Chapter 1699: Killer Relentless (32)

Chapter 1699 Killer is ruthless (32)

The prince's voice just fell.

saw Nangong Lian clutching his chest, spitting out a mouthful of blood with a painful expression.

Prince pondering...

may be vomiting blood from anger.

After all, neither he nor Qili did anything to Nangong Lian, and there was no internal injury.

It could only be that he vomited blood.

Thinking like this, he raised his hand and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"Let's first think about whether we can live."

Although he didn't have superb means, he also knew that he couldn't let Nangong Lian go.

The    rebellion was unsuccessful, and he tried to poison him and his third brother.

Such a ruthless Nangong Lian, if he really let it go, he would be a fool.

The prince calmly told the emperor about the matter briefly.

"Father, the third brother has been assassinated, but he still doesn't know who is behind the scenes.

Only later did he vaguely realize that it was Nangong Lian who had been secretly poisoning, and then wanted to kill him.

So, the third brother and the son-in-law came to a plan, and they did not discuss it with the royal father in advance. It was because the time was short and it was too late to report, and the matter had already happened.

The    emperor sighed.

"It's okay, put Nangong Lian on death row, and the main rebels outside with him will also be locked up."

He could endure his sons fighting each other under his nose.

But no rebellion is allowed.

No matter who the emperor is, he can only forgive the prince who wants to rebel.

This scene is over.

Nangong Lian was put on death row.

The death row is different from the big prison. If you enter the death row, you will surely die.

The emperor's determination has said it all.

Nangong Lian was completely cold.

Don't say turning over, you can't even escape death.


King Jin's Mansion.

Cha Cha waited for Nangong Jin to peel the oranges for her, "Nangong Lian's matter is resolved, and you don't have to worry about anyone buying murderers to assassinate you in the future."

"In order to repay you for helping me solve such a big trouble, I have decided to promise myself now, immediately, and by myself!"

Nangong Jin looked at her maliciously, with deep eyes.

It is most suitable to promise this kind of thing with one's body.

"...Can I say no?"

The little girl who was smiling just now suddenly had a bitter face.

Wronged inquiry.

She didn't want him to make promises.

Now, immediately?

woo, shameless.

Nangong Jin, "No." You can never refuse him, well, he is such a domineering person.

chacha, “…”

Next time, she must stay away from him.

Seeing that Nangong Jin's eyes were wrong, Cha Cha looked at the sky outside, hey, it's still early before dark!

She thought about it, stood up and stepped back, not even the peeled oranges.

"I want to tell you something very solemn, don't touch your feet."

Nangong Jin stared at her with fiery eyes, "You said."

After he finished speaking, he started again.

Cha Cha was stared at by his eyes very uncomfortable, "You must be careful in front of outsiders in the future."

It's like being in the palace today, so many people are watching, but he's good, he doesn't care about her waist, looks close.

Showing affection, you should also pay attention to your sense of proportion.

"Okay." Nangong Jin nodded with a serious expression, as if he was really a good boy who knew his mistakes and corrected them.

Chacha blushed and continued, "Also, even if you're in the mansion, you have to be careful, just like now, before it gets dark, you start thinking about some messy things."

The little girl's pretty face was flushed.

is as seductive as the sunset on the horizon.

Nangongjin stared at her, suddenly thinking of teasing again.

"I am holding you in the palace because I am worried about your safety. Nangong Lian is there, it is not safe, that is why I am holding you.

Since you don't think it's appropriate, then I'll change it.

But, with your last mess, I don't quite understand what you're talking about. "

He spoke with a straight face.

I didn’t think there was anything wrong with my words.

Cha Cha was stunned for a while, and retorted him, "It's what you want to do. You can't do it now, and you can't do it before dark in the future! You can only do it after dark."

It doesn’t work anyway.

How can the door be closed during the day.

Nangong Jin had a faint smile on his handsome face.

"I'm talking about the promise of the body, that is, the promise of the body. It can help you peel oranges, pour tea, and serve cakes for you.

What are you thinking in your little head?

This kind of thing, why can't you do it during the day? "

chacha, “…”

The little girl was stunned.

looked at Nangong Jin dumbfounded, his face blank.

"???"what? Is this what he said?

Is she really thinking about it?

The small face that was already red was even redder now.

The little girl pitifully pulled out a reason.

"I didn't think about anything, I thought the same as you, peel oranges and eat pastries, eat a little less during the day, and close the door at night and eat it as a late-night snack." Yes, that's it!

She definitely didn't think much of it.

Well, perfect! She's such a clever little devil.

Nangongjin looked helpless.

"Then I'll put away the oranges and these pastries, and I'll bring them to you in the evening."

Chacha, "!!!"

She watched Nangong Jin go to serve the cakes eagerly.

At this moment, the little girl was extremely aggrieved.

Nangong Jin seemed calm, but when he met her eyes, he surrendered.

He put down the pastry, walked over to her with the peeled oranges, and fed them skillfully, "I won't tease you, it's my fault, I don't have to think about messing things all day, I'll change it."

As long as she is wronged, he is wrong.

In his world, she is everything.

His world is full of her.

Chacha took a bite of the orange, um, super sweet.


Some other courtyard in the imperial city.

Ting Feng sat silently on the soft couch, looking coldly at Tian Er who was kneeling in front of him.

Yingwu didn't dare to make a sound on one side.

The Second Prince was put on death row!

Obviously everything went very smoothly.

The Second Prince even sent him a message saying that the poisoning was a success.

As a result, Nangong Jin was safe and sound.

On the contrary, the entire Second Prince’s Mansion was raided by the Janissaries.

In such a big situation, I told him plainly that the second prince lost, and he lost very badly.

But this plan, logically speaking, is unlikely to have an accident.

Since Nangongjin is safe and sound.

That means there is a problem with Tianyi.

Now there are various signs that either Tianyi's poison was discovered, or Tianyi betrayed him.

If it is the former guess, forget it.

may be the latter...

How could he bear it?

"Explore Tianyi's situation in King Jin's mansion at all costs. If she is safe and sound, you must send the news back quickly, and find an opportunity to kill her!"

He could not tolerate betrayal.

The ends of the earth, he will not let it go!

"What if Tianyi didn't betray?" Tianer hesitated.

Tingfeng squinted his eyes, his whole person was a little dangerous.

"If you didn't betray me, you still have to pass the news back and kill her! As a Tingfeng Pavilion heaven-level killer, she knows too much."

The cool and thin tone is like the cold wind of winter, biting and ruthless.

went back to before, after all, no matter what happened, he couldn't tolerate Tianyi, Tianyi must die.

If it wasn't for Tingfeng Pavilion and Nangong Lian's deal.

It takes Tianyi to complete the task, and she can't live now.


This plane will end tomorrow~

Good night~

(end of this chapter)