Chapter 1700: Killer Relentless (33)

Chapter 1700 Killer is ruthless (33)

After Tian Er left.

Ying Wu tentatively asked, "Pavilion Master, Tian Er he... may not be Tian Yi's opponent, and now Tian Yi is in Jin Wang's mansion..." I'm afraid it will be even more difficult.

Even, Tian Er may have been discovered without even finding out the news.

"Although Tian Er is not Tian Yi's opponent, there is no problem in sending him out to be a pawn."

Ting Feng didn’t feel that there was any problem in sacrificing a Tian Er.

Yingwu's heart slowly poured out a daze.

But he couldn't say it.

He seems to be... like that to everyone.

Whether it is Tianyi or Tian2, it seems that it is always just used, ready to sacrifice, ready to kill...

She lowered her eyes, feeling depressed.

Listening to the wind brought the person into his arms, "What's wrong? Think I'm ruthless?"

"No." Ying Wu shook her head and retorted.

"I just feel that there are fewer and fewer people around the pavilion master."

If Tingfeng Pavilion loses Tianyi and Tian2 again.

This Tingfeng Pavilion... I'm afraid it will be difficult for some time to come.

Hearing the wind frowned.

"Don't think too much, I can occupy a place in the development of Tingfeng Pavilion, and I can also make Tingfeng Pavilion continue to grow. You, it is because a lot of things have happened recently, so you are too worried."

It seems that he is too fond of her.

Before, she would never have said such a thing.


King Jin's mansion is heavily guarded, Tianer can't enter, and he can't snoop on news, so he can only guard King Jin's mansion to look for opportunities.

But Tian Er did not expect it.

The next day.

He waited for someone.

He saw with his own eyes that King Jin came out of King Jin's mansion half-armed with Tianyi, both of them had smiles on their faces, and there was no displeasure at all.

Tian'er's eyes sank, and there was anger in his heart.

Tianyi, as the top killer of Tingfeng Pavilion, she betrayed Tingfeng Pavilion!

Really fell in love with Nangong Jin? !

How is this possible? ? ?

Tian Er endured his anger and passed the news to Tingfeng.

Then he followed secretly all the way, and followed the carriage of Prince Jin's mansion to a restaurant.

Thinking back then, he had contacted Tianyi at this restaurant.

In the blink of an eye, Tianyi became a traitor!

Tian Er pondered for a long time.

He is indeed not Tianyi's opponent, and King Jin is even more skilled, but this is his life, even if he knows that death is waiting for him, he will continue to move forward.

Unfortunately, he couldn't wait for the chance to replace Tianyi.

In order not to attract attention, improve the odds of winning.

Tian Er entered the restaurant's kitchen, knocked out one of the food delivery boys, put on his clothes, and disguised himself with the others.

A raw face suddenly appeared.

The rest of the people who served the dishes gave him a surprised look.

"Are you new here? Why haven't I seen you?"

"No, I'm a janitor in the kitchen. The man just had diarrhea and asked me to help serve the dishes."

"I see." Others doubted him.

Until Tian Er came to the outside of the wing smoothly.

He was a little stunned.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be so smooth.

I hope that in the future, the probability of successful assassination will be higher.

According to his observations.

Assassination in this restaurant is a little more likely to succeed than going to King Jin's mansion, so he must seize this opportunity.

missed this opportunity and don't know when the next opportunity will be.

If he waited for someone to return to Prince Jin’s mansion, maybe he wouldn’t even be able to break into Prince Jin’s mansion.

Tian Er calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, a slightly complaining female voice came from inside, "I'm hungry, let them serve food."

"it is good."

As soon as the    voice fell, Qingli opened the door of the wing.

Let the boys go in and serve the dishes.

Tian Er walked at the end, and seeing the little Er who walked in front of him serving dishes and leaving, he has become the last one.

The dagger hidden under the tray shone with a sharp cold light.

Next second.

He threw the tray and the dish in his hand, and the dagger stabbed Chacha in the air.

Now Nangong Lian is on death row.

For them Tingfeng Pavilion, Nangong Jin's life and death has nothing to do with them, all they have to do is kill Tianyi who betrayed Tingfeng Pavilion.

Seeing that the dagger was about to stab in front of her.

Tian Er's wrist was kicked violently.

He stepped back, almost stabilizing his body.

Qinli held the long sword and confronted Tian Er.

Cha Cha looked at Tian Er calmly, "I didn't expect you to be so unbearable, Qili, this person is handed over to you."


The killer of Tingfeng Pavilion, whether it is to assassinate Xiao Cha or their prince, must die.

Xiao Cha will soon be the princess of King Jin's mansion, and the person they want to protect!

Cha Cha took a look at Nangong Jin.

Nangong Jin immediately gave the feed with a smile. While serving tea, he said with a smile, "Don't worry, he is not a match for Qingli."

Just a fool.

Really thought that he was guarding outside Prince Jin's mansion and was not discovered by his people?

is just giving this person a chance to die.

"Don't ruin your good mood because of messy people." Nangong Jin added.

Electric light and flint room.

Tian Er fell to the ground.

Eyes open, dead eyesight.

At the moment when his life passed, he had a lot of reluctance to part with the world.

He has not yet changed from Tian 2 to Tian 1.

He has not yet become the top killer of Tingfeng Pavilion.

He hasn't killed Tianyi yet.

died just like that.

Nangongjin reminded coldly, "Dispose of the corpse."

He stretched out his hand to block it, afraid that Chacha would see it.

Qingli works very fast.

for a moment.

calm returned to the wing.

As if nothing had happened.

Even the faint smell of blood could not be smelled in the room.

After dinner.

Nangong Jin asked aloud, "Can I invite the chef of this restaurant to the palace?"

"Not good." Cha Cha shook his head and said, a little helpless, "You invited other people's cooks to the palace, what will happen to this restaurant's business in the future?

We come here once in a while, don't you think it's nice? "

"Um...good." She said good, then good.


Someone came to report.

Qingli Shen Sheng explained, "Your Highness, Miss Xiao, I have found the courtyard where Tingfeng lives in the imperial city."

Follow the clues of Tian Er's message.

Perfectly found the location.

I just didn’t expect that listening to the wind was so daring.

Dare to hide in the imperial city for so long?

Do you really think they won't find out?

"Arrange everything, kill!" Nangong Jin ordered coldly, with gloomy eyes.

Tingfeng Pavilion Master Tingfeng, this person must be eradicated!

Hearing that Nangongjin was going to do something to Tingfeng, Chacha was a little happy.

"I want to go and see."

I want to see how Tingfeng died tragically.

Ah, it would be perfect if she could die at her hands, or let her see it with her own eyes.

Nangong Jin, "...Well, let's go together."

He just wanted to refuse.

But he couldn't bear to see her disappointed.

Let’s go and see it together.

Anyway, listening to the wind is not a very strong opponent for him.

He didn't care.

Qingli silently dispatched another group of secret guards to protect the safety of the prince and the prospective princess.

Although the prince and the prospective princess are very powerful and do not need protection, it is safer to send a dark guard just in case.

In terms of safety, you can never take chances.

(end of this chapter)