Chapter 1715: Return of a daughter (12)

Chapter 1715 The return of the daughter (12)

After Zheng Hong was arranged, Cha Cha left the hospital with confidence.

As long as Zheng Hong is safe and sound, she can do what she wants to do.

After leaving the hospital, Cha Cha called Shi Yan, "Mr. Shi, I have time in the afternoon, is it convenient for you?"

Shiyan didn't seem to expect her phone call to come so quickly, "It's very convenient at any time, you just got out of the hospital? Do you need me to send someone to pick you up?"

"No, Shi always tell me the address, I'll go there myself." Cha Cha refused Shi Yan to send someone to pick him up, there's no need to waste time on it.

"Okay." Shi Yan hung up the phone, sent the address, and then called Manager Yang and asked him to make arrangements.


Shi Group.

She silently looked at the building in front of her. As expected of Shiyan, this entire building belonged to the Shi family.

Oh, it is said that this is just one of the branches.

Chacha walked in with some emotion.

When she thought she would be stopped by the front desk for not having an appointment, she saw a familiar face.

Manager Yang came over with a smile, "Miss Bai, I knew you were coming, Shi always sent me here to pick you up."

If the front desk doesn't know anyone, it's not good if you offend.

Cha Cha restrained himself, "Mr. Yang has worked hard."

The voice was light, with no ups and downs.

She followed Manager Yang inside.

The staff at the front desk were both surprised and stunned.

Of course, don’t forget to keep that face firmly in your mind, and the person who can let Manager Yang pick him up in person must not be easily offended.

As the front desk, you must have eyesight!

Manager Yang first briefly introduced the concept of jewelry, and then talked about the process.

"Next, Miss Bai, follow our stylist and let the stylist give you a look and then change your clothes.

Then we will take photos by our photography team. You can rest assured that these photos will not be shared. We will confirm whether you can become our spokesperson based on the photos and other information. "

Some people look good, but when it comes to shooting, the performance is not good, which will have a great impact.

This jewelry endorsement must be checked at every level.

"I'm not very familiar with these, you can arrange it." Cha Cha's attitude was very calm.

However, she still asked.

"I'm not the only one who can be the spokesperson, right?"

Shishi's jewelry spokesperson, many people want to get this opportunity, right? Even if you can't get selected, even if you try, there will be many people who want to come here!

Manager Yang shook his head embarrassedly, "To tell you the truth, before the shooting, there will be various screenings, and you are the first to reach this stage of shooting."

It can be seen how serious and harsh the candidates are this time.

Many people were screened out directly in the first level.

Hearing this, Cha Cha was a little surprised, she was the first to shoot? ? ?

There are so many beautiful female stars in the entertainment industry, don't any of them match?

"So, this time, I put all my hopes on you, Miss Bai!" If Miss Bai can't do it, then maybe this endorsement project may be cold.

That means that all the hard work of their planning department this month was wasted.

He himself is very optimistic about the little girl Bai Cha, not only him, Shi always should also be very optimistic, otherwise he would not have such a talkative attitude.

Chacha thought for a while, a little inexplicable.

"However, I don't seem to have been screened, right?"

When it came to screening, Manager Yang immediately blew a rainbow fart.

"Miss Bai, you have an outstanding temperament, and you are also exquisite and beautiful. Why do you need to screen? Of course, it's the last step! Don't worry, we always nodded and agreed to this matter, so there will be no problem."

Cha Cha looked at Manager Yang seriously. For some reason, he always felt like a bad guy who wanted to abduct people...


Manager Yang took her to the dressing room.

The next door to the makeup room is a studio that has not been built for a long time. It is estimated that this dressing room has not been remodeled for a long time. It is probably specially vacated for this jewelry endorsement.

When they walked in, the stylist was playing a game and heard a voice asking lazily, "Manager Yang, you can't find the right person, why are you calling me here?"

Manager Yang sullenly said, "Who said I couldn't find the right person! I'm not going to bring people here!"

After all, there are always high demands.

This project was delayed for a lot of time because of the issue of the spokesperson, and he was almost laughed at by the company.

That’s all, I can’t think about it.


Manager Yang is counting on Chacha to become a jewelry spokesperson.

His life-saver.

Only when she becomes the spokesperson can this project continue to move forward!

So, Manager Yang picked up the stylist without hesitation and snatched his phone, "I tell you, if you can't do your styling well, I'll tell Mr. Shi that you don't work hard!"

The stylist glared at him with contempt, "...I think you are insulting my profession. In this world, will there be any looks that Kate can't do well?"

Cha Cha thoughtfully looked at the young man in front of him.

Kate, the top domestic designer and the most distinctive stylist, besides, he is also known as the hand of genius.

Because he is not only a stylist, not just an image designer, he is also a fashion designer and a makeup artist, all of which he does all by himself.

It is said that he was only a stylist before, but he had a perfect run-in with the designer, so he designed it himself. Unexpectedly, he also has a super talent in clothing design.

The first work immediately became popular.

Next, the design world has become Kate's world.

It took him a year to establish his position.

He can show the beauty of three points to eight points, the beauty is incisive and incisive, and the beauty makes people's hearts desire, but after his worth has skyrocketed, he will not take many orders.

seems to only take a few orders a year.

A lot of girl stars will fight to get places.

This time Shi's jewelry endorsement, she remembered, did not mention Kate, that is to say, Kate is the endorsement stylist, and it has not been announced.

She has no doubt that after the announcement, there will be a **** storm...

While she was looking at Kate, Kate was also looking at her.

"Manager Yang, where did you deceive the little fairy from?"

"Isn't it someone who came down from heaven to save suffering?"

Manager Yang immediately straightened his spine.

"Is my vision right? Just say, are you satisfied with this candidate!"

"It's alright." Kate's expression was serious, as if he was not the same as the one who was just hanging out. At this moment, he has entered the working state.

Once you enter the working state, do not allow others to disturb you.

Manager Yang honestly exited the dressing room, and then guarded the door to prevent anyone from coming out and making trouble.

He waited for this day, too long.

Even Kate's endorsement has an 80% chance of being an endorsement this time.

He stood in the doorway with unconcealed excitement on the corners of his mouth!

(end of this chapter)