Chapter 1693: Killer Relentless (26)

Chapter 1693 Killer is ruthless (26)

Prime Minister Liu finally staggered out of King Jin's mansion.

The face of    is the vicissitudes that have never been seen before.

The whole person is a lot older than when he first stepped into King Jin's mansion.

No one knows what happened to the Prime Minister in King Jin's Mansion.

Only know that the next day, when he was in the court, the prime minister was in the face of the civil and military officials and asked the emperor to allow him to retire and return home, and the officials were shocked!

What happened at the poetry meeting was basically spread all over the imperial city.

Didn't wait for the Prime Minister and King Jin to tear their faces, but waited for the Prime Minister's initiative to ask His Majesty to retire and return home?

What happened in the middle is really incredible.

The emperor sighed with emotion for a long time, and gave a lot of things, and then agreed to the prime minister's request.

The news of the prime minister's return to his hometown quickly spread throughout the imperial city.

Everyone was discussing whether the matter of the Prime Minister was related to King Jin.

After all, the timing of this matter was too coincidental.

Liu Qingyan had just offended King Jin, and the Prime Minister was about to retire and return to his hometown.

For the common people, this kind of thing is just to watch the fun.

But for the royal family and the rest of the ministers, it was like bad news.

Many of them participated in the poetry party, or their family members participated in the poetry party.

also knew the cruel words that King Jin made at the poetry meeting.

Either he came to the door to apologize or the prime minister returned home.

Everyone felt that King Jin said such cruel words out of anger.

But I didn't expect it, it really came true.

The prime minister has been an official for many years, and his power is huge!

How many princes want to make friends, but the prime minister has not stood in line for a long time, even the prince, the prime minister has not helped.

Because of the position of the prince, Nangong Lin might not be able to sit firmly.

If you stand on the wrong team, it is easy to get into trouble.

Because the prime minister did not stand in line, the prime minister's mansion also became the target of various forces scrambling to please.

Now, is this the end? ? ?

Just because of a girl, came to such an end?

While the various forces gritted their teeth and resented King Jin for forcing the prime minister to retire, they were more afraid.

The prime minister has been an official for many years, and his forces are intertwined.

Ke Jin, did you solve the prime minister so easily?

Even looks, effortlessly.

Isn't this indirectly telling them that Nangong Jin is not someone to provoke...

The second prince almost went crazy with hatred.

What followed was a sense of fear all over the sky.

Even the prime minister can easily solve it, let alone the position of a prince?

I'm afraid the crown prince has long been in Nangong Jin's pocket, right? As long as you want, you can take it at any time, and the father is also very fond of Nangong Jin...

The more Nangong Lian thought about it, the more he felt that poisoning had to be done as soon as possible.

As long as Nangong Jin lived in this world for one day, he would always be frightened and not sleep well.

Nangong Lian made an excuse, saying that he was going to Prince Jin’s mansion to see the situation of the girl Xiao, so he called the prince to go with him.

The prince did not refuse, and the two went to King Jin's mansion together.

King Jin's Mansion.

Nangong Jin's face sank after hearing Qin Li's report.

It seems that he can't wait to attack him.

Cha Cha curved his lips, "After so much tossing about the plan, I finally have to close the net."

She looked at Nangong Jin slowly.

"My lord, remember to cooperate, but don't get angry at the last minute."

Nangongjin felt a little helpless seeing her small appearance.

He raised his hand and pinched her little face, "I won't be angry, I will cooperate with you, but this is the last time, and no plans are allowed in the future."

seems like a threat, but it seems helpless.

Chacha nodded quickly, "Don't worry, this is the last time, the people behind will definitely find a way to give me poison, and I also think the second prince is more likely."

"He couldn't wait to get into the hole himself, so I can't blame him."

Nangong Jin's deep ink eyes flashed coldness.

He won't show mercy to someone who wants to kill him.

He held Cha Cha's wrist and took her to the front hall.


The second prince and the prince are drinking tea.

saw them coming, put down the tea cup, and smiled.

"Third brother, Miss Xiao."

"Miss Xiao was frightened. This king came to see with the prince. After all, she will be our younger brother and sister."

Chacha, "Thanks to His Royal Highness and Second Prince."

"She is weak, and she was frightened by Liu Qingyan again. She was frightened. Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, this king would not have easily let go of the Prime Minister's Mansion." Nangong Jin's eyes contained undisguised anger.

"Third brother, the prime minister has already returned home, I don't know that Liu Qingyan, what are your plans?"

The prince asked carefully, Liu Qingyan was still being held by Prince Jin's mansion. He didn't know where, and he was even more afraid that King Jin would kill Liu Qingyan in a rage.

"Oh, in a few more days, this king won't kill her." But he won't let her go.

Prince, "..." The prime minister's residence is gone, do you think I will believe you?

casually chatted a few words.

Cha Cha found a reason and left the front hall.


The Second Prince also left the front hall.

The prince didn't notice anything, he just felt that he and Nangong Jin were the only ones left in the front hall, which made him a little panicked.

He didn't dare to be alone with Nangong Jin.

"This king took the prince to see a good show."



at the same time.

The Second Prince pretended to bump into Cha Cha by accident.

"Miss Xiao? I didn't expect to meet you so soon."

Cha Cha turned around, "Why is the second prince here?"

"This king may have eaten his stomach and wanted to go to the toilet, but he didn't want to go the wrong way..."

The second prince explained that this sounded too clumsy, but the second prince hadn't been to Prince Jin's mansion very often, and he went the wrong way, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Cha Cha looked calm, "Since this is the case, I will let someone lead the way for the second prince."

She carefully observed the second prince.

This person looks quite warm, but... who can't pretend?

And he grew up in the palace.

"Miss Xiao is not in good health, so don't bother, Miss Xiao can just show the king the way."

The second prince said in a low voice.

slowly took out a token from his arms.

The token was written on Tingfeng Pavilion, which was specially created by Tingfeng Pavilion.

Chacha recognized it at a glance.

and Second Prince looked at each other and understood in seconds.

She smiled and raised her hand in a gesture of invitation, "Second Prince, go here first."

She followed.

walked to a corner, Cha Cha stopped.

"Second Prince, walk forward from here, about two hundred paces, then turn left and walk another fifty paces."

Well, two hundred and fifty steps together.

However, it is obvious that the second prince's attention is not on this. He put away the token, looked around, and carefully handed Chacha a paper bag.

However, Cha Cha did not reach out to pick it up.

"What do you mean, Second Prince?" She squinted her eyes, pretending to be suspicious.

The second prince was a little nervous, and he lowered his voice while looking around.

"Listen to the wind and let this king hand it over to you, you must act carefully. After the matter is completed, someone will pick you up at the back door of the palace, and the next way, this king's people have arranged for you."

Cha Cha smiled lowly, "Does the second prince want me to poison Prince Jin?

You seem to have found the wrong person. Who in the entire imperial city does not know that I will soon be the concubine of King Jin? How could I do such a thing? "

(end of this chapter)