Chapter 1705: The return of a daughter (2)

Chapter 1705 The return of the daughter (2)

After the original owner was kicked out of the Xu family.

Xu Xiangmeng's crying pear flowers brought rain at Xu's house.

Mother Xu was so angry that she had the original owner's adoptive mother thrown out of the hospital, just to teach the original owner a lesson.

When the original owner arrived at the hospital, she could no longer find her adoptive mother, so she searched everywhere.

But the foster mother was weak and it rained heavily that day, and she died on the road that night.

When    waited for the original owner to find someone, it was just a cold corpse.

The original owner, who was depressed because of Xu Xiangmeng's first frame-up, committed suicide after being hit hard.

After    died, even the corpse was sent by the Xu family to claim it.

Xu Xiangmeng and Han Chen are happily married.

Resolved the original owner, Xu Xiangmeng is still the winner in life that everyone on the Internet envies...


【The original owner doesn't want to set foot on the previous road again. She hopes that the adoptive mother can live well, instead of being thrown out of the hospital. If possible, it is best to distance herself from the Xu family. 】

After finishing the information, Cha Cha sighed deeply.

No wonder the card will display two misplaced words.

is indeed misplaced.

The original owner was the real Xu Xiangmeng, but everything was replaced by his adopted daughter.

Isn’t life misplaced?

And the time she passed through was very coincidental.

happened to be the time when Xu Xiangmeng first designed to frame the original owner.

Cha Cha pursed her lips and walked out of the bathroom.

walked back to the living room with a calm face, swept around, but did not see Xu Mu and Xu Xiangmeng, she walked to a corner and sat down.

Anyway, Xu Xiangmeng will come to her after a while.

and put the diamond necklace in her bag.

She just waited quietly.

Mrs. Zhao is a well-known lady in the wealthy circle of city A. Her husband also has a good business. She and the Xu family have known each other more than ten years ago, and later they have been neighbors with the Xu family for many years.

Xu Xiangmeng and Mrs. Zhao's son Zhao Yang are also childhood sweethearts. The two have a very good relationship. If she guessed correctly, this Zhao Yang should like Xu Xiangmeng very much.

has been single all the time, from time to time to please Xu Xiangmeng.

Occasionally there is a little bit of hostility towards Xu Xiangmeng's fiancé, Han Chen.

After summing up, Chacha thinks that it is very likely that Zhao Yang likes Xu Xiangmeng.

Thinking room.

A shadow fell in front of him, and his vision was blocked by someone.

Chacha raised his head, the man standing in front of her had a stern expression on his face, and his eyes were full of disdain. As he appeared, several men followed him in this direction until he stood behind the man.

"Brother Zhao, this is the righteous daughter Xu Jiaxin recognized." Someone behind him introduced.

Listening to the name, this person is Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was indifferent and disdainful, "Don't think that you can become a phoenix by flying on a branch! She is just a righteous daughter of the Xu family, and she doesn't even have the most basic relationship with the Xu family, so don't think about competing with Xiangmeng for favor!"

He knew that Xu Xiangmeng was not very happy recently because of the new righteous daughter of the Xu family.

Although he didn't say it.

But every time we met, the unhappiness on her face could not be concealed at all.

It is clear that his sister Xiangmeng is the little princess of the Xu family, the apple of their hearts. Xu Xiangmeng has never been unhappy before.

All because of this newcomer.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yang's face became even more angry.

If it wasn't for his mother's birthday dinner, he would have taught this woman a hard lesson.

At this moment, Xu Xiangmeng came over.

A look of evil flashed in Cha Cha's eyes, she raised her head and said to Zhao Yang, "You are right, a sparrow is a sparrow, even if it flies on a branch, it can't become a phoenix, a fake is a fake, it will never change to the real !"

Zhao Yang looked at her in surprise, "It's good that you know."

Xu Xiangmeng, who came over, turned pale, and she heard the words just now, word for word.

Who said that what is false cannot become true?

As soon as Zhao Yang saw Xu Xiangmeng, he immediately restrained all his emotions and talked to her with a smile.

At this moment, Xu Xiangmeng was righteous, and his attitude was neither cold nor indifferent.

Zhao Yang has no idea what he did wrong.

Immediately afterwards, someone called Zhao Yang. After all, it was his mother's dinner party. He was very busy, so he took the time to warn Bai Cha.

said something to Xu Xiangmeng, and then left in a hurry.

Soon, only Cha Cha and Xu Xiangmeng were left in this corner.

Xu Xiangmeng clenched the bag in his hand, walked to her side and sat down.

Xu Xiangmeng tried to put a smile on his face.

"Chacha, don't pay attention to what Zhao Yang said, he's just like that, he's used to doing nonsense since he was a child, he's lawless, and even his parents can't control him." However, when he was in front of her, he was very obedient!

Zhao Yang’s parents will ask her for help if there is anything that can’t be solved.

Xu Xiangmeng exudes his own sense of superiority everywhere.

Chacha thought for a moment, lowered his head, and hummed in cooperation.

The appearance of 唫唫唧, in Xu Xiangmeng's opinion, is the extreme inferiority complex.

Originally, Mother Xu did not plan to bring Baicha to the dinner party.

is what Xu Xiangmeng and Xu mother said, to let Bocha see the world, in fact, only Xu Xiangmeng herself knows, she just wanted to let Bocha know what a gap is! Just to make her plan a perfect implementation!

Chacha's handbag was not in her hand, but was placed on the sofa beside her.

Xu Xiangmeng talked to her vaguely, while looking for an opportunity to put the necklace in her handbag.

After all this is done.

Xu Xiangmeng stood up, didn't talk to Chacha anymore, left in a good mood, turned around and went to find other rich and powerful daughters.

Cha Cha raised his head expressionlessly, glanced at Xu Xiangmeng's leaving figure, and picked up his handbag in a hurry.

Mother Xu also came over at this time, and as soon as she saw she was alone, she began to scold, "I brought you here to let you see the world, what are you doing hiding here? If you can't speak, just follow Xiang Meng, But don't give her any trouble!"

After Mother Xu finished speaking, she felt it was inappropriate.

"Forget it, just follow me. If you cause trouble for Xiang Meng, it will be too late."

Cha Cha hummed, got up and followed behind Mother Xu.

Xu's mother knew all noble ladies, and took her to recognize a circle of noble ladies.

Of course, Cha Cha didn't think Mother Xu liked her much.

is just to show that **** kindness!

Listen, Xu's mother is introducing again, "Oh, Mrs. Liu, let me introduce you, this is a distant relative of our family, something happened to her at home and no one took care of her, so our family recognized her as a righteous daughter. "

Mrs. Liu praised the situation, "No wonder your family's business is getting bigger and bigger. It turns out that you do good things every day and show kindness."

Cha Cha looked away speechlessly.

At a glance, he saw Xu Xiangmeng, who was not far away by the stars.

Tsk, pity the original owner.

The original owner probably also thought about getting along well with his family in the Xu family?

It's just that the Xu family can't tolerate her.

Everyone doesn't care about her.

Absent for 18 years, her life has been replaced by others.

In Cha Cha’s view.

Transferring guilt and favor to another person is unacceptable.

In the original owner's wish, family affection was never mentioned. For the original owner, only the adoptive mother was the most important. Why is it not because he is extremely disappointed with the Xu family?

The adoptive mother is not literate, but she is very kind. She raised her with hard work and hard work, and she will never forget this kindness.

(end of this chapter)