Chapter 1694: Killer Relentless (27)

Chapter 1694 Killer is ruthless (27)

The second prince's face darkened.

He stared sharply at Cha Cha, trying to read her mind.

"What? Is the girl planning to start a price at a time like this? Don't they all say that Tingfengge's killer has a good reputation?"

At this moment, the second prince's face is a little hideous, and he looks very scary.

Cha Cha looked at the Second Prince with a smile and took a step back.

"Second Prince, don't be in a hurry, if you have something to say, it is impossible to raise the price while sitting on the ground.

But, Second Prince, you know that now, King Jin loves me very much. Soon, I will be Princess Jin, and I will become a phoenix in one day. This is a life that others can't ask for.

Why should I take such a big risk to poison King Jin? "

"..." The second prince snorted coldly, with a mocking look on his face.

"After all, don't you still think that you can get more benefits when you become Princess Jin?

Miss Xiao, you are a smart person, how can you be a killer worthy of being Princess Jin? Nangong Jin does love you very much now, but what about in the future?

When he finds out that you lied to him, do you think he will still love you?

You don't know what kind of person my second brother is. Don't try to tie him with love. At that time, your end will be miserable.

Throughout the ages, how many women have given up on themselves because of love, and what did they get in return? "

The Second Prince persuaded her seriously.

In his opinion, she is likely to be carried away by the position of Princess Jin now.

"Miss Xiao, no matter what you do, you must think twice before doing anything. The pavilion master told me that the girl is Tianyi, the top killer of Tingfeng Pavilion.

And if I'm not mistaken, the word emotion is the most taboo among all killer spies. "

After the Second Prince finished speaking, he stood there calmly, waiting for her to make a decision with a smile on his face.

This time, he is determined to win!

Emotion is the least valuable thing.

What is more precious than the benefits at your fingertips?

Chacha's pretty face is full of hesitation, as if caught in a difficult choice.

The Second Prince watched his words and continued to make up for the knife.

"Love, the moon in the mirror is like a flower in the water, and it breaks when you touch it. The girl has been through the rivers and lakes for a long time. She should understand that you must not be blinded and take the wrong way. If you go wrong, there is no turning back!"

after awhile.

Chacha made a decision, she nodded firmly.

"……I understand."

Hearing the words, the second prince hooked the corners of his lips, and Nangong Jin probably wouldn't have thought of this quilt. No matter how much he planned, he still lost to the woman in the end.

There is a knife at the beginning of the color. Always be vigilant. Don't forget that you are the most correct one. Love is an unreliable thing.

The power you have is the most real.

With money and power, even the most beautiful girl can be found!

The second prince handed the paper bag containing the poison to Cha Cha again.

This time, Cha Cha did not refuse.

She took the paper bag with a calm expression on her face, "Don't worry, Second Prince, I will poison Nangong Jin and I won't let you down."

The Second Prince smiled happily.

He was quite satisfied with this sky-level killer.

If you can use it for yourself, that's even better.

But, what a pity.

Chacha is holding the paper bag, his eyes are unpredictable.


She curled her lips and smiled.

"Second Prince, I don't know how much you spent to get the pavilion master to take over the task of assassinating Nangong Jin."

The Second Prince was taken aback, looking at her appearance, as if she was really just curious.

"It's inconvenient to say that some tasks are not measurable by money." He replied casually, at such a critical moment, there was no need to make trouble with her.

Chacha oh.

slender and slender fingers played with the paper bag in his hand, "Why don't you do it like this, you and I will also have a deal? Anyway, you are the one who wants to ascend to the throne.

It’s not enough to get rid of Nangong Jin. It just so happens that His Royal Highness is also in Prince Jin’s mansion. He hasn’t left yet. Why don’t I help you solve His Royal Highness by the way.

I am different from the pavilion owner. I am not interested in what he wants. I just want money.

Second Prince, what do you think? "

The Second Prince was silent for a moment, "..."

He was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

"As expected of a heaven-level killer, he has courage! But this matter must have nothing to do with this king. This king can't get involved, can you do it?"

When the Second Prince said this, his eyes were filled with uncontrollable ecstasy. If he could not only solve Nangong Jin, but also kill His Royal Highness in one fell swoop, then his competitors would be greatly reduced. At that time, the throne would be his. !

Chacha put the paper bag into his waist, "Of course I can do it, otherwise, I wouldn't be a heaven-level killer.

However, the second prince has to prepare early. After all, the death of King Jin and the prince at the same time will definitely cause a lot of trouble. At that time, whether or not he can become a winner depends on the ability of the second prince. "

Second Prince, "!!!" He understands!

this moment.

The mood of the second prince can no longer be described as ecstasy.

He stared straight at Cha Cha, his eyes bursting with endless light.

"The girl has indeed lost her talents in Tingfeng Pavilion, why don't you serve the king in the future?"

Cha Cha frowned and looked at him harmlessly.

"Don't say what the lord said, our pavilion master will be unhappy when he finds out."

The Second Prince shook his head, disapproving of her words, "Good birds choose wood to perch."

After he finished speaking, he took out a few silver notes from his arms and handed them over.

"This is the deposit. If the prince is also resolved, this king will immediately provide the balance."

Cha Cha took the bank note and looked at it, "!!!" It's time to smash wool again!

Tens of thousands of taels of silver bills are still just deposits?

The last paragraph will definitely be more!

Chacha put the silver note in his arms, and his attitude was a little milder because of the silver note, "Your Highness is so generous, I will consider what you say!"

The second prince nodded, and it is true that money can make a ghost push the mill.

If not, it may be because there is not enough money.

After receiving the money, Cha Cha sent out a serious reminder.

"My lord, remember to go back to the front hall later. I will go to the front hall to leave the crown prince first, and then you will find an excuse to leave Prince Jin's mansion. I will do it cleanly and leave no traces."

"it is good!"

The second prince couldn't wait to nod in agreement.

Then, Cha Cha left first and went straight to the front hall.

The Second Prince went around the yard a few times.

at the same time.

The prince, who had been stunned for a long time, looked confused.

looked at Nangong Jin at a loss.

"You you you..." Your woman is a killer!

Brother, you are so miserable!

His face was full of sympathy.

But at the thought of being killed, all he was left was fear.

"What are you panicking about? This scene has just begun."

Nangong Jin's eyes flashed with a trace of yin, how dare Nangong Lian dig a foot in the wall? Ah! Really impatient to live!

The prince paused for a while, then suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

He was too nervous.

The third brother took him to the show. I think he knew the identity of the girl long ago, otherwise he would not be so calm. It seems that the third brother has already figured out how to solve it.

Thinking of this, he is not too worried.

even made up a love-hate relationship on his own.

(end of this chapter)