Chapter 1712: The return of a daughter (9)

Chapter 1712 The return of the daughter (9)

"The nine sons of Longsheng are different. The reason why Mrs. Xu thinks I am a wild girl may be because the blood flowing on my body is too low!"

Cha Cha said casually, her beautiful eyes sharp and deep.

Mother Xu turned her head back with embarrassment when she heard the words, "Who are you calling low?"

They have the same blood, how dare you say that?

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at her puzzled, "Isn't what I said not clear enough? But why are you angry? Isn't this answering for you why I'm a wild girl? You should thank me."

Xu's mother trembled all over. The few people sitting here knew that Bai Cha was Xu's biological daughter.

At this moment, saying such words is tantamount to hitting Mother Xu in the face.

Xu Xiangmeng trembled and looked at Han Chen helplessly.

Han Chen immediately took her hand and comforted her softly, "Don't be afraid."

His fiancée could only be her, never someone else.

Zhao Yang's hand hanging by his side clenched into a fist, trying to restrain his emotions, a terrible thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Whispered, he was quickly snuffed out again...

Mother Xu suddenly sneered.

"Bai Cha, what if you are my biological daughter? The person who has been by my side for more than ten years is Xiang Meng, and you are only related to me by blood.

Don't you just want to provoke me on purpose and want me to admit your identity? I tell you, it's impossible!

belongs to Xiangmeng, you can never take it away! "

Mother Xu, who was originally angry, had a flash of thoughts and quickly realized the problem. The reason why Bai Cha deliberately angered her might be to make her admit her identity.

She can't be beat!

Cha Cha casually glanced at the people at the table, turned and left with a light expression, and didn't answer Mother Xu's words at all.

Leng Shengsheng ignored Mother Xu.

Mother Xu, "..."

Xu's house is located in the villa area, so it is not easy to take a taxi.

And she didn't have time to buy a car.

is a bit inconvenient.

Although you can buy a car in the system mall, there are surveillance cameras everywhere, and a car appears out of thin air, which is indeed a bit outrageous.

Cha Cha wandered for a while.

I plan to go to a place where I can take a taxi first.

After walking a few steps, a car suddenly stopped beside him.

Cha Cha paused and turned his head to look over.

The car window fell, and an unfamiliar face peeked out from inside.

The middle-aged man looked at her with a smile, "I can take you for a ride."

Cha Cha took a step back silently, "No, I won't get into a stranger's car."

Someone came out out of nowhere and said he wanted to take her?

is pretty bald.

is not worried that he is a bad guy.

I really don’t want to get involved with strangers.

The man was a little annoyed, with inexplicable expectations in his eyes, "Miss Bai, I'm not a bad person."

Chacha, "???" You also said that you are not a bad person, you all know my surname? ? ? Did you check her profile?

Chacha squeezed his wrist, thinking about waiting a while, whether to find a place where no one was there, and have a good talk with him.

The middle-aged man suddenly realized that he was a little abrupt at this moment, "Hey, I'm really not a bad person, in fact, we met, you may not remember me."

Cha Cha, "I have a good memory."

So there is no such situation as you said.

She definitely remembers the people she has seen.

Oh, it's also possible that he was talking about the original owner.

But that's even more unlikely.

The original owner does not have this person in his memory.

at this moment.

The rear window also fell.

Cha Cha looked over, her delicate and beautiful eyebrows suddenly picked up.

The man sitting in the back was unparalleled, Rumo's eyes were dark and deep, and there was a bit of impatience on his face, and he happened to be looking at her.

"Shiyan, I have something to discuss with Miss Bai."

's deep voice was a little cold.


Cha Cha got into the car without any hesitation, and moved in one go, staring directly at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man seems to be thinking, is it because he doesn't look good, so he looks like a bad guy?

The president is so good-looking, the little girl just got into the car without even doubting it?

This discriminatory's so heartbreaking.

Shi Yan raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him, "Manager Yang, instead of insisting that he is not a bad person, it is better to talk about the purpose straight to the point."

Manager Yang came back to his senses, "Okay, Mr. Shi."

Shiyan, "Drive."

He was very skeptical of Manager Yang's ability to read words.

"Miss Bai laughed. Manager Yang is the manager of the planning department of our Shi Group. Don't you know that Miss Bai is interested in jewelry endorsements?"

Cha Cha sat upright, and the moment he said he was calling Shiyan, she quickly sorted out some information.

Shi Yan, President of Shi Group.

The reason why she had these information in her mind all came from the original owner.

And the original owner knew this name because Xu Xiangmeng often mentioned it before.

Oh yes, this morning, Xu Xiangmeng was talking to Father Xu about the spokesperson.

The jewelry of Shishi Group is about to turn its 20th anniversary and is looking for a spokesperson. At that time, Xu Xiangmeng was waiting for good news with confidence!

In the previous life, Xu Xiangmeng was rejected, and Shi was not able to find a suitable spokesperson because of his pursuit of perfection, so this matter was settled.

Now, have you found her?

Listening to this, want her to be the spokesperson?

Is this development too fast?

"So, Shi always wants to ask me to be your jewelry spokesperson?" Since Shi Yan likes to get straight to the point, she doesn't need to talk nonsense.

His knuckled fingers rested on his legs, his eyes narrowed slightly, "You're only half right."

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at him, waiting for him to say the next sentence.

Shiyan looked at the little girl in front of him. The two were so close that he could feel her shallow breathing. He carefully observed her little face, which was delicate and beautiful, like a fine jade, without any flaws.

Last night, when Manager Yang said that he saw a girl who was very suitable as a spokesperson, he didn't believe it yet.

Later, Manager Yang adjusted the surveillance at the entrance of the hotel and sent him a video, and he reluctantly gave Manager Yang a chance.

The information was quickly found out, Bai Cha, the righteous daughter of the Xu family in name, was actually the real daughter of the Xu family.

Xu family affairs, he is not interested.

On the contrary, he was very interested in this girl.

also felt that she might be suitable as a jewelry spokesperson.

That's why I condescended to come to this villa area, intending to find her.

As a result, the little girl walked out of Xu's house by herself.

Well, she was lucky.

After all, he was just about to let Manager Yang drive back. As the president of the Shi Group, he condescended to look for someone, which was too expensive, which was not in line with his behavior.

No, it’s a coincidence.

happened to meet.

Shi Yan added lightly, "Your wording is inaccurate, whether you can become Shi's jewelry spokesperson, Shi's still has to consider you, if there is a little bit of inconsistency, then you will not become Shi's jewelry. representative."

Manager Yang was driving the car and looked up at the rearview mirror from time to time.

He wanted to remind him, Mr. Shi, you are too direct. What if Miss Bai doesn't even know what the jewelry spokesperson means?

(end of this chapter)