Chapter 1722: The return of a daughter (19)

Chapter 1722 The return of the daughter (19)

Xu Xiangmeng fans scolded and ran to pick up Qin Wei's identity.

Soon someone followed Qin Wei's Weibo homepage and saw those who followed her, and then they found that there were many people, all of whom were well-known Bai Fumei in the circle.

In other words, Qin Wei's identity is not as simple as they see it.

A person who can attract a lot of Bai Fumei's attention together.

and the person that Xu Xiangmeng can't offend is enough to prove that this person has a strong identity background. Fans are suddenly at a loss. If they offend someone who can't be offended, will they cause some trouble for Xu Xiangmeng?

Fans rushed to Xu Xiangmeng's Weibo to apologize, and then yelled at Xu Xiangmeng again.

Is this a bunch of idiots?

What's the use of apologizing to her in this situation?

In this situation, of course, I have to apologize to Qin Wei!

Go and apologize to Qin Wei, not her!

What's the use of apologizing to her? Apologizing to her, can Qin Wei forgive her?

Xu Xiangmeng was so angry that he was speechless, so he could only continue to urge his agent to quickly let the water army guide these fans.

She was afraid that if she played a few minutes later, the fans would make a lot of trouble again. Fortunately, this time, the agent was still very strong, and the tasks of the sailors were also completed very beautifully.

Under the leadership of Shui Jun, fans gradually came to understand that they should not only apologize to Mengmeng, but also apologize to Qin Wei, so that Qin Wei should not blame Mengmeng.

This farce on the Internet, the final result, no one expected.

Xu Xiangmeng couldn't steal the chicken without losing the rice, she watched with chagrin as her popularity gradually increased.

If in the past, the popularity rose, she would probably be very happy, but now, while her popularity has risen, Qin Wei's popularity has also risen, and the two people's popularity is tied together, this time, probably many people I can see how stupid her fans are and offend someone with a strong background.

She even suspected that after today, the few plastic sisters from the rich and powerful family would leave her, even laughing at her and stepping on her foot.

Xu Xiangmeng and Qin Wei's affairs, even Xu's father was disturbed.

Father Xu called angrily and asked Xu Xiangmeng, what happened? Why did you provoke Qin Wei?

"Qin Wei is the little princess of the Qin family, and even the little princess of the Shi family. How dare you dare to provoke Qin Wei?"

Xu Xiangmeng apologized aggrievedly, "I can't help this kind of thing, fans are not under my control, I can't control their thoughts..."

Father Xu was silent, he did not listen to Xu Xiangmeng's explanation, because he knew very well that this matter had something to do with Xu Xiangmeng.

If it wasn't for Xu Xiangmeng, he wanted to use fans at first. How could this be so difficult to end?

He knew about Xu Xiangmeng's methods, but he just pretended not to know.

It is good to be scheming.

Knowing that it is better to climb up than to have no ambition!

But now, Father Xu began to reflect.

Is he too used to Xu Xiangmeng?

made Xu Xiangmeng seem unscrupulous to cause trouble online.

Now is different from before, sometimes the person you provoke casually may be the person you can't afford to offend.

The Xu family is not as strong as imagined, even if the Han family and the Zhao family support Xu Xiangmeng, in front of the Shi family and the Qin family, it is not worth mentioning.

Xu Xiangmeng knew that she did something wrong in this matter. Facing Xu's father's reprimand, she remained silent and did not dare to refute anything.

At this time, Father Xu was very irrational, so she accepted all the reprimands from Father Xu.

When she married into the Han family, no one would scold her like this again.

After    hung up the phone, Xu Xiangmeng went to call Han Chen aggrieved.

But Han Chen was still busy with his work, he just hung up the phone after a few words perfunctory.

He wasn't interested in the quarrel in the girl's house, but told Xu Xiangmeng not to offend Qin Wei in the future.

Qin Wei has a straight temperament and a strong temper.

However, being straight also has the benefits of being straight. Qin Wei usually takes revenge on the spot, and naturally, she will never take revenge again in the future.

Don't worry about being retaliated.

But at this time, how could Xu Xiangmeng listen to these words?

In her opinion, Han Chen just didn’t pay enough attention to her.

did not get the comfort he wanted, Xu Xiangmeng contacted Zhao Yang again.

However, this time, Zhao Yang did not answer her call immediately, she called three times in a row, but no one answered.

Xu Xiangmeng's face was ashen.

There are too many things out of control.

Obviously this is just a very simple thing.

There shouldn’t be so many surprises.

Zhao Yang could not be contacted, Xu Xiangmeng went to Weibo again, speechless, the trend on the Internet is now polarized.

Some people feel that she has a bunch of brainless fans.

There are also some people who scold her that she deserves it...

But fortunately, Qin Wei did not post on Weibo anymore.

Xu Xiangmeng breathed a sigh of relief, but the more he thought about this, the more unwilling he became.

If Shi Shi hadn't chosen her as a spokesperson, would things have developed to this point?

Xu Xiangmeng fell into thinking and became more and more dissatisfied with the Shi Group.

But she couldn't do anything.

She can't go to the Shi Group to settle accounts, she doesn't have that status.

And her two flower protectors are not useful at critical moments.

However, Xu Xiangmeng felt that her luck suddenly improved a lot, because she saw a fan who was similar to her idea.

If it weren't for the Shi Group replacing their Mengmeng, this kind of thing would not have happened.

So, a bunch of fans quickly formed a small group to go to the Shi Group to make trouble, let the Shi Group officially announce the spokesperson, and some people dared to ask the Shi Group to give an explanation.

Tsk, naive fans have no idea that they have dug a big hole for Xu Xiangmeng...

As time went by, there were more and more comments under the Shi Group, and Xu Xiangmeng suddenly realized that things seemed to be out of control?

She wanted to see the fans asking the Shi Group to give an explanation, not to ask the fans to go crazy!


Just one day.

Her fans first offended Qin Wei.

And then offended the Shi Group?

Now she can only hope that Shi doesn't manage Weibo very much, and hasn't found so many comments yet...

So she can take this opportunity to find some more comments from the navy to suppress the fans...

Xu Xiangmeng, "..." I was heartbroken for the fans.

The fans have sent their grievances to the Shi Group, which is no wonder they, it is the beginning of the Shi Group...

When fans scolded Shishi Group for changing its spokesperson, it became more and more intense.

The Shi clan, which was silent, suddenly moved.

Shi Group posted a clarification Weibo.

Chi's Group V: Our company's jewelry spokesperson has never set Xu Xiangmeng, and Ms. Xu did not pass the first round of our company's selection. Please stop spreading rumors, our company has the right to investigate her responsibility.

Xu Xiangmeng, "..."


Passers-by, "...Hahahahaha, the official slap in the face!"

(end of this chapter)