Chapter 1703: Killer Relentless (End)

Chapter 1703 Killer is ruthless (End)

Nangong Jin stood stiffly on the spot.

quickly filtered his enemies through his mind.

No suspicious person was found.

Immediately afterwards, he searched the room in a panic.

Probably because his movements were not very gentle, and the things in the room were messed up by him.

Cha Cha had a sullen face and pushed open the wardrobe, "Are you trying to demolish the house? Are the windows not enough for you to smash?"

Hear a familiar voice.

Nangong Jin stopped.

looked at the sound with a solemn expression.

Then saw the man hiding in the closet.

Nangong Jin, "..."

He walked over with a bad look, as if a storm was about to come.

Chacha keenly caught a trace of danger and subconsciously wanted to close the wardrobe again, but was pulled into his arms by someone.

He used a bit of strength.

She felt a little pain in the hoop, and before she struggled, she heard his aggrieved and flustered voice.

"I thought I lost you."

For a long time, Cha Cha sighed helplessly, her heart was soft and messy, "I've always been here."

Okay, she scared him again.

What can she do? coax.

She felt that she was really unlucky, and was bullied so badly by him that she had to start coaxing him again before she got the interest back...

Qiqi's resentful reminder, [Chacha, I think he's tricking you, he did it on purpose. 】

Chacha didn't answer Qiqi's words.

No matter the routine or not, you have to coax.

The big deal, remember what happened on the carriage first, and then settle accounts with him later.

"If you want to play hide-and-seek next time, you can tell me first." Nangong Jin's long and narrow eyelashes trembled, hiding the gloom in his eyes.

"Yeah." Cha Cha responded and looked at Nangong Jin carefully, always feeling that he was still in a bad mood.

She blinked and thought for a moment.

stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek.

If coaxing is not good, give it a kiss.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by kissing, if there is, kiss more...

"What happened on the carriage is my fault." Nangong Jin explained in a hoarse voice.

Cha Cha looked away, feeling more helpless.

At such a time, apologize to her, what else can she do other than turn the matter over?

If the article is turned over, it will be difficult to mention it in the future.

"Well, I forgive you." Cha Cha said reluctantly.

She suddenly felt that Qiqi was right.

seems to have been tricked again.

However, after going through this incident, Cha Cha estimated that in the future when Nangong Jin is outside, he should not dare to go too far.

After careful calculation, for her, there is still a little bit of benefit.


The crown prince who was lying and won, according to Nangong Jin's intention, also killed the old nest of Tingfeng Pavilion.

was dispatched overnight, and the next day, His Majesty received good news, which was another commendation.

Prince didn't dare to take too much credit, after all, it was thanks to the third brother.

On the same day, the prince picked out a lot of jewelry and delivered them to Prince Jin’s mansion in person.

So, why did you offend the third brother?

The third brother is not interested in the crown prince position.

Is it bad to lie down and win?

You are happy, I am happy, everyone is happy.

is also Nangong Lian, who is so stupid that he has to rush to his death, but he can't stop him.

Prince first caught people and praised him, blew a wave of beauty, and then sent a bunch of jewelry, and he directly coaxed Chacha into ecstasy.

Chacha was happy, and Nangong Jin was also happy, and glanced at the prince with satisfaction.

The prince asked at the right time, "When is the third brother going to get married, pick an auspicious day and get married in a beautiful and beautiful way."

I have to say that the prince is very good at life and smart.

Accurately spotted Nangong Jin's thoughts.

When it comes to marriage, Nangong Jin's eyes are a little more excited.

"The date has been chosen a long time ago. To tell you the truth, the palace has already started preparations."

That smug little look couldn't be concealed at all.

Prince, "..." This... is it quite fast?

It can be seen that his third brother is very anxious.

"Then first, congratulations to the third brother and younger brother and sister, who grow old and grow long."

Nangong Jin, "Hmm."

Chacha next to    held his forehead silently.

I haven’t gotten married yet, so I can’t wait to tell everyone the news…

If he got married, wouldn't he take her to the market every day and tell everyone about their relationship?

Nangong Jin, "???" No, I want a treasure in a golden house!

"By the way, before I came, the royal father told me one thing..." The prince hesitated and dared not speak.

Seeing his embarrassed expression, he knew there was nothing good.

Nangongjin did not speak, waiting for him to continue.

The prince's eyes were full of entanglements, he was afraid, after all, it's not a good thing to really ride a horse in this matter.

He said cautiously, "Royal father asked me to ask you if you can save Liu Qingyan's life."

After Prime Minister Liu told his old age and returned home, Liu Qingyan did not go back with him.

At present, it should still be in the hands of Nangong Jin.

The father was thinking of giving Prime Minister Liu some face. After all, she is Prime Minister Liu's daughter. If nothing else, he has been tortured for so many days, so he will save his life.

"Of course, if I can't keep her, it's like I didn't say it." The prince's desire to survive is also very strong.

Seeing that Nangong Jin's face was wrong, he hurriedly added.

"Is she still alive?" Cha Cha asked.

She remembered that Liu Qingyan seemed to be locked in the dungeon of King Jin's mansion.

I don't know if I'm still in the dungeon now.

Nangongjin looked at Chacha, tilted her head and shouted.

"Is Liu Qingyan still alive?"

Whether she is alive or dead, he really doesn't know, he has never paid attention to this person.

Qingli, "...Alive."

Life is quite big.

"Then put it back." Cha Cha suggested that since the emperor asked the prince to be a lobbyist, it would not hurt to leave Liu Qingyan alive.

Anyway, there is no storm.

And as far as she knows, Prime Minister Liu is not a kind person, and the Liu family not only has one daughter, Liu Qingyan, but also many children.

The Liu family was once defeated and became a commoner from the prime minister. I am afraid that no one in the Liu family can bear this disparity in identity.

Even if Liu Qingyan returns to the Liu family, those people in the Liu family will not let her go.

Maybe, it would be better to live in the dungeon of the palace.

Nangong Jin obviously thought of this, "Well, put it back and let someone take her back to Liu's house in person to prevent her from escaping halfway."

"Yes!" This trivial matter can be understood in seconds.

The prince shuddered inexplicably.

Don't mess with Nangong Jin if you mess with anyone.

Oh, now it should be changed to provoke no one, don't provoke Princess Jin...

Liu Qingyan didn't expect that she would be able to get out of the dungeon. She was very happy when she was sent back to Liu's house.

Until she knew that her father had resigned and returned home.

And all this is because of her.

She was almost crazy and wanted to escape, but the people who were sent away, remembering her mission firmly, personally sent Liu Qingyan, who was trying to escape, back to the Liu family.

The Liu family hated Liu Qingyan to the core and tortured her severely.

Not long after, Liu Qingyan committed suicide at Liu's house.


On the day Nangong Jin got married, the entire imperial city was full of joy.

King Jin’s mansion was decorated with lanterns, gongs and drums, and there were bright red silks, colorful balls, happy characters, etc. everywhere, making it very lively.

The princes, nobles, and ministers were all invited to the wedding banquet.

When worshiping the heaven and earth, many people saw the gentle side of King Jin, and let go of all the cold, just for one person.

It turns out that Nangong Jin can also be very gentle?

Of course, no one ever thought that King Jin actually married a girl with no background as his concubine.

And in this life, she is the only princess.

Many girls are envious of him, having one person in this life, grow old together, no regrets.

(end of this chapter)