Chapter 1702: Killer Relentless (35)

Chapter 1702 Killer is ruthless (35)

Yingwu's eyes were red, and she stared at Tingfeng not far away.

Is    just like that?

She hasn't got his heart yet.

has not yet become his wife.

She didn't get a title until she died.

Now that he is dead, what about her?

She looked at the dark guards surrounding her. She couldn't escape, and she couldn't live. Death was the last escape.

She looked at Cha Cha angrily, "You won."

After the words fell, he also followed Tingfeng and left.

Cha Cha turned his head, not looking at Ying Wu.

She will not lose, only Ying Wu and Tingfeng will lose.

She stretched out her hand and pulled Nangong Jin away.

Listening to Feng and Yingwu's 'sad scene', she has no interest.

"Tingfeng Pavilion has lost the pavilion owner, and there are not many heaven-level killers. It must be a mess. You can let Tingfeng Pavilion solve it."

Chacha gave a suggestion.

"I don't want to waste time, just leave this matter to the crown prince." Nangong Jin said indifferently.

The opportunity to make meritorious deeds was directly given to the prince who was lying and won.

"Actually, we have more important things to do next." Nangong Jin held her wrist instead, her eyes burning hot.


was caught off guard by the look in his eyes, and Cha Cha felt a little flustered.

Behind    are many dark guards.

Nangong Jin said calmly, "Nangong Lian is on death row, and Tingfeng also died. Should we talk about marriage?"

Cha Cha paused, then subconsciously looked away and glanced at the dark guard behind him.

A group of people turned their gazes towards them.

Her little face immediately turned red.

"Let's go back and talk about it." Mingming told him to be more careful in public.

As a result, this person gave her such a big surprise.

As soon as Cha Cha turned around, she was pulled back by Nangong Jin.

"You haven't answered me yet."

He won't let go if he doesn't get a definite answer.

Cha Cha glared at him and dragged him with his other arm, trying to take him out of the place.

However, Nangong Jin just stood there motionless.

Angrily Cha Cha clenched his teeth and pinched him.

Obviously, someone will never give up if he doesn’t hear the answer he wants.

Cha Cha Hei's face gave him the answer.

"Alright, let's talk, we'll talk when we get home."

Having said this, the corners of Nangong Jin's pursed lips curled up.

He let go.

The little girl who was freed quickly ran back to the carriage.

Qingli and the dark guard behind him looked up at the sky, looked away, or looked down at his toes.

Hey, the lord is still a black belly, a black heart.

Look at the one who bullied the prospective princess, and those who didn't know it thought that she was kidnapping the little girl.

Cha Cha sat in the carriage and muttered angrily.

It's getting more and more shameless!

knew that he was bullying her!

Isn't it just because she likes him?


Nangong Jin also got into the carriage.

He smiled and looked at the little girl who had distanced himself from him.

waved at her like a big bad wolf.

"Honey, let's talk about marriage."

Chacha, "..." Who wants to talk to you!

When    went back to the mansion, there couldn't be so many secret guards behind the carriage, it would be too high-profile.

Only Qinli was driving in the front, and the guards at the back acted independently.

Qingli didn't know what happened in the carriage.

All I know is that when the carriage had not stopped at the gate of the palace, the princess-to-be jumped off the carriage as if she had fled, and then ran wildly all the way. It seemed that she probably ran back to the main courtyard.

Qingli stared blankly at the carriage.

The car curtain swayed, and the prince walked out slowly from inside.

I saw that the neckline of the prince's clothes was a little messy, and there seemed to be bloodstains from the nails on the neck.

Qingli was silent for a moment, "..."

Immediately, he hurriedly lowered his head to reduce his presence.

It seems that a lot of things may have happened on the carriage just now...

Nangong Jin just stepped into the palace.

heard a somewhat noisy voice.

"Your Highness, Young Master Ye is back."

The voice of    just fell.

Ye Jing rushed over, followed by the expressionless Jing Zhu.

Ye Jing was very excited when he saw Nangong Jin. He grabbed Nangong Jin's clothes and said nervously, "I have something very important to tell you."

Nangong Jin disgusted and pulled Ye Jing's hand away.

"Speak." The voice was as cold as ever.

Ye Jing looked left and right, with a mysterious look on his face.

"My lord, let me tell you, the little girl beside you is from Tingfeng Pavilion. If I guess correctly, she should be Tingfeng Pavilion's killer."

It took him a long time to find out this news with Qin Zhu.

After finding out Xiao Cha's identity, they hurried back, for fear that Xiao Cha would attack Nangong Jin.

also blamed him, seeing the medicine Xiao Cha gave, he regarded her as a good person.

Fortunately, Nangong Jin is fine.

Otherwise, he may have to spend it in remorse in the future.

Nangongjin's face was pale, "What else?"

Ye Jing was stunned for a moment, "I'm very tired, but I found this news after a lot of hard work!" Isn't that enough? What do you still want?

Nangong Jin raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows.

"It's hard for you." He replied, then bypassed Ye Jing and returned to the main courtyard.

Ye Jing, "???" Did I say something wrong?

Why do you always think that sentence is a little perfunctory?

He looked at the leaving back in confusion.

Then look at Qinli together with Jingzhu.

Qingli, "..."

He sighed, a little melancholy.

The news of these two people is too late.

for a long time.

Qingli briefly said what happened recently.

Ye Jing frowned.

"So that's the case! Xiao Cha is going to become Princess Jin?"

No wonder Nangong Jin would have that attitude just now.

It turns out that he accidentally mentioned Nangong Jin's apex.

Alas, fortunately he didn't say anything he shouldn't have said.

Otherwise, according to Nangong Jin's stingy temperament, I'm afraid that he will take revenge and toss him again.

"I didn't expect that so many things happened in the imperial city." Qu Zhu was a little surprised.

However, after careful consideration.

I just felt that the girl Xiao should really treat the prince.

First detoxification, then Nangong Lian, and now Tingfeng Pavilion has been resolved. For the master, there is no threat in this world.


The main courtyard.

Nangongjin was a step late.

He found the room locked from the inside.

The windows were also closed.

The little girl in    seems to be really angry.

He stood silently by the window and explained in a serious manner, "I didn't do it on purpose in the carriage, or I couldn't control myself occasionally, I changed..."

after awhile.

The people inside did not respond.

Nangongjin sighed and continued to explain.

Did you just overdo it?

Guiltily, he poked a hole in the window paper and tried to see what was inside.


can not see? ? ?

"Chacha? Are you inside? If not, I'm going to push the window in?"

a corner, "..."

Chacha couldn't wait to slap it.

Next second.

The window was pushed open.

To be precise, half smashed and half pushed, that window is considered useless.

Nangongjin swept around in surprise, but found no one, her face suddenly sank, he was outside, he was sure that she never walked out of this room.

What about    people? ? ?

For a moment, he was flustered.

(end of this chapter)