Chapter 1695: Killer Relentless (28)

Chapter 1695 Killer is ruthless (28)

Immediately afterwards, the prince was carried back to the front hall by King Jin.

King Jin was extremely talented and quietly returned to the front hall. The prince was standing there, his legs were shaking a little, and he was a little unsteady.

He is not as powerful as King Jin.

King Jin glanced at him, and without saying anything else, raised his hand to summon Qingli.

Then, Qin Li took the prince to the backyard.

Although the prince had many questions in his heart, he looked at King Jin's face and did not dare to ask.

Anyway, Nangong Jin won't hurt him, and he will definitely not go wrong with Qingli.

After the prince left the front hall, Cha Cha walked over slowly, glanced at the front hall, and asked Nangong Jin silently.

He spoke lightly.

"Don't you want to keep the crown prince? I'll help you keep the people first."

"Yeah." Chacha nodded, walked to the place where the prince was seated before, and knocked the unfinished tea to the ground, the tea cup shattered, and the tea was spilled.

"That's it." She bent her lips and looked at Nangong Jin with a smile.

When the second prince returned to the front hall, he didn't see the prince, but only saw Cha Cha being held in his arms by Nangong Jin, with an attitude of no one else.

He lowered his eyelashes and coughed slightly awkwardly.

"Third brother, where is the crown prince?" he asked.

His arrival interrupted the intimacy of the two.

Nangong Jin only then freed his eyes to look at the second prince, "The tea cup was accidentally broken, and the prince is changing clothes in the backyard."

Chacha took the opportunity to answer, "It's all my fault.

Second Prince, it's getting late, do you want to stay in the mansion for dinner with the prince?

First, I would like to thank you two for visiting me, and second, I apologize for the prince. "

The second prince's eyes froze.

Immediately understood.

He declined apologetically, "This...! I'm really sorry, there are still things to be dealt with in the house, and an appointment has been made. I'll come to the door on another day."

"That's a shame.

The lord just specially asked the kitchen to prepare good wine and good dishes! "

Chacha said with emotion, as if he felt sorry for the second prince who missed the meal.

The second prince did not say more, and spoke to Nangong Jin again, and then left Prince Jin's mansion.

The moment    stepped out of King Jin's mansion.

The second prince's eyes were full of pride. Of course, he didn't dare to change his attitude too obviously. He was afraid of unforeseen troubles, so he went back to the palace and quietly waited for the news of the completion of the matter.


That night.

The good news came.

The secret guard reported that the prince returned to the palace after dinner at King Jin's mansion at noon.

Around dusk.

The prince was in the palace, and suddenly fell ill and fainted.

made everyone anxious.

At the same time, Prince Jin's mansion seemed to be in a lot of chaos.

It is said that King Jin's bodyguard, Qin Li, quickly entered the palace to ask for an imperial physician.

As for the specific matters, we don’t know yet.

The second prince waved back the guards, and in the empty room, he laughed loudly, and no longer concealed his emotions, joy, ecstasy, relief, and various emotions were intertwined.

No one knows how long he waited for this day.

Even he himself did not expect that things would be so easy and successful.

A beauty plan, a beauty plan.

Even though Nangong Jin was wise and wise, he was strategizing on the battlefield.

But in the end, didn't it still fall into his hands?

Poisoned by a killer who didn't love him?

The poison that Tingfeng gave him is a rare and strange poison.

This poison will not be fatal immediately, but will collapse like a sudden disease after a few hours of poisoning. It is not bad to be in a coma.

After twelve hours in a coma, the poisoned person will die.

The most important thing is that this poison has no solution.

In other words, at dusk tomorrow, he will wait for the news that the Prince and Nangong Jin died.

His chance has finally come!

Not long.

The dark guard came to report again.

There was chaos in the palace, and the emperor was furious.

In the palace of King Jin, King Jin was also taken to the palace by a carriage.

Probably because the symptoms were similar to that of the Crown Prince, King Jin was brought to the palace and treated with him.

Such a big move, not to mention the second prince, the other princes should also know about it.

The second prince did not stay any longer, "Come here, change clothes and enter the palace." He was going to enter the palace to share the worries of the father and the emperor.


Royal Palace.

The emperor angrily smashed one after another, "It's all a bunch of trash! If you can't cure the prince and King Jin, I want you to be buried together!"

The imperial doctor was trembling and did not dare to make a sound.

The second prince came in and asked anxiously.

"Father, what happened to the crown prince and the third brother?"

His eyes looked around, and he quickly found the prince in the gauze. On the other side, Nangong Jin was standing beside him, and Xiao Cha was nowhere to be seen.

He thought for a while, and yes, it was the palace after all, and she couldn't come in without the emperor's orders.

The emperor snorted coldly and did not answer Nangong Lian.

The **** next to him carefully talked about the situation of King Jin and the prince.

Nangong Lian pretended to be shocked.

"How could this happen? When Erchen and the prince went to Prince Jin's mansion in the morning, they were all fine..."

"What are you doing at King Jin's Mansion?" The emperor turned his head to look at him, a little puzzled by this.

"At the poetry meeting, there was an accident with the girl the third brother brought, so my son made an appointment with the prince and went to see the girl Xiao at King Jin's mansion. The girl Xiao is the beloved woman of the third brother, the father should pay attention to this matter. do not know.

According to the intention of the third brother, after a few days, when I find a suitable opportunity, I will report this matter to the emperor and ask him to marry him, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen..."

Nangong Lian lowered his head, infinitely sad.

The    emperor didn't react much.

"That girl Xiao, I know that poetry will be such a big thing, who else in the imperial city doesn't know?"

He pinched his brows, seemingly helpless and like a sigh.

After all, Prime Minister Liu told his old age and returned to his hometown. It was such a big deal that if he really didn't know anything, then he would be a waste as an emperor.

"When did you leave Prince Jin's mansion?"

The Emperor    asked something as if he suddenly remembered something.

Nangong Lian, "My son left before noon, and the prince stayed in the palace for dinner."

The emperor turned around and asked the imperial physician, "Does their pulse look like poisoning?"

is the winner of the last prince's succession.

Almost instantly thought of poisoning.

Nangong Lian's face turned pale.

lowered his head and said nothing, the father was suspecting that someone had poisoned him.


This is done so secretly that nothing can be found out.

Several imperial physicians summed up.

"Report to Your Majesty, judging from the pulse of the Crown Prince and Prince Jin, they should not have been poisoned... It is also possible that the ministers and other medical skills are superficial and cannot be ascertained..."

As soon as the voice fell, several imperial physicians knelt down.

Emperor, "...What's the use of wanting you rubbish? I can't find out the cause, and I can't tell the exact situation!"

"Father, let the imperial physicians think of a solution first." Nangong Lian reminded in a low voice.

"This is the end of the matter, and this is the only way to go. Go and invite all the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital." The emperor ordered with a sullen face.

Nangong Lian turned to look at Qingli.

He walked over slowly, took the initiative to ask, and seized the opportunity, "Qingli, you are the person by the third brother's side, and the person the third brother trusts the most. Today, do you feel abnormal around the third brother?"

(end of this chapter)