Chapter 1711: The return of a daughter (8)

Chapter 1711 The return of the daughter (8)

Han Chen opened the door.

happened to see Xu Xiangmeng walking out of Zhao Yang's room.

The two were caught off guard and looked at each other.

Han Chen's eyes were full of surprise and puzzlement.

In the middle of the night, what was she doing secretly looking for Zhao Yang?

Xu Xiangmeng has some headaches, her luck is absolutely incredible, why is it so coincidental?

She struggled to pull out a smile.

"..." Han Chen smiled and said, "Get some rest early."

Then closed the door and went back to the room.

Xu Xiangmeng stood there, looking awkward, she vaguely felt that Han Chen was a little unhappy.

Han Chen never liked Zhao Yang very much.

However, Zhao Yang has escorted her for so many years, and the Zhao family background is also very strong. If she was asked to give up the Zhao family, she would really be reluctant.

When she becomes Han Chen's wife in the future, the Xu family, Zhao family, and Han family stand behind her and become her support, then she will walk sideways in City A in the future, and no one will dare to say a word.

After all, there are very few people who can protect the three giants at the same time.

Xu Xiangmeng was not too entangled, she went back to the room, if she chased after Han Chen to explain at this time, she would appear guilty.

She has nothing to do with Zhao Yang, she walks upright and sits upright.

The scene just now was deeply imprinted in Han Chen's mind.

It stands to reason that he should not think too much.

He grew up with Zhao Yang and Xiang Meng. There was always a relationship between him and Zhao Yang, but they knew that Xiang Meng was his fiancee, and Zhao Yang liked Xiang Meng very much.

That kind of love cannot be concealed at all.

They were all men, and he knew what Zhao Yang was thinking.

But these years, because he and Xu Xiangmeng had a marriage contract since childhood, Zhao Yang has always protected Xu Xiangmeng as a friend, but did not mention love.

also knows that the line cannot be crossed.

Once crossed, it is not even a friend.

Zhao Yang has also been keeping his own feet for many years.

But what happened recently made him realize that Zhao Yang might not be safe...

He felt that his engagement with Xu Xiangmeng was about to be brought forward.

Oh, there is also the sudden emergence of Baicha. Although he doesn't care about Baicha, Baicha is the real daughter of the Xu family. If Baicha causes trouble in the future, it will easily cause trouble for them.

Han Chen felt more uneasy the more he thought about it.

For things like weddings, it is better to do it early.

province has an accident.

Next, he wants to find a time for his parents to have a good talk with the two elders of the Xu family.


The next day.

Father Xu, who had just returned from work outside in the morning, was not surprised when he saw that there were suddenly two more people at home.

The two of them sat on Xu Xiangmeng's left and right, they could be called two envoys to protect flowers, and Father Xu seemed to have seen this scene many times.

After a simple wash, he returned to the restaurant.

As soon as he picked up a glass of milk, Mother Xu glared at her.

Father Xu looked at her in astonishment and asked, "???" What happened?

Mother Xu, "..." Don't you feel the strange atmosphere at the table?

Father Xu had a confused face, "???"

He didn't see anything.

Isn't this the same as before?

is an extra cypress tea.

seems to be no big problem, right?

He looked at Bai Cha, who had just received it back.

Cha Cha was eating breakfast quietly, untroubled, as if unaware of the undercurrents on the dining table.

Han Chen and Zhao Yang seemed to be competing in secret.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we fought, the final winner was Han Chen.

Sometimes, Cha Cha even admires Zhao Yang very much, just like Xiao Qiang who can't be beaten to death...

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles.

Xu Xiangmeng pretended not to know anything, looked at Father Xu with a smile, and tactfully diverted the attention of the two.

"Dad, what happened to the endorsement of the Shi Group? Is there any news?"

The jewelry brand under the Shi Group wants to hire a spokesperson. Before, Father Xu sent Xu Xiangmeng's information. The Xu family had cooperated with the Shi Group once before.

So this time, Xu Xiangmeng's information was handed over smoothly.

However, no news so far.

However, Father Xu still said, "Don't worry, although Shi Group did not reply to me, as far as I know, Shi Group's jewelry spokesperson this time does not intend to use those celebrities in the circle, and you happen to be not in the entertainment industry. star.

With your fame and ability, 99% of this spokesperson will be yours. "

He has great confidence in his daughter.

Xu Xiangmeng has received a lot of jewelry endorsements in the past two years, as well as high-luxury brand endorsements, which are very popular, even comparable to those popular little flowers in the circle.

She is developing smoothly, and as a father, his face is bright and people are happy.

And the jewelry endorsement of the Shi Group this time, if Xiang Meng can satisfy them, it is likely that other endorsements of the Shi Group will give priority to her in the future.

To know.

The industry of Shishi Group is all over the country.

All walks of life are involved, jewelry is just one of many industries.

Even this time, I was looking for a spokesperson because Shi’s jewelry is approaching its 20th anniversary.

Xu Xiangmeng was overjoyed to hear his affirmative words.

Shishi, that is an existence that no one can imagine.

Even if the Xu family, the Han family, and the Zhao family are added together, the Shi family may not take it seriously...

As long as she can catch up with Shi's line, her status can also be improved to a higher level.

Zhao Yang opened his mouth to praise, "Xiang Meng is really amazing, and Shi's endorsement can also be obtained! Maybe our Zhao family will take care of you in the future!"

"It's just a spokesperson, can you still go to heaven? Look at what you boast." He said so, but Xu Xiangmeng couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

Cha Cha took another bite of rice.

If she remembered correctly, the original owner vaguely had this fragment in her memory.

The Shi Group didn't like Xu Xiangmeng.

It seems that the spokesperson did not choose a suitable one, so it is nothing to do.

So, Xu Xiangmeng is destined to be happy.

Han Chen lowered his head, lost in thought.

Should he, like Zhao Yang, boast more about Xiangmeng?

Can this promote the relationship between the two?

But...he is different from Zhao Yang, there are some things he can't say.

Everyone at the table had different thoughts.

Cha Cha put down his chopsticks after eating, and went back to the room numbly.

Mother Xu looked at her figure and slapped her chopsticks on the table angrily, "Look at her, there's no politeness at all!"

Father Xu replied indifferently, "Teach slowly."

Anyway, the Xu family has a shot that Xu Xiangmeng can take.

He didn't expect Baicha to bring him any surprises, as long as he didn't cause trouble, he would be thankful.

Xu's mother wanted to get angry, but because Zhao Yang and Han Chen were here, she forcibly held back.

Father Xu had been busy all night, and he simply went back to his room to rest after eating. Sometimes he had to work all night, and he would hurry home and sleep for a day to make up for his sleep.

Xu Xiangmeng raised her eyes to comfort, "Mom, Chacha has just come to our house, it's normal to not get used to it, take it slow, she will get better."

"A wild girl is a wild girl, and she will never be on the stage!" Xu's mother was upright at the moment, and she scolded her without caring, but she didn't even notice that there were footsteps.

(end of this chapter)