Chapter 1682: Killer Relentless (15)

Chapter 1682 Killer is ruthless (15)

Ye Jing couldn't help sneering.

"You want to kill yourself, why should we stop you?"

As he spoke, he waved his hands at Qingzhu, "Go, go, don't worry, even if you really have an accident, I will look at the past relationship and collect your corpse for you, so I won't let your corpse be exposed to the wilderness. "

Qingzhu looked at him with an ugly face.

"Could it be that the girl Xiao, who is of unknown origin, stays by the prince's side all the time? I don't understand, you obviously have doubts in your heart, and doubted her, why are you still so calm now?"

Ye Jing did not speak, and turned his head to look at Qingli.

Qingli was a little helpless.

"There are so many, because the lord likes it, and the lord cares.

What we have to do is to do what we should do well.

Miss Xiao's affairs, we can't interfere at will, the lord will be unhappy, and I believe that the lord is not a man who is bewitched by beauty.

No matter what Miss Xiao's purpose is, so far, Miss Xiao has not done anything that is detrimental to the prince. "

Ye Jing echoed, "Besides, your prince is so happy now, why do you bother him? Maybe he knows everything in his heart."

Qingzhu gave Ye Jing a fierce look.

I disagree very much with what he said.

However, his footsteps did not start again.

If he acts rashly, the prince will definitely be unhappy.

He thought for a moment.

"I'm going to check Miss Xiao's identity!"

The words fell, and he turned his head and left.

Don't give Qianli a chance to speak this time.

Qingli, "…"

Ye Jing, "…"

The two looked at each other, and sure enough, Qin Zhu was still the same dead brain.

No matter how    changed, his temper didn't change.

Ye Jing touched his chin, and he didn't know if Qin Zhu would be beaten to death in the future.

Qingli reminded, "Aren't you going to stare at him? If something happens, no one will protect you in the future."

Ye Jing, "…"

makes sense.

If   Qingzhu dies, he may be in danger if he hangs out outside in the future.

After all, his little life is also very valuable.

Ye Jing got up and chased out.

Qingli sat there and sighed with great emotion, "I can finally cleanse for a while."


for several days.

Listening to the wind pavilion, there is no movement anymore.

The major event that the contact point is cleared, it stands to reason that there will always be some action in the Wind Pavilion.

But Tingfeng Pavilion seems to have disappeared silently.

There was no reaction whatsoever.

This made Qinli a little surprised.

When he went to report, Cha Cha sat beside King Jin, and was a little surprised.

Could it be that Tingfeng Pavilion was destroyed?

Listening to the wind and dying?

Otherwise, why would there be no movement?

This is not like listening to the wind.

Cha Cha thoughtfully, "Could it be that he is conspiring to do something else?"

is the contact point of the Imperial City, not only a contact point, but also an information point.

In addition to contact, it will also provide various news about the imperial city to Tingfeng Pavilion, which is of great benefit to Tingfeng Pavilion. Now that the contact point is gone, it means that Tingfeng Pavilion no longer knows about the imperial city. This is a big blow to Tingfeng Pavilion.

And Tingfeng Pavilion, there was no movement.

"It's okay, I'm right here. If you really want to assassinate me, I'll come again."

Nangongjin didn't seem to care about this matter.

I only had the little girl in front of me in my eyes.

He stretched out his hand and dragged the person into his arms, and immediately withdrew with interest.

"…" Suddenly I don't know what to say.

In the past few days, Wang Ye seems to be really bewitched by beauty.

Qingli felt that he might really look up to the prince.

He shook his head and sighed, helplessly.

And after he left, in the room.

Cha Cha said seriously, "I think I have a way to make Tingfeng Pavilion move."

Nangong Jin's face changed suddenly, and he reached out to hold her head, "I don't allow it."

The originally fierce action, when he did it, did not pose any threat.

Because he restrained his emotions and worried about hurting her, he was like a paper tiger.

Chacha sighed, "I haven't said it yet, so you won't allow it? It's too domineering?"

She raised her head as she spoke, and kissed him on the cheek without fear.

In the blink of an eye, Nangong Jin's dark complexion disappeared and was replaced by a faint joy, his eyes changed and changed, "Then you say..."

Anyway, it's okay if he doesn't agree.

Cha Cha pretended not to understand his eyes, but kissed him like this, it seemed more coaxing than she imagined.

If I knew earlier, I should be more proactive.

"We can invite you to enter the urn, I haven't been in the sight of Tingfeng Pavilion for a long time, and they can't find my trace.

I can now appear in the imperial city, let them find out, and let them find me. "

Nangong Jin grabbed her hand and refused with disapproval.

"I don't agree, so you will be in danger, and whether Tingfeng Pavilion appears or not is not a threat to me."

This kind of thing does not require her to take risks.

is just a listening wind pavilion.

Although Tingfeng Pavilion was not found, but in these several assassinations, Tingfeng Pavilion did not get any benefit from King Jin’s mansion, and as far as he knew, every time he was assassinated, it was Tingfeng Pavilion who suffered.

Chacha shook his head.

"No, you have to agree, you listen to me first."

Nangong Jin, "...I don't listen."

Chacha is very helpless.

"Why are you so petty? Listen to me, I haven't finished, I promise I won't get hurt, if you don't agree, then I can only go quietly, you won't see it anyway live with me forever."

She pouted, her voice was a threat.

This method works very well.

But's easy to cause Nangong Jin's anger.

At that time.

Nangong Jin had a calm face, his face was covered with clouds, as if a storm was coming.

Even the whole body became cold.

Chacha was so frightened that she hurriedly shrugged.

Holding his face, kissed the cheek, forehead, between the eyebrows...

It's already half an hour after finishing the hair and coaxing people.

The little girl was nestled in the man's arms, unwilling to raise her head.

Nangong Jin smiled softly in her ear...


As Cha Cha said, this plan, she has her own plans, will not be dangerous.

Even if there is danger, those killers in Tingfeng Pavilion will not be her opponents.

The next day.

Cha Cha quietly left King Jin's mansion according to the plan.

Qingli followed in the dark, and he was surprised for a while. To be honest, he has not recovered his mind until now. He never thought that Miss Xiao was actually the killer of Tingfengge.

No wonder they searched for so long and couldn't find her identity.

Is that so?

Thinking about it carefully, I am still very confused.

Could it be that the prince already has such great charm?

Even the top killer of Tingfeng Pavilion turned against him?

Thinking like this, I suddenly thought of the unlucky Ching Chu and Ye Jing, and it is estimated that the two of them haven't been found out yet.

I don't know where I went.

I missed the plan this time.

Cha Cha appeared unabashedly in a famous restaurant in the imperial city, ate a table of dishes there, and then went to the inn and asked for a room to rest.

If she guessed right, Tingfeng must still have something behind.

Even if Tingfeng Pavilion's contact point is gone in the Imperial City, there must be a backup...

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the fact that Tingfeng has not moved for a long time.

(end of this chapter)