Chapter 1717: Return of a daughter (14)

Chapter 1717 The return of the daughter (14)

Next, Shiyan personally took Chacha through the jewelry endorsement signing process.

Then let Manager Yang send people out.

If it wasn't for fear of attracting too much attention, Shi Yan felt that he might personally deliver people to the door of the company.


Because of the secrecy, even the legal department does not know who has become a jewelry spokesperson.

The employees of Shi's also know that Shi always attaches great importance to the candidates for jewelry endorsement this time, but they did not expect that the candidates were so quietly decided.

The waiting camera crew was a little stunned. They spent a long time preparing and waiting, but they didn't wait for Manager Yang to bring a jewelry endorsement candidate to shoot.

Instead, they waited for the news that Manager Yang asked them to go back, which meant that they wasted a day in vain today.

Although it was said that this was the general arrangement of the time, they were still a little dissatisfied in their hearts.

The deputy head of the camera team couldn't help but mumble a few words.

Although they are not as good as other departments, they also put a lot of effort into it.

The team leader glared at him with a slight warning.

"Don't say these words in front of others in the future, we must obey the general arrangement."

The deputy team leader hummed, absent-mindedly, obviously not agreeing with the team leader's warning.

The deputy chief left the company angrily.

In order to adjust his mood, he took out his mobile phone and flipped through Weibo for a while.

The first thing he does is go to Xu Xiangmeng's Weibo homepage. He is a fan of Xu Xiangmeng. Whenever he is in a bad mood or unhappy, he will go to Xu Xiangmeng's Weibo to pass the time or buffer his emotions.

This time was no exception.

Xu Xiangmeng's Weibo has not been updated for two days, he sighed, and his mood is even worse.

Originally, he thought that Xu Xiangmeng would become Shi's jewelry spokesperson, so that he could meet his idol and get in close contact with him.

But now it seems that Shi's jewelry spokesperson should not be Xu Xiangmeng, because he has not heard anything related to Xu Xiangmeng.

Many of the employees of the Shi Group are fans of Xu Xiangmeng. If Xu Xiangmeng came to the Shi Group today, there will definitely be various rumors among the employees of the Shi Group.

But obviously, jewelry endorsement has nothing to do with Xu Xiangmeng.

He turned off his phone in frustration.

was just a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The ghost made a mess, and he opened Weibo again.

Xu Xiangmeng is a very gentle person who often responds to some fans' private messages.

So he opened a private message with the attitude of trying it out, and then sent a message to Xu Xiangmeng.

He didn't know if Xu Xiangmeng could see the news.

The account he logs in is a Weibo account, and his work account and chasing stars should be separated.

So he planned to use this trumpet to tell Xu Xiangmeng some inside information, he thought he would not be found out.

And if he guessed correctly, Xu Xiangmeng should also want to be the spokesperson of the Shi Group. He was in the Shi Group before and met Xu Xiangmeng's agent.

Maybe Xu Xiangmeng didn't update Weibo in the past two days, because he felt unhappy because of the jewelry spokesperson. He told Xu Xiangmeng some news at this time. First, it could prepare Xu Xiangmeng, and secondly, it could be regarded as giving Xu Xiangmeng a chance. .

Because the spokesperson set this time has not been released yet.

also means that the spokesperson can be replaced.

In case Xu Xiangmeng is lucky, the agent will add the Xu family to help her deal with it, and there is a good chance to replace the so-called mysterious spokesperson.

Thinking like this, he immediately sent all the news he knew to Xu Xiangmeng. He put his hands together, looking forward to Xu Xiangmeng seeing this news as soon as possible.

I don't know if Xu Xiangmeng was lucky, she was free to browse Weibo, and accidentally saw the content that shocked her.

Shishi Group has set a jewelry spokesperson?

No, it's impossible!

Mingming's father personally told her that the spokesperson of Shi's jewelry would be her!

It is impossible to replace it with someone else without warning, and she doesn't think that other people have her background, temperament and popularity. In her opinion, she is the most suitable candidate for the spokesperson of Shi Group's jewelry.

The entertainment industry is more temperamental than her, and the background is not as strong as her.

is more popular than her, not as famous as her.

In addition, she has received a lot of big-name endorsements, no matter from which perspective, she is the first choice for spokesperson, so how can this spokesperson become someone else?

But the Weibo account that sent her a message was obviously her fan.

Xu Xiang dreamed about it, held back his anger, and called the agent to ask the agent to check the matter and prove the authenticity of the news.

The agent was also stunned when she heard Xu Xiangmeng say this, because she and Xu Xiangmeng had the same opinion, and Xu Xiangmeng, the spokesperson of the Shi Group, was the most suitable.

However, a lot of news is not necessarily groundless.

The agent didn't hesitate, quickly found a person with a good relationship, and asked about it. It happened that the person was an employee of the Shi Group.

The agent comforted Xu Xiangmeng and would know the answer soon.

After about an hour, the man sent a message back to the manager, and it was true.

God knows, the manager's whole heart is shattered.

And the man said:

Three days later, Shi will hold a press conference to announce the spokesperson for Shi's twentieth anniversary.

Xu Xiangmeng was stunned when he heard the answer, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

A thing that was already a certainty, but now suddenly tell her that this thing has been overturned?

How can she accept this? Her endorsement of the Shi Group has long been assured, and she was about to announce it publicly.

The result was caught off guard, and there was a reversal!

She hung up the phone and smashed things in the room angrily.

Han Chen and Zhao Yang, who heard the movement, ran over quickly, knocked on Xu Xiangmeng's room, and asked her what happened.

Xu Xiangmeng heard the voice and quickly suppressed his anger. In the blink of an eye, only tears remained on that little face.

She walked over to open the door, and when she saw Han Chen and Zhao Yang, she burst into tears.

While crying, she said intermittently, "I'm fine, I'm just not in the right mood, I'll just adjust it a little bit, you don't have to worry about me."

Han Chen and Zhao Yang looked at each other, both stunned.

Neither of them knew what was going on.

Han Chen hurriedly comforted him.

"Xiang Meng, don't cry, if you have something to say, I will call you the master."

Zhao Yang was not to be outdone, "And me! What Han Chen can't do, I'll do it."

Xu Xiangmeng wiped away his tears and said with red eyes, "It's not a big deal, I thought that Shi's jewelry spokesperson would be me, but I didn't think Shi's signed someone else, it's because I'm not good enough and I'm not working hard enough.

I just can't accept it for a while, I'll just take it easy for a while, you go back to your room first, you really don't have to worry about me. "

Han Chen and Zhao Yang suddenly swallowed their words when they reached their lips.

If it was another company, they could rush over and question the president of that company, but the Shi Group... they really don't have the guts.

For a while, the two looked at each other, embarrassed.

(end of this chapter)