Chapter 1690: Killer Relentless (23)

Chapter 1690 Killer is ruthless (23)

A little chat.

Cha Cha found an excuse to separate from Nangong Jin.

Qingli followed her for protection.

When Cha Cha left, Nangong Jin's eyes were still chasing after him.

The second prince took the opportunity to joke.

"Third brother, it's just for a while. She strolls around in this garden and joins in the fun. If you're really worried, just follow her."

Nangongjin's face showed a bit of helplessness, "She will be unhappy."

These words caused the people around to look at each other.

Unexpectedly, Lord Jin really spoiled people to the core.

Alas, when you meet that girl in the future, you must not provoke her.

The second prince lowered his head thoughtfully.

Is    so petted?

As for the poisoning, it must be successful.

Qingli followed behind Chacha, and many people knew it. As a result, even if a lot of daughters wanted to find Chacha, they would not dare to walk over.

Qingli is the personal bodyguard who has been with Prince Jin for many years.

Now following Chacha's side, which fool dares to provoke him? Afraid of dying.

Cha Cha went around, and the scenery in the garden was good.

There is also a small garden.

The garden is full of blooming flowers, fragrant.

Not only that, but to complement the beauty of this place, every time a banquet is held, dry ice is placed in the garden.

The garden is full of flowers and white mist, which is like a fairyland on earth.

Although the scenery is beautiful, we cannot forget the purpose of today.

Cha Cha took a few steps forward, there were a lot of daughters in the garden, she paused and stood there, pretending to be unhappy and instructing Qin Li, "I'm tired from walking, I want to eat cakes, you can go find them. "

Qingli, "But the lord told his subordinates not to leave your side."

Hearing this, Cha Cha was furious, with a look of arrogance.

"Don't you want to listen to me, my lord? I'll blow the pillow wind and you're done. I'll say it one last time, I just want to eat cakes, I want to eat grapes, hurry up and prepare!

Otherwise, I will let the prince drive you out of the palace! "

Qingli twitched the corners of his mouth and left reluctantly.

I thought to myself: Miss Xiao's acting skills are pretty good.

At that moment, he did look a little pampered and arrogant.

After leaving.

The daughter who was surrounded by the garden began to point fingers, boldly raising her voice deliberately.

"I don't know where the wild girl came out of."


"My lord, I'm afraid he's been given ecstasy."

Cha Cha squinted and tilted his head to look over.

Following the voice, his eyes locked on three people.

Oh, she remembered.

These three were the first to stand with Liu Qingyan.

She raised her chin and said arrogantly, "What? Didn't you hear what the prince said? I am his future princess, and in the future, I will be the mistress of Prince Jin's mansion. What are you guys?"

Chacha stood there, imposing.

Those daughters were naturally imposing, and the oppressed were speechless.


Liu Qingyan walked in.

Obviously someone just tipped her off and told her to come here as soon as possible.

Without Qili, Liu Qingyan became much more courageous.

The lord is not here either.

The daughters here have to sell her a face.

"Why should Miss Xiao embarrass them?"

Liu Qingyan came slowly, proud like a flower peacock.

Cha Cha looked back at Liu Qingyan.

"What? Is Miss Liu planning to bully the lesser while the prince is not here?"

"Miss Xiao is joking, you are from the prince, I don't have the courage, I just want to remind girl Xiao that you can't talk too much, otherwise, it's easy to slap in the face, after all, you and the prince haven't known each other for a few days. It's not a good thing to say."

Liu Qingyan said with a smile, the smile on his face did not diminish, and his eyes were filled with irony.

The rest of them were silent as if they were joking.

They don't have the background of Liu Qingyan, so at this time, it is more appropriate to watch a play.

Cha Cha covered her mouth with Jinpa and chuckled.

"I'll remember Miss Liu's reminder, although I didn't know the prince for a long time, but I fell in love at first sight. It's really impossible to force things like feelings.

Unlike Miss Liu, who has known the prince for many years, the prince has not yet remembered your name. "

Some arrogant words suddenly turned Liu Qingyan's complexion from anger.

These words stabbed her in the heart.

"You! Don't go too far!" Liu Qingyan warned with an ugly face.

Chacha, "I just told the truth. If Miss Liu doesn't like it, then I can't do anything about it."

Liu Qingyan, "..." I will endure it!

After today, you are finished!

After   Cha Cha won in words, he turned around and left, "I'm going to go shopping elsewhere, see you Miss Liu."

Qiqi was puzzled and communicated with Chacha in the space.

【Why anger Liu Qingyan? Is there any purpose? 】

Chacha, "Oh, she provokes me first. If she doesn't look pleasing to the eye, just provoke a few words. Anyway, she's digging a hole for me. If I don't fight back a few words, it will be a big loss."

Seven-seven, […] seems to make sense.

If you don’t fight back, you will lose a lot.

Ask for some interest first.


Qiqi said again, [I thought you would beat her up, but I didn't expect that you would win in words. 】

Chacha is a little embarrassed.

"I also think I'm a bit of a **** just now, but it's not bad to **** occasionally?"

Liu Qingyan was a **** first, no wonder she was.

Cha Cha just took a few steps when he suddenly felt that he saw a familiar figure.

"..." is a bit like Yingwu.

is preparing to go forward to check.

Suddenly a little girl came over.

"Miss Xiao, the servant girl is the maid next to the prince. Prince Jin is with the prince and several princes. After their conversation is over, the servant girl came to take you to see the prince."

Chacha hummed, "Okay."

A smile flashed in his calm eyes.

As for the little girl, it doesn't look like there are any loopholes.

Unfortunately, it's too fake.

also doesn't know how she gets along with Nangong Jin.

The little maid took her, the more she went.

Soon he arrived at a place where no one was there, and there was actually a bamboo forest.

The bamboo forest is shadowy, Cha Cha paused, "Did Liu Qingyan tell you to lie to me?"

The little maid was a little flustered, and without answering her words, she stepped back again and again.

at the same time.

Several men came out from the dark, and Liu Qingyan.

Liu Qingyan stared at Chacha with a vicious smile in her eyes, "Miss Xiao, what a coincidence, I saw you again when I turned around."

The dense bamboo forest blocked the light, and the surroundings looked a little gloomy at the moment.

Cha Cha looked at the woman across from him and spoke slowly.

"Didn't Miss Liu deliberately trick me into coming here? How can such a thing be called a coincidence?"

A look of surprise flashed across Liu Qingyan's face, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to normal, "I let someone lie to you, so what? You have already arrived here, so there is no chance to escape."

She raised her hand, without too much nonsense, for fear of unforeseen incidents.

"Stunned and caught!"

She coldly instructed that these men were secret guards that she had specially recruited, and they were highly skilled in martial arts, more than enough to deal with a weak woman.

Her plan is simple.

Arrested Xiao Cha at the poetry meeting, and after leaving this place, he found a random place to kill someone.

If you kill people here, it is easy to disturb the emperor.

(end of this chapter)