Chapter 1704: The return of a daughter (1)

Chapter 1704 The return of the daughter (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

Fortune Gold Level 9, the distance to Gold Level 10, the progress is 50%.

Lucky Supreme Card drops a card immediately. 】

A pale golden light flashed in front of his eyes, Cha Cha calmly picked up the card with the simple pattern on the back, and two gilded characters came into view: Dislocation.

Chacha paused for a while, this time the prompt is not identity?

Dislocation? She read it over and put this card together with the previous ones.

"Seven Seven, the next plane."


When   Chacha opened his eyes again, he entered the magnificent hall, which was a hotel, and many women in luxurious dresses or men in high-end suits walked in.

She was alone.

Under the unfamiliar scene, Chacha's first thing is to go to the nearest bathroom and receive the information on this plane.

She felt a deep fear from the original owner's chest.

Chacha asked a waiter for directions, then went straight to the bathroom.

Qiqi couldn't wait to transmit the plot to her.

The original main cypress tea.

is the daughter of the Xu family in City A.

When she was three years old, she got lost and was abducted by human traffickers. The Xu family spent a lot of time and energy looking for her, and found the traffickers after half a month.

The trafficker never thought that the person he was abducting and selling would be the daughter of a wealthy family. On the way to escape with the original owner, he found a random place and lost the original owner.

When the Xu family went to look for the place according to the traffickers, it was already a day later, a lot of things could happen in a day, and that place was a remote and backward county town, and there was no surveillance.

The Xu family stayed in that small county for three days, and finally chose to give up.

Eighteen years later.

The original owner's adoptive mother was seriously ill. The original owner took her to the big city to seek medical treatment, and accidentally met Xu's father.

After several setbacks, Father Xu recognized the daughter.

The Xu family sent their adoptive mother to the best hospital for treatment in order to thank the original owner's adoptive mother.

After the original owner was kidnapped, Mother Xu was heartbroken. In order to make her happy, Father Xu went to the orphanage to adopt a beautiful child as his daughter.

After that, Mother Xu began to give all her love and guilt to her adopted daughter, and also gave her the name of the original owner.

Since then, the adopted daughter has become Xu Xiangmeng.

became the daughter of the Xu family.

Outsiders only knew that the daughter of the Xu family had been abducted and sold, but the details were unclear. Later, the traffickers were arrested, and Xu’s mother often showed off with her daughter. Everyone thought that the child was the real Xu Xiangmeng and thought that Xu Xiangmeng had been found.

No one ever thought that Xu Xiangmeng was not Xu Xiangmeng.

After the original owner returned to Xu's house.

Identity is naturally awkward.

First, the Xu family was not able to solve Xu Xiangmeng's identity problem. In addition, the original owner had been living in the countryside and was careful not to be on the table. Mother Xu hated her from the bottom of her heart.

Under one roof, a real daughter, a fake daughter.

The contrast is too obvious.

Mother Xu also has little patience with the original owner. In her opinion, she prefers and dotes on Xu Xiangmeng who has been raised for many years.

Because of identity issues, Xu's father and Xu's mother quarreled.

Mother Xu did not want Father Xu to tell everyone about it. Once the original owner was given the identity of the eldest lady of the Xu family, her Xiangmeng would definitely be hurt.

Although Father Xu disagreed, he did not insist.

The Xu family has a head and face in City A, and a daughter who can't stand on the table really can't be taken out.

Then, the Xu family said to the public: the original owner was the daughter of a distant relative of the Xu family, and they thought she was well-behaved, so they recognized her as the righteous daughter.

The original owner didn’t say much about all this.

She didn't dare to refute, because the medical expenses of the adoptive mother were high, and the Xu family had been paying for the medical expenses of the adoptive mother. Although the money might not be much to the Xu family, it was not affordable for her.

Xu Xiangmeng was spoiled as a little princess by the Xu family. In addition to being the pearl of the Xu family, she was also the spokesperson for some luxury jewelry.

According to the status of the Xu family, Xu Xiangmeng does not need to be endorsed, but Xu Xiangmeng is beautiful, and she has long been tired of listening to the envious words of the little sisters.

She wants more people to see her, and the Xu family also has an entertainment company. Xu's father loves her. Every time a big-name jewelry is endorsed, he will ask the company to recommend his daughter to the partner.

After going back and forth, the partners saw Xu Xiangmeng in the face of the Xu family, and Xu Xiangmeng was growing well, and soon got several opportunities for endorsement.

The popularity has been opened up, the partners are also very good at marketing, a brand that makes the rich and powerful family linger, and so on.

Xu Xiangmeng's identity and background quickly attracted many fans. He was obviously not from the entertainment industry, but he turned into the entertainment industry.

This is what Xu Xiang dreams of.

Until the appearance of the original owner, Xu Xiangmeng realized the crisis.

She started calculating everywhere.

Even though the Xu family said that the original owner was an adopted daughter, Xu Xiangmeng was still worried.

She is not afraid that she will lose everything, she is very confident in herself, she is the little princess of Xu's mother, the daughter of Xu's family, and the original owner can't take everything from her.

She was worried that this incident would be exposed and affect her reputation.

Even if the Xu family dotes on her very much, she doesn't want to hear people say she is a fake daughter every day.


Xu Xiangmeng began to calculate.

The original owner is of course not her opponent.

The first time    was calculated badly was at a birthday dinner.

Mrs. Zhao's birthday.

The Xu family has a good relationship with the Zhao family. Mother Xu brought Xu Xiangmeng and the original owner to the hotel for a dinner party.

At the dinner, Mrs. Zhao's diamond necklace was lost.

When Mrs. Zhao asked people to investigate and monitor, Xu Xiangmeng deliberately bumped the original owner. The original owner failed to stand firm and fell to the ground. The contents of the bag were scattered, and the diamond necklace was exposed.

The original owner tried to explain, but no one believed her.

Even the surveillance has no one to take a closer look.

Mother Xu was very angry, she slapped the original owner and left the table angrily.

Xu Xiangmeng explained to the original owner with a sad face.

But after a few words, she convicted the original owner. She came from the country and had never seen anything good. She stole Mrs. Zhao's necklace when she couldn't think of it, and hoped that Mrs. Zhao would give the original owner another chance.

Xu Xiangmeng and Mrs. Zhao's son are childhood sweethearts, and Mrs. Zhao likes it deeply. Naturally, Mrs. Zhao will no longer care about the original owner and will not pursue it.

But after that, everyone knew that the righteous daughter Xu Jiaxin recognized was a thief...

The life of the original owner in the Xu family was getting worse and worse.

And the second frame.

is the death of the original owner.

Xu Xiangmeng has a fiancé. The Han family and the Xu family made a marriage contract early. In other words, the original owner was engaged to the Han family, and the fiancé Han Chen was also the original owner's fiancé.

Xu Xiangmeng and Han Chen had a stable relationship. The Xu family told the Han family the real situation in order to prevent this from happening. Han Chen was only disgusted and bored with the original owner.

After the two discussed, the engagement was still that of Xu Xiangmeng and Han Chen, so everyone was happy.

Xu Xiangmeng used this opportunity to deliberately frame the original owner to seduce Han Chen. Under her careful arrangement, the original owner was discovered.

The Xu family and the Han family were furious.

Xu’s father and Xu’s mother drove out the original owner directly.

(end of this chapter)