Chapter 1691: Killer Relentless (24)

Chapter 1691 Killer is ruthless (24)

Getting lost at the poetry meeting, oh, it can’t be considered lost. After all, it can also be said that Xiao Cha didn’t want to stay at the poetry meeting, so he left alone.

No one would have directly thought of her being taken away.

Liu Qingyan bent her lips and waited quietly for the result.

Tsk, she can't blame her for that, it's Xiao Cha who rushed Qili to find some broken cakes.

One of the men took the lead, obviously not caring about others. How can a weak woman resist?

Xu was overjoyed, and Liu Qingyan didn't realize a problem. In such a case, normal people would panic or shout and run away, but Cha Cha was unmoved and her face was calm and calm.

Until Liu Qingyan saw that Chacha was relaxed, he kicked the man who rushed to catch her out.

Liu Qingyan was stunned on the spot.

"???" Wait, what about the weak girl?

Why is this not right?

Seeing this, the rest of the people quickly shot together, but unfortunately, they were knocked to the ground extremely fast before they touched the corner of her clothes.

Liu Qingyan looked at a few dark guards lying on the ground mourning in astonishment, and for a while, her scalp tingled.

She doesn't know the origin of this Xiao Cha, but now it seems that it is better for her to run quickly.

Liu Qingyan turned her head and was about to run away.

However, just after taking a step, there was an external force on her shoulders, and she was dragged back.

Cha Cha threw Liu Qingyan to the ground in a not very gentle manner, "Miss Liu, where are you going to catch me?"

Liu Qingyan's eyes fluttered around, "...No, I'm just joking with you."

She really didn't expect that Xiao Cha could fight so well. If she knew that Xiao Cha could easily take care of these dark guards, she wouldn't say anything to provoke Xiao Cha easily.

Right now, those few dark guards who seem to be strong and strong are like **** here in Xiao Cha, and they are completely powerless.

"Just kidding? Miss Liu is joking. It can be considered a joke to find someone to arrest me? It seems that I really can't understand Miss Liu's behavior..."

Cha Cha lowered his eyes, took out the Jinpa and wiped his hands finely, as if they had just been stained with something dirty.

Liu Qingyan was stimulated by this scene.

"Xiao Cha! Don't deceive people too much. My father is the prime minister. If you dare to do something to me, my father will not let you go! Besides, you are not Princess Jin now, so you better not be complacent!"

Even if she has this idea and wants to take Xiao Cha away, so what? It didn't happen, she was bitten to death and refused to acknowledge the account, and no one could do anything about her.

And now, the person being bullied is Liu Qingyan, she can totally beat her up!

Cha Cha raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a sneer.

"How dare you threaten me at such a time? It seems that Miss Liu really doesn't understand her situation!"

After the words fell, she stepped on Liu Qingyan's chest and crushed her hard.

She is not a good person.

Liu Qingyan clearly wanted to kill her.

For someone who wants to kill her, she has no patience and is even less likely to show mercy.

The interest that was originally discussed on the lips has become insignificant in the life here.

Liu Qingyan groaned, and tried to break Chacha's feet with both hands, however, the strength was crushed thoroughly.

"Xiao Cha, I won't let you go!"

The matter has come to this point, Liu Qingyan has not forgotten to speak harshly.

Chacha squeezed his fingers, his joints creaking.

"Miss Liu, don't worry, since the moment I arrived here, someone has already reported to the lord. Later, you can explain it to him slowly and see who will not let him go in the end."

The calm voice was harsh, revealing a touch of coldness.

Originally, she just thought Liu Qingyan wanted to teach her a lesson.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qingyan had murderous intentions towards himself.

also put into action.

Liu Qingyan was the one who suddenly appeared in all her plans.

I'm still thinking about killing myself, so I'm sorry, this matter must be a big deal, and the Prime Minister's Mansion must give an explanation to the Prince Jin's Mansion.

Talking room.

Chacha heard footsteps.

Cha Cha retracted his feet, took two steps back, and stood on one side.

At this moment, Qingli appeared beside her at the right time.

Liu Qingyan's eyes widened.

Didn't Qingli go to find cakes for Xiao Cha?

How come here?


A group of people appeared.

is headed by Nangong Jin.

Behind him, the Second Prince Nangong Lian and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Nangong Lin followed, and there were many sons and daughters behind him.

Probably saw Nangong Jin rushing here aggressively, and followed.

I saw Nangong Jin.

Cha Cha rushed into his arms aggrieved.

"My lord! I only offended Miss Liu with words, and Miss Liu wanted to kill me so ruthlessly! Fortunately, Qinli is by my side, otherwise I won't be able to see you!"

Nangong Jin frowned, although she knew that nothing would happen to her, she was still a little worried.

He hugged her tightly as if reassuring, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here, no one dares to hurt you!"

Sharp and deep eyes swept towards Liu Qingyan.

Liu Qingyan struggled to sit up from the ground.

"My lord, don't be deceived by her, she was the one who hurt me!"

Cha Chawo was in Nangong Jin's arms, with his head exposed, when he heard this, he immediately said, "Qingli, bring witnesses!"

Qingli immediately took out the maid who brought tea here just now.

"My lord, this maid deceived Miss Xiao in the name of you and the prince."

The prince who eats melons, "???" Why did this matter to him? Didn't he just eat a melon?

Chacha, "She said that she is the servant girl of the prince. After you finished talking with the prince and the second prince, let me go to you, please let the prince recognize this servant girl, but is it yours?"

The prince stood up without hesitation and quickly explained, "! No, this palace doesn't know her! Who the **** is framing this palace!"

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Liu Qingyan.

"Then please explain to Miss Liu why after I was brought here by the maid, what I saw was you and these secret guards on the ground, please don't say that, Miss Liu, you are joking with me, or you want to say that you don't Get to know these dark guards."

Liu Qingyan, "I, I..."

followed closely, leaving the evidence.

"My lord, these secret guards are all secret guards in the prime minister's mansion. They probably think that Miss Xiao is a weak woman. I didn't expect that her subordinates would protect her in secret, and her subordinates advised the lord to investigate this matter thoroughly."

Qianli is very cooperative and knows when to say what to say.

He looked at Liu Qingyan and those dark guards with a blank expression.

I don't know whether to live or die, yet dare to do something to Miss Xiao?

Nangongjin is famous, but many people probably forget that he was a very cruel person on the battlefield back then.

The handsome face was full of gloom.

"Take these people back for a good interrogation. As for Miss Liu, there is no need to interrogate her. Take them back and lock them up first."

Liu Qingyan collapsed to the ground as if he had lost all his strength, the whole person could not accept the result.

The Second Prince stopped in shock.

"No third brother, Miss Liu is the daughter of the Prime Minister's residence. There is no conclusive evidence for this. How can she be locked up? How will you explain it to the Prime Minister?"

Nangong Jin sneered.

The words    spit out are as if stained with ice and snow, cold to the bone.

"If it has nothing to do with her, this king will go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to apologize in person. If this matter is related to Miss Liu, the Prime Minister should retire and return to his hometown when he is old!"

(end of this chapter)