Chapter 1721: The return of a daughter (18)

Chapter 1721 The return of the daughter (18)

Xu Xiangmeng's fans, after seeing this comment, besieged this passerby like crazy.

【what do you know? Do you think our idols are the same as those in the entertainment industry? Our idols have a strong background, born into a wealthy family, top-notch white and rich, and a mere endorsement of luxury goods, she is really not lacking. 】

【Other people's idols are working hard to make money, and our idols are born at the top of the pyramid. 】

【If she doesn't work hard, she will go home to inherit the company, and the endorsements before our Mengmeng are all luxury goods. To put it bluntly, you are just jealous. 】

【The starting point of Mengmeng's life is the end point that you can't reach in this life. 】

Next, Xu Xiangmeng's fans had a high level of combat effectiveness, chasing after the number just now and scolding him incessantly.

Qin Wei looked at her Weibo private message speechlessly.

"?" Did she stab a hornet's nest?

She didn't intend to mix these things, but seeing Xu Xiangmeng's fans like a bunch of idiots, they chased after her and kept scolding him.

She felt that she was really unhappy, she was just telling the truth, but these people were chasing after her, so I'm sorry, I'm going to open up.

Qin Wei usually surfs the Internet and likes small and large sizes.

Trumpets can eat melons unscrupulously.

As a result, I stabbed a hornet's nest today by eating melons.

Qin Wei directly posted a Weibo: This is my trumpet, and now I'm going to talk to you about my big size @ Qinwei.

Xu Xiangmeng fans saw her Weibo and immediately commented under her Weibo.

【Just you still take the large size? What the hell, who doesn't have a few numbers yet! The big size is awesome, is the big size amazing? Also take out a large size? 】

[Bah, showgirl, whoever wants your tuba, at first glance is to find a sense of existence for himself, isn't he just trying to trick us into entering? Don't have a face for the heat! 】

【Sisters, don’t order! **** her off! 】

【It really drives you to hell! Want to go to heaven? I send you! 】

Qin Wei landed on the Tuba.

took a screenshot of what Xu Xiangmeng fans said before.

refuted them one by one.

Qin Wei V: The background is just barely enough. The so-called wealthy family is not a wealthy family in my case. As for the top-level Bai Fumei, it is really a touch of porcelain. And as far as I know, your Mengmeng really lacks this endorsement, she delivered it to the door herself, Shishi doesn't even want it!

Qin Wei V: Your idol is at the bottom of the pyramid at best, say she is at the top of the pyramid? Touched again.

Qin Wei V: I'm sorry, I'm really not jealous. What kind of thing is a Xu family who has just joined a wealthy family?

Qin Wei V: My starting point is the end that Xu Xiangmeng could never reach in this life.

Four Weibo posts in a row, each of which directly hit the dead end

Some of them were still shouting on Qin Wei's trumpet.

After seeing the four Weibo posts by Qin Wei, some people continued to curse angrily, this time even crazier than before.

Qin Wei did not panic and posted another Weibo: Take care of your fans @徐祥梦V.

Xu Xiangmeng fans, "???"

Do you think that if you Aite my Mengmeng, my Mengmeng will take care of you?

Neuropathy! Get hot!

After posting Weibo, Qin Wei put down her phone.

at the same time.

Xu Xiangmeng's agent suddenly reminded her, "Mengmeng, you should check Weibo..."

The agent was a little anxious, but he didn't dare to be too obvious.

Xu Xiangmeng is a little puzzled. According to the current situation, it should be the fans who feel sorry for her and charge for her. They may even go to the Shi Group and ask the Shi Group for an explanation.

Under the urging of his agent, Xu Xiangmeng opened Weibo, and after seeing the situation at the moment, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

Qin Wei?

Her fans actually provoked Qin Wei?

How can she have such stupid fans? Xu Xiangmeng clicked on Qin Wei's homepage at a loss, and then followed her Weibo to read.

She never expected her fans to be so troublesome!

That was Qin Wei, Shi Yan's cousin.

The little princess of the Qin family!

Who in the circle doesn't know that Shi Yan loves this cousin?

Since the Shi family has no granddaughter, Qin Wei, the granddaughter, was hurt to the core.

I don't know how many people in the circle. Every day, they want to have a relationship with Qin Wei, and take this step to the sky. As a result, her fans made Qin Wei angry? And let Qin Wei send five Weibo in a row?

Although she calls herself Bai Fumei in the entertainment industry, compared to Qin Wei, she is at the bottom of the pyramid, and Qin Wei is the top of the pyramid. The gap between the two is something she can't match in her life.

is like an insurmountable chasm.

She had thought before that she would take the opportunity of the Shi Group's jewelry spokesperson to have a relationship with the Shi family, but now it seems that there is no chance at all. Qin Wei is a straight-hearted person who offends Qin Wei. People have always been directly retaliated by Qin Wei.

Xu Xiangmeng almost trembled and posted an apology on Weibo.

Sincere words, I hope Qin Wei will not care about fans. If given the opportunity, she will come to the door to apologize.

The fans who were tearing Qin Wei were suddenly stunned.

Wait, what did they see?

Their Mengmeng actually apologized to Qin Wei who was so hot?

How is this possible, obviously Qin Wei was the first to take the heat, why should Mengmeng apologize to her?

Fans immediately ran to Xu Xiangmeng's Weibo to ask what was going on.

Xu Xiangmeng looked at the comments of these brainless fans, she was so angry that she almost dropped her phone, is she blind? Still out of mind?

Didn't you see that she had apologized to Qin Wei? Since he and she apologized to Qin Wei, this is a representative. Qin Wei is not someone she can provoke. In this case, the fans should honestly follow along and apologize. What's going on, do you have a brain?

Xu Xiangmeng is afraid that these fans will make things self-defeating. If the trouble ends badly, it will be over.

She immediately contacted the agent and asked the agent to take the rhythm and apologize to Qin Wei.

Otherwise, she was really afraid that things would be difficult to resolve.

She is really unlucky.

Can this step on a horse offend Qin Wei?

is absolutely amazing.


Xu Xiangmeng saw Qin Wei reply her on Weibo again.

Qin Wei V: Even if you come to the door to apologize, not everyone can enter the door of my Qin family. (By the way, are Xu Xiangmeng's fans crazy? Don't you dare to mess with me without seeing you cooking? Dare to scold me here? If you continue to scold, Xu Xiangmeng will be crying later!)

Xu Xiangmeng fans:  …

At first, I thought about a bunch of things and wanted to scold Qin Wei, but suddenly I realized what Qin Wei said... It seems really reasonable?

They haven't seen who Xu Xiangmeng confesses to.

At this moment, fans finally noticed something unusual.

Did they really offend those who couldn't?

Who is this Qin Wei?

Who can come to popularize Qin Wei's background?

is even more powerful than the Xu family?

(end of this chapter)