Chapter 1716: Return of a daughter (13)

Chapter 1716 The return of the daughter (13)

After half an hour.

Kate looked at his masterpiece with admiration on his face.

This is probably his most satisfying work.

Originally, he was worried that she would not be able to hold up his dreamy ocean series, but at this moment, it was amazing.

Even, he felt that his vocabulary was lacking and could not describe the beautiful girl in front of him, as if using the wrong word would be a kind of blasphemy and blasphemy.

She is like a mermaid princess who escaped from the deep sea. She doesn't eat human fireworks, and has a shocking beauty.

The door was slowly opened.

Kate almost treats people as a work of art.

Be careful not to let her move.

Kate was going to invite Manager Yang to come in, but he didn't want to, and happened to see the banquet coming here.

He waved at Shi Yan.

"Mr. Shi, come here!"

Shi Yan's expression restrained, he could feel the perfection of this candidate from Kate's emotions.

If not, Kate would never be like this.

Shi Yan walked over slowly.

It was only a few steps away, but this time, he also had some expectations.

When Shi Yan appeared here, Manager Yang did not dare to take the lead, and followed behind Shi Yan honestly.

As soon as a few people entered, they felt that the dressing room was a bit cramped.

Manager Yang closed the door.

For fear of being looked at by others.

This must be kept strictly confidential before Shi always speaks.

At that time.

Shi Yan looked at the girl in the sea blue dress in shock, like an elf, like a fairy, her temperament and the dreamy ocean complement each other, as if it was tailor-made for her.

He suddenly understood why Kate had that expression.

is not only stunning, but also has an intoxicating beauty.

Manager Yang noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and when he turned around, he was sluggish.

The people in the dressing room were silent for a long time.

Until Cha Cha looked at Shi Yan in confusion.

"Shizong? Are you satisfied?"

Hearing her voice, Shi Yan came back to his senses.

After a few seconds of silence, he calmly said, "I'm quite satisfied."

Kate gave Shiyan a dismissive look.

Bah, you are all dumbfounded.

Are you embarrassed to say that you are still satisfied?

Manager Yang touched the tip of his nose and suddenly felt that the performance of this quarter was stable.

Oh no, this year's performance is stable!

Even they were always stunned, which is enough to explain the success of this time.

Kate couldn't help but sigh at the miracle of the Creator.

"Miss Bai, I think your beauty must be recorded, Manager Yang, go and call the camera crew!" With such a perfect appearance, not recording it is a loss!

Manager Yang nodded dully, "Okay, I'll go right now."

I almost forgot today's business.

also had to let the camera crew take pictures.

"Wait." The moment Manager Yang opened the door, Shi Yan suddenly stopped.

Manager Yang paused for a moment, then turned around for unknown reasons, "Mr. Shi? What's the matter?"

Shi Yan's pursed thin lips ticked quietly.

He said, "You don't need to call the camera crew, Miss Bo will sign the contract directly. You must keep this look and the news of the spokesperson secret from the outside world, and keep a sufficient sense of mystery before the jewelry conference.

I believe that on the day of the press conference, Miss Bai can amaze the audience. "

He is confident.

Manager Yang thought for a while and nodded.

If we let the camera crew shoot now, more people will know about it. Instead of this, it is indeed better to maintain enough mystery.

The total time is worthy of the total time.

That day can probably detonate the audience.

Manager Yang felt that he had seen the bonus waving to him.

Kate has no opinion on the proposal of the banquet.

On the contrary, he strives for perfection, "I just can try a few more pieces of jewelry to make Miss Bai more perfect."

Cha Cha nodded with a calm expression on his face.

Actually, “…”

The mood is very complicated.

Are these people praising her like this?

She was a little embarrassed.

(end of this chapter)