Chapter 1701: Killer Relentless (34)

Chapter 1701 Killer is ruthless (34)

Another courtyard.

The hiding place of listening to the wind.

Ting Feng never thought that he would be discovered so quickly.

Almost the moment he received the news from Tian Er, he was targeted.

Without even guessing, he could be sure that the person who came was from Nangong Jin.

In this imperial city, only Nangong Jin can do this.

He seemed to really underestimate Nangong Jin before, and of course, he wouldn't just admit defeat.

This other courtyard is not the old nest of Tingfeng Pavilion.

is just a point of contact.

Although there are killers in the other courtyard, compared with Nangong Jin's dark guards, there is a big difference in the number of people alone.

So this battle is destined to be very hard.

Ying Wuhu was in front of Ting Feng, she had realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Pavilion Master, Ying Wu is covering you! Hurry up!"

Between the two, there is no tragic bridge in the film and television drama, pulling and pulling and unwilling to leave each other.

Ting Feng nodded neatly, "Okay, you cover me!"

In his heart, whether it is Tianyi or Yingwu, they are all chess pieces. When it is time to abandon them, he will abandon them without hesitation.

Besides, at such an important moment.

Yingwu tried her best to protect Tingfeng, vowing to fight a **** path for Tingfeng.

She had never hated herself so much.

Why is it so useless?

If she was as powerful as Tianyi, I'm afraid she would have been out of the siege long ago.

She, Tingfeng, and the few remaining killers were surrounded by those dark guards.

Their people still lost a lot, and the other party came prepared and had no fear at all. Only a few people were injured and no one died. face, and crushed their defenses.

After a stick of incense.

Yingwu was scarred, and their people fell one by one. In the end, only she and Tingfeng were left.

Ting Feng was also seriously injured.

"Pavilion Master, I'm sorry, Ying Wu is useless." She blamed herself, she was annoyed.

Listening to the wind without saying a word, like a trapped beast driven mad.

He didn't want to die here.

His Tingfeng Pavilion is still developing.

His career ambitions are not yet fully revealed.

Die here, he will die!

When   Cha Cha and Nangong Jin arrived, what they saw was Ting Feng's crazy counterattack.

Unfortunately, his strength alone is too weak to be useful.

And Ying Wu fell to the ground, looking still angry, but she was seriously injured and couldn't even get up. There were only a few dark guards beside her.

In this case, these two are obviously going to finish the game.

The dark guards brought by   Qingli were scattered on both sides. Cha Cha and Nangong Jin stood together, the two peerless and elegant two people, standing there, it was a beautiful scene, it was difficult not to attract attention.

Ying Wu quickly noticed them.

She looked at Cha Cha with fierce eyes and questioned silently.


Why betray Tingfeng Pavilion?

Why do you want to start with Tingfeng?

Cha Cha tilted his head, thinking that he was amazing, and actually understood her eyes.

She beckoned, "Bring her here."

The dark guard quickly brought the person to Cha Cha, and threw it to the ground in a non-gentle manner, and then the two long swords pressed against Ying Wu's neck one by one.

Chacha, "..." The sense of crisis is quite strong, and the two swords are perfect to prevent Ying Wu from counterattacking.

Ah, very good! Very sweet!

Cha Cha looked down at Ying Wu and met her gaze.

Cha Cha smiled lightly, "Don't look at me like that, do you want to ask me why I want to do something to you?"

"You are the top killer of Tingfeng Pavilion!" Ying Wu spit out a sentence, resentfully reminding Cha Cha's identity.

Cha Cha shook his head and sighed, thinking that there might be a small problem with Ying Wu's brain circuit.

"It was Tingfeng who made a move on me first, and joined you to calculate me, but I was lucky and had high martial arts, so I was not successful in your calculation.

Later, he wanted to assassinate me and take my life.

Yingwu, you say, why can't I fight back?

Indeed, I wouldn't be where I am today without listening to the wind, but I don't owe him, I have already paid it off. "

Tianyi kills for Tingfeng.

Do tasks for Tingfeng and dedicate everything to Tingfeng Pavilion.

If you have to calculate it clearly, it will be paid off early in the morning.

Yingwu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Her life, I'm afraid it will be explained here today.

Cha Cha raised his head and stared sharply at Ting Feng, who was surrounded by him.

Listen to the wind, no one wants to believe it.

Doubt everyone.

Whether it is Tianyi or Yingwu, he will not treat him wholeheartedly.

is just a person who is good at observing his mind and taking advantage of others.

Listening to the wind passed the dark guard, and vaguely saw the familiar figure, how could she come? To see how he died?

The dark guard saw that the prince was here, and did not fight with Tingfeng anymore. In the current situation, they can solve Tingfeng alone, but they have not started, but just want to see how long he can last.


Tingfeng was escorted to Nangongjin and Chacha.

Cha Cha, "How has the pavilion master been recently?

Actually, I didn't expect this kind of scene when we meet again. "

Listen to the wind, "...Traitor!"

Cha Cha snorted indifferently.

and kicked out.

"What do you think you are? How dare you call me a traitor?" Garbage! **** thing!

Ting Feng was kicked out a few meters, his body fell to the ground, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Qingli twitched the corner of his mouth, and asked the dark guard to drag the person back again.

Listening to Feng's scarlet eyes and his final struggle.

He stared at Cha Cha with a serious warning.

"Do you think Nangong Jin really loves you? He is using you just like me! I use you to kill people, he uses you to deal with me!

After I die, you will not become Princess Jin, you will find me on Huangquan Road, and you will be sent to **** by his own hands, Nangong Jin! "

Chacha, "..." She couldn't bear to listen to such a **** provocation.

I always felt that Ting Feng might have been beaten and hurt my brain.

Hearing the wind, he flew out again.

This time, it was about ten meters away.

Like a rag bag, it fell heavily on the ground, and even the dust on the ground was lifted up by his gravity.

Cha Cha tilted his head in surprise.

It wasn't her who kicked this time, it was Nangong Jin who kicked.

"You can't kick if you die." She reminded slowly.

Qingli silently instructed the dark guard to drag the person back again.

That kick just now.

It is estimated that listening to the wind is over.

Sure enough, after dragging the person back, Qin Li glanced at him, "My lord, he still has half a breath left."

Nangong Jin, "...Sorry, I couldn't control my strength."

There is still half a breath left, so I can't keep kicking anymore.

Chacha's thoughtful suggestion, "Then why don't you hang him on the city wall to bask in the sun?"

Nangong Jin, "Okay."

Hearing Fengyan's eyelashes tremble.

He doesn't want to be hung on the city wall for everyone to see his jokes.

Do not!

Right now, there is no chance of turning over.

Hearing the wind crossed his eyes unwillingly.

Finally, he raised his hand and slapped it on his forehead.

Even if he dies, he will die at his own hands and end his own life, no one can kill him! ! !

Cha Cha watched Ting Feng turn into a corpse with a calm expression.

She tilted her head to look at Yingwu.

"he died."


This plane originally thought that two chapters could be completed, and then another chapter is needed, good night~

(end of this chapter)