Tingfeng Court by the pavilion owner spread all over the Tingfeng Pavilion the next day.

On the bright side, he didn't say anything.

But secretly, many people are talking secretly.

Yingwu is indeed the one chosen by the pavilion master.

After losing so badly, he could still be left in Tingfeng Pavilion by the pavilion owner.

is really partial to the extreme.

When the news reached Chacha's ears, she didn't respond.

After all, he is going to marry Tingfeng in the future. If he dies now or is driven out by Tingfeng, how will the plot go on?

And she is the number one killer in Tingfeng Pavilion.

has great power in Tingfeng Pavilion.

Of course, all her powers are given by Tingfeng.

Everyone in Feng Pavilion knows that after becoming Tianyi, you don't need to accept the task, even if it is a task that the pavilion master personally ordered, you can refuse.

The unknown killer has no right to leave Tingfeng Pavilion at will, but Tianyi can leave Tingfeng Pavilion at will.

It can be said that it is very free and not under the control of the cabinet owner.

This was also approved by Tingfeng himself when Tingfeng Pavilion was established.


The original owner has no home, for her, Tingfeng Pavilion is her home.

And Tingfeng is her relative.

Therefore, even with these powers, the original owner never left the Tingfeng Pavilion except for the task.

And listening to Feng's orders, she never refused.

But it's different now.

Now she is Tianyi.

She has no feelings for Tingfeng.

This Tingfeng Pavilion can no longer hold her.

She can leave if she wants to, and stay if she wants to.


At noon that day, Tingfeng assigned her a new task.

There is an assassination mission that she needs to complete.

After listening to   Cha Cha, he refused without hesitation.

"For this task, change it to someone else, I don't want to go, I want to rest."

These words are justified.

Hearing the wind was slightly stunned.

He was rejected by her for the first time.


Cha Cha took the lead directly, blocking what he might have to say next.

"I remember that as Tianyi, I have the right to refuse the order of the pavilion master, or not to perform the task. I haven't rested much in the past few years. I have killed many people for the pavilion owner. Now I want to rest, the pavilion. Shouldn't the Lord refuse?

Or, the power that Tianyi enjoys, the pavilion master is just talking about? "

Listening to the wind, "...Then you have a good rest."

Ying Wu next to Ting Feng stood there, staring blankly at Cha Cha.

It seems that he did not expect that he would reject the pavilion master.

And she felt in a trance that Tianyi was a little different from before.

That subtle change, she saw it at a glance.

Because she, like Tianyi, deeply loves Tingfeng.

They similarly hide that deep love in the depths of their hearts, but no matter how well they cover it up, their eyes and tone of voice will always reveal their stubbornness.

Therefore, she easily discovered the relationship between Tian and Tingfeng.

Similarly, Tianyi also discovered her feelings for Tingfeng.

The two of them pretended not to know, and never mentioned this topic.

But now, she doesn't seem to see that kind of deep love.

is like... in the eyes of the sky, Tingfeng is just a stranger now.


There must be a reason for this change in attitude.

Is it because Tianyi noticed that Tingfeng wanted to get rid of her?

But after thinking about it carefully, Ying Wu still felt that something was wrong.

But she couldn't tell.

could only stand there in silence, looking down at the ground.

(end of this chapter)