Chapter 1698: Killer Relentless (31)

Chapter 1698 Killer is ruthless (31)

Nangong Lianyan smiled like a winner.

"Originally, I just wanted to solve Nangong Jin, but I didn't expect that even with the crown prince, it was solved. Father, do you know what this means?"

Emperor, "It means that you are not as good as a beast!"

Nangong Lian is not annoyed at being scolded, anyway, his father emperor will soon retire from the throne.

He smiled and said, "It means that you are wrong, Father, if they were really better than me, they wouldn't be lying here now.

I, Nangong Lian, are the real winners. "

His eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were full of pride.

The emperor didn't want to argue with him, and looked at Nangong Jin who was lying on the bed distressed. He shook his hands and tried to take a breath.

Oh, okay, still breathing.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, he began to be apprehensive again.

If he had known that Nangong Lian had such thoughts, he should have put people in the cold palace!

Nangong Lian's indifferent gaze fell on Qinli.

Actually, he still liked this guard, but unfortunately, he was too loyal to Nangong Jin.

"It's better to use you first and die with Nangong Jin. It's a good death."

Qingli snorted coldly and didn't take him seriously.

Nangongjin looked at the situation in the main hall, and gradually lost his patience. He had enough to play, and it was time to deal with these people directly, "Come on! Put on paper and ink."

"Father, you have to write this edict of abdication."

He bent over to pick up the pen and handed it to the emperor.

The    emperor turned his head and said angrily, "Don't write it! Even if you kill me, I won't write it. Even if the chaotic ministers and thieves are on the throne, their name is not right!"

Nangong Lian's patience was completely exhausted.

The smile on   's face disappeared, the wolf pen in his hand was slammed to the ground by him, and a few drops of splashed ink landed on the corner of Chacha's skirt.

Yuebai's clothes were destroyed immediately.

Cha Cha frowned and stared at Nangong Lian unhappily.

This is her favorite dress.

"You stained my clothes."

An abrupt voice sounded, breaking the cold atmosphere.

Nangong Lian was not annoyed when he heard the voice of Chacha. He turned his head to look over and said with a good attitude, "This king will pay you ten pieces."

After all, without her, he would not have rebelled so smoothly.

did not want to.

Cha Cha shook his head and refused, "I don't want clothes, I want money."

Nangong Lian, "..."

is quite bald, and he is trying to force the palace drama, and suddenly mentions silver.

He didn't say much, took out the silver note from his arms, and handed it to Cha Cha to please.

Cha Cha took the bank note and glanced at the amount.

One thousand taels?

The taste of wool is so refreshing!

She put the silver note in her arms, took a few steps back, distanced herself from Nangong Lian, and stood in an unoccupied corner, she said, "Let's do it!"

Nangong Lian was stunned for a moment, and then she was filled with emotion.

I'm still thinking about him at this time.

Is it possible that Miss Xiao has taken a fancy to him?

Nangong Lian curled the corners of his lips, thinking in a good mood, if he could, he wouldn't mind giving Xiao Cha a concubine.

Of course, now is not the time to think about that.

He turned his head and glared at his silent subordinates, and was immediately displeased, "What are you still doing? Do it! A bunch of rubbish." Even Xiao Cha knew to remind him to do it, but these **** stood there like fools. Don't move.

The subordinates reacted, and as soon as they raised their feet, a cold thing suddenly appeared on the neck.

"..." What the fuck?

at the same time.

Nangong Lian also had a sharp knife on his neck.

The blade of the blade shone with an icy cold light.

Nangong Lian was slightly startled, looking at Qingli in front of him in astonishment.

I don't know when, Qin Li actually had an extra sword in his hand. Obviously, when he entered the palace, he was not allowed to carry sharp weapons.

But it's not a big deal.

Nangong Lian still looked like he was winning.

"Qingli, don't you think that with this sword, you can stop this king's great cause?

Even if you have great martial arts, even if you kill this king, but so what, your master will never wake up! he died! died! "

He sneered triumphantly.


A cold yet familiar voice sounded.

"Sorry, I slept a little longer."

Nangong Jin sat up from the bed leisurely, with a calm demeanor.

Nangong Lian was stunned on the spot.

looked at Nangong Jin in shock.

"???" The head is full of question marks.


The prince also woke up, got up and ran to Nangong Jin's side, and then helped the emperor to sit down again.

Nangong Lian, "???"

His pupils shrank, raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at Nangong Jin, "You are not dead? This is impossible! Impossible! You are obviously poisoned!"

After being poisoned, there is no doubt that he will die. How could he wake up at this time?


Nangong Lian suddenly looked at Cha Cha in the corner with a question in his eyes.

Cha Cha looked up and looked back.

Wool Nangong Lian was obviously hit hard.

She pondered for a while, and for the sake of so much money, she would be a little kinder to solve his doubts.

She walked over, tilted her head, and said innocently, "I'm sorry, Second Prince, my hands may have shaken when I poisoned, and the poison may have been spilled on the ground."

Nangong Lian, "...????" My mentality collapsed on the spot! ! !

"You, you!" Xu Shi was too excited, Nangong Lian's lips trembled, and he couldn't even speak.

Chacha, "Second Prince, don't get excited, speak slowly."

It took a while.

Nangong Liancai scolded angrily, "How can you deceive this king if you have accepted this king's bank note!"

He was very excited, and his angry voice was vaguely sad and mournful.

Cha Cha pondered seriously, with an embarrassed look on his face, "How about I give you the silver ticket back? However, according to the current situation, you probably won't have the chance to spend so much silver ticket, or don't waste it."

Nangong Lian was so angry that he almost went crazy, "Is it the question of the silver bill? Is it the question of the silver bill? You promised to poison the prince and Nangong Jin, how could you lie to me! Betray me!"

She deceived him so badly!

His eyes were scarlet, and his hands were clenched into fists, as if he was about to rush to kill Cha Cha in the next second.

Qingli frowned and moved the blade towards his neck, touching Nangong Lian's skin, "The Second Prince is disturbed, the sword has no eyes."

Feeling that Nangong Lian was a little crazy, Cha Cha sighed deeply.

"Second Prince, why don't you understand, from the moment you started calculating, you have already stepped into this game."

Nangong Jin pulled Cha Cha unhappy, she and Nangong Lian talked too much.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, let's go home."

"it is good."

Nangong Jin wrapped her arms around her waist, took the person into her arms, and walked out of the main hall calmly.

didn't even say a word to Nangong Lian.

is just a waste, not worth his time.

Not to mention, the princess of his family has spoken to Nangong Lian several times.

After Nangong Jin left.

Qingli handed people over to the prince.

Prince, "..." Followed the third brother, it was another day to lie down and win.

He looked at Nangong Lian with emotion.

"Second brother, tell me, how can you kill me like that! Can you trick someone like the third brother? You still think about killing him with a beauty trick? It's really stupid.

The third brother and the girl Xiao dug a hole long ago, waiting for you to jump in.

It’s okay to jump in, but still give Miss Xiao so many silver notes for nothing?

This palace can't bear to talk about you anymore. "

(end of this chapter)