Chapter 1671: Killer Relentless (4)

Chapter 1671 Killer is ruthless (4)

refused to listen to the wind.

Chacha didn't stop there.

turned around and left Tingfengyuan.

Originally, she could leave Tingfeng Pavilion directly, but if she just left Tingfeng Pavilion, it would be too cheap for Ying Wu and Tingfeng.

Emotions aside.

This account of the original owner of the design has not yet been calculated.

Anyway, you have to get back a little interest.

Behind an uninhabited rockery.

Cha Cha calmly took Qiqi out of the space and released it.

Communicate with it through the awareness in your mind.

"Qiqi, hurry up and eavesdrop on what they are saying, pay attention to safety."

【OK! 】

Qiqi walked to Tingfengyuan with short legs.

Cha Cha leisurely returned to his room.

Listen to Fengyuan.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Feng Feng's mouth.

This is the first time Tianyi has rejected him.

And the time was just after Tianyi was designed by him.

It seems that his mind was discovered by Tianyi.

In this case.

Then I can't keep her!

However, he will design well and will not shoot at will.

"Ying Wu, the task that Tianyi is unwilling to take, I will hand it over to you."

Listen to the dark light in Feng's eyes.

There is an obvious calculation between the words.

Ying Wu responded immediately, "Ying Wu must go all out!"

The task that Tianyi refused, the pavilion master gave her, this is her trust, she must complete this task well, and it is also an opportunity to make a contribution.

Listening to the wind, "King Jin of the Shuoyue Kingdom, do you know?"

Yingwu, "I know, it is said that he is the most favored prince of His Majesty today."

"Well." Tingfeng continued, "Your mission is to assassinate King Jin."

Hearing this, Ying Wu was a little surprised.

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

King Jin...

The masters around him are like clouds, and the dark guards are all over the Jin palace.

Wanting to assassinate King Jin is as difficult as going to the sky.

Knowing King Jin is because Tianyi and Tianer mentioned it before.

Tianyi praised the dark guards of King Jin's mansion for being very powerful.

said that if one day she received a mission to attack King Jin, she would also be folded inside.

The mansion where Tenichi can say such words.

It must be very difficult to think about.

Yes, she heard two more sentences at that time.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the pavilion master really took on the task of assassinating King Jin.

"Don't be afraid, I won't let you die.

King Jin's mansion is heavily guarded, and experts are like clouds. If you are not sure, I will not let you do it.

Specific plans, I will tell you in two days. "

Listening to the wind gently comforted Ying Wu.

Her emotions were so obvious that he could see it at a glance.

"Thank you, the pavilion master." Ying Wu responded gratefully, the pavilion owner was also very concerned about her safety.

A warm feeling surged from the bottom of my heart.

At that time.

Qiqi, who was lying on the roof while listening to the conversation between the two and sending a message to Cha Cha, was a little emotional.

Hearing the wind was clearly afraid that Ying Wu would screw things up.

Tsk tsk.

This can also be made up by her brain as worrying about herself?


After eavesdropping on the conversation, Qiqi swaggered away from Tingfengyuan.

A small milk cat that won't attract anyone's attention.

Even if someone saw it, they would subconsciously drive it out of Tingfengyuan, so as not to disturb the pavilion owner.

Qiqi went back to Cha Cha's room.

Then he was rewarded by Chacha with dried fish.

Qiqi, "??? Meow!" Although I am a cat, this is just my body, how could I eat dried fish?

I feel as though I have been insulted!

How can you compare it to those little dumb cats?

Three minutes later.

Qiqi bit the small dried fish.

Those big eyes also lit up a lot.

Well, it smells so good!

Cha Cha squeezed a piece of candied fruit and took a bite.

began to ponder.

King Jin?

Ting Feng asked Ying Wu to assassinate King Jin.

And it was two days later.

This means that King Jin may leave King Jin's mansion in two days, which is equivalent to giving Ying Wu an opportunity.

Cha Cha held his chin, smacking his lips unhappily.

It's time to tip off King Jin.

Want to complete the assassination mission, right?


With her here, she promises that in the future, any assassination mission will be impossible for Ying Wu! ! !


Cha Cha left Tingfeng Pavilion that night.

He left without reporting to Tingfeng.

She is very good at Qinggong, and when she enters and leaves the Tingfeng Pavilion, it is like entering a realm of no one.

When Tingfeng found out that she was not in Tingfeng Pavilion, it was already the second day.

Ting Feng only found a note in her room: I went to the mountains to play in the water.

Hearing the wind clutching the note, the palm moved slightly, and the note instantly turned into scum.

"Traveling in the mountains and playing with the water? What a tour!"

Listening to the wind, he almost gritted his teeth.

This feeling of being out of his control and escaping from his palm is **** bad.

Yingwu stood beside him, daring not to make a sound.

If she becomes Tianyi, it will definitely not be the case.

will definitely continue to be the most heartfelt weapon of the pavilion owner, and being able to accompany the pavilion owner is her happiest thing.

Hearing the wind tilted his head and glanced at the eye shadow Wu.

"Get ready, leave Tingfeng Pavilion tonight, go to the Imperial City, meet with our people before noon tomorrow, and follow the instructions."

"Yes!" Ying Wu's eyes were firm.

The pavilion master said there was an arrangement, then she would unconditionally believe the pavilion owner.


After Cha Cha left Tingfeng Pavilion.

Go straight to the Imperial City.

I plan to pass the news that someone is going to assassinate King Jin to King Jin’s mansion after entering the imperial city.

However, the idea is good, but the reality is a little different.

There are too many delicacies on the way.

If you are not careful, you will lose some time.

When Cha Cha leisurely wandered to King Jin's mansion, King Jin was no longer in King Jin's mansion.

Chacha, "..." I really just lost a little time.

She calmly took Qiqi out.

Intimidate and lure.

Qiqi said in a daze that King Jin was going to Xiangguo Temple to pray for blessings.

Originally, this plot required Cha Cha to discover it by herself.


was accidentally trapped by the host.

has said it all, it can't always erase the memory of the host, not to mention, it doesn't have that ability.


Qiqi chose to continue dizzy.

Well, it said nothing.

As for how the host knows, it doesn't know either.

It's innocent...

At this time, I went to Xiangguo Temple to pray, and Chacha felt strange.

Generally speaking, members of the royal family go to temples to pray for blessings, not to mention the complicated etiquette, at least they will choose a good day and auspicious day.

But... it's not an auspicious day at all.

However, she didn't know King Jin, and she didn't know what kind of person King Jin was. It didn't matter to her where to pray and when to pray.

She just wanted to block Ying Wu, that's all.

Cha Cha clenched his little fist.

Next stop: Xiangguo Temple.

Alas, she shouldn't be greedy, otherwise, she wouldn't have to go to Xiangguo Temple again.

Next time, be sure to keep this lesson in mind.

Cha Cha bought a horse and asked for directions.

Then rushed to Xiangguo Temple.

After    out of the city, there is a section of road that is slightly desolate.

Seeing no one around, Qiqi slowly emerged from the space.

Qiqi, "Tea tea."

Chacha, "...Don't speak human words, speak cat words, I can understand."

If anyone hears it, it will be taken away as a monster!

Qiqi meowed reluctantly.

"Meow!" It's not nobody, nobody says a word, and it won't be heard.

Cha Cha looked calm, "You're floating."

(end of this chapter)