Chapter 1681: Killer Relentless (14)

Chapter 1681 Killer is ruthless (14)

Nangong Jin took Cha Cha into the room.

then pointed to the pastry on the table, "Your favorite cloud cake."

Cha Cha didn't look at the cakes, and still looked at him directly.

"I have something to tell you."

Nangongjin's eyes were deep, and he sat down slowly.

He straightened his eyelashes and said after a long time, "If you don't want to say it, don't say it, I believe you."

Whatever her purpose.

His purpose now is her.

Cha Cha sat in front of him and explained seriously.

"I want to say that in order to prevent future troubles and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, it is better to explain it now.

The reason why I know that those people are the killers of Tingfeng Pavilion is because I am also the killer of Tingfeng Pavilion. "

Nangong Jin froze all over, and his eyes changed.

He raised his eyes and looked at Cha Cha seriously.

Could it be that her purpose is the same as those of those people, wanting to kill him?

Then why tell him this now?

His dark and deep eyes flashed with disappointment.


reluctantly spit out a word, but still couldn't say the next words.

Cha Cha noticed that he was a little uneasy, and patted his hand as comfort, she continued, "I don't have the same purpose as theirs, this matter is very complicated to explain, you must know that I have no hostility towards you, you say I have to make a promise to myself, I remember this!

Tingfeng, the pavilion master of Tingfeng Pavilion, took on the task of taking your life. Coincidentally, I didn’t accept the task, and I rejected him, so he handed the task to another killer.

Well, I had a grudge with that killer, so I came along, trying to sabotage her mission, and then I saved you, that's how it happened.

I guessed that they grabbed Ye Jing to get something out of Ye Jing's mouth, or to lead you to save people. "

Nangongjin was obedient and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she didn't take that mission.

So is this a fate?

Cha Cha was worried that Nangong Jin would think elsewhere.

After all, her status is embarrassing.

And she was also afraid that he would misunderstand.

"Don't worry, I really won't do anything to you or assassinate you. I really wanted to save you at the time. Although you may have doubts about this, time will prove everything. on your side."

She told him now, but also to prevent **** things from happening in the future.

If Ting Feng knew that she saved Nangong Jin.

And Tingfeng and she are not dealing with it now.

It is very likely that listening to the wind will provoke their relationship, and provoke King Jin is the perfect choice.

Nangong Jin saw how careful and serious she was, and was suddenly pleased.

He opened his mouth with a smile.

"I believe you.

I am also very confident in myself.

Comparing Tingfeng Pavilion with me, I believe you will choose me for the sake of beauty. "

Sure enough, this natural good skin is also a kind of strength.

Chacha is a little helpless.

This man is a little shameless.

Although...he was right.

His face is really beautiful.

made her want to admire his beauty.

to further covet...


Tingfeng Pavilion.

Listening to the wind's face is like a cloudy cloud.

Mission failed again?

Since Tianyi left, none of these people have completed the task he ordered to go down.

He doesn't believe it, without Tianyi, Tingfeng Pavilion will not be able to complete even a single mission!

Damn! Damn it!

Yingwu knelt on the ground and did not dare to say a word.

bowed his head and said nothing.

for a moment.

The more I thought about listening to the wind, the more uncomfortable I became, so I raised my hand and smashed a lot of decorations in the room.

The sound of shattering spread outside the courtyard, and everyone was terrified.

for fear that the anger of the pavilion master would implicate them.

These days, assassins such as the Heaven-level, Earth-level, Xuan-level, etc. have lost a lot, and the pavilion has also experienced a small storm.

Dead killers always have to take their place.

This made the sky-level and earth-level killers who had not changed their positions for a long time to move.

all want to go to the next level.

Even those unknown killers rushed forward.

Such a good opportunity, if I miss it, I don’t know how long it will take to wait for the next time.

After dropping a lot of things, he was all over the place.

Yingwu was also injured because she knelt there and didn't move.

She gritted her teeth and made no sound.

After a long time.

Hearing the wind calmed down a lot.

He lowered his head, caught a glimpse of the blood on Ying Wu's forehead, his eyes darkened.

He walked to Ying Wu's side, clasping her chin with slender, cold fingers, "Why don't you run away."

A voice without emotion is like a cold snow mountain.

Ying Wu explained, "The pavilion master did not let Ying Wu escape." Therefore, she would not escape, and even if she was killed, she would not escape.

She has absolute loyalty to him.

Hearing the wind let out a slight laugh, "Very well, I like your loyalty very much."

He really did not see the wrong person.

His eyes gradually fell on her face.

This face is naturally charming and moving, no need to do much, the beautiful phoenix eyes, and the end of the eyes are all kinds of amorous feelings.

Cold fingers slowly moved down her chin and landed on her collar.

"A-Wu, do you like me?"

Yingwu met his gaze, full of nostalgia.

You can see her thoughts without words.

is really clear on the face.

Hearing the wind let out a low laugh.

stretched out his hand to hug the person in his arms, and asked again, "Do you like me?"

"I like it." Ying Wu replied in a low voice, not daring to look into his eyes.

Hearing the wind, he picked up the person and walked into the inner room.

Ying Wu never thought that this would come so quickly.

Even though, she has fantasized about it countless times.

But when Tingfeng really wanted her, this feeling was still like a dream, not real at all.

Although Tingfeng Pavilion is a killer.

But there are also many maids.

However, the pavilion master has never touched it.

Even she thought that the pavilion owner was not close to women.

It wasn't until tonight that Ying Wu realized that she was wrong.

Similarly, it was Tingfeng who realized that he was wrong.

He has always put his energy on the development of Tingfeng Pavilion. He has long thought that men who cannot control their emotions are trash.

This kind of thing would only be a waste of time for him.

Therefore, even if he has a lot of gold and silver jewelry in his hand, even if he beckons there will be many beautiful women, he has not thought about it.

But tonight.

He suddenly realized how wonderful it felt.

He missed a lot before.

Once in a while to vent, even the mood will be much better.

This night, until the dawn.

Only let go of Ying Wu after listening to the wind.

The feeling of fluttering makes him intoxicated...

The next day.

Qingli even took the spies in the imperial city and checked it out.

Even the contact point of Tingfeng Pavilion here was solved by him, and things went very smoothly.

Qingli was a little puzzled, why did Miss Xiao know about the contact point that he didn't even find out?

But he couldn't ask about it.

Otherwise, the lord will be unhappy.

on the contrary.

It is different.

Qingzhu, who had always been suspicious, said directly, "She is just trying to deceive the prince's trust!

Maybe, she has an unusual relationship with Tingfeng Pavilion. I will tell the prince that this girl cannot stay in the palace, otherwise, it will bring danger to the prince sooner or later! "

He walked out angrily.

stopped quickly, and Qin Zhu turned back to look at Qin Li and Ye Jing, a little surprised, "You won't stop me?"

(end of this chapter)