Chapter 1723: The return of a daughter (20)

Chapter 1723 The return of the daughter (20)

No one expected that the Shi Group would end up.

There are also many people who touch the porcelain brand and deliberately have a relationship with the brand, so that fans can think that their idol is a spokesperson or cooperates with the brand.

But it is really rare for people like the Shi Group to quickly end the game and clear up all ties.

Especially a company like the Shi Group.

Aside from it, it can be regarded as giving Xu Xiangmeng a lot of popularity.

After all, it makes passersby feel very cool.

Many passersby watched the show and ate melons.

And some other fans who were usually hostile to Xu Xiangmeng's fans moved up small stools one after another and turned on the mocking mode in the front row.

Don't ask them why they didn't appear when Qin Wei was against Xu Xiangmeng, because Qin Wei's identity is unknown, they can't be sure if there will be a reversal.

But it's different now.

The Shi Group will end in person!

Sisters, charge me!

As long as you don't match up with Xu Xiangmeng's fans, you are my sister!

【Oh, isn't this Xu Bai Fumei? How could you do something like touching porcelain in such a way? 】

【Official slap in the face, this is the end of the Shi Group in person! Fans, don't be white! 】

【Bah, roll over! Usually Tiantian has a strong marketing background, Bai Fumei, is it not cowardly for Shishi Group now? 】

【The most hated Xu Xiangmeng fans, no one.

Stepping on other stars by boasting about their identity and background every day, thinking that she is noble like a little princess, but in fact? Alas! Not a little princess at all! 】

【I look down on other stars who rely on acting to make a living, so what endorsements do you get in the circle? He still looks like he's aloof, he only accepts endorsements and not plays, bah, isn't it just for fame? Why do you consider the stars in the circle as your stepping stone? Spicy chicken Xu Xiangmeng! 】

【I thank Shishi Group! I would like to offer my sincerest best wishes to Shishi Group! 】

He scolded Xu Xiangmeng one after another.

Xu Xiangmeng's fans can't control those comments at all. Every time they want to suppress the unfavorable comments of Xu Xiangmeng, but in a blink of an eye, other comments appear again...

The Shi Group successfully added a fire.

Xu Xiangmeng was trembling with anger.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this.

Her father clearly told her that she would be the spokesperson of the Shi Group, and even if she was not a spokesperson, the Shi Group must have chosen her, and it was impossible for her to fail the first batch of screenings!

Xu Xiangmeng went to call Father Xu with trembling hands.

She wants to ask clearly.

"Dad, why did the Shi Group say I didn't pass their first round of screening? Are they lying!"

Father Xu was silent for a few seconds.

The voice commanded solemnly.

"Xiangmeng, don't interfere in this matter, you stay at home honestly, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. I will ask the agent to accompany you. From now on, you should not reply to any news online, let alone do it without authorization. Let the navy lead the rhythm, and I will let professionals handle it."

Xu Xiangmeng couldn't understand Father Xu's arrangement, "??? Dad, what do you mean by that? Why can't I intervene anymore, I'm the party involved!"

She obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

Father Xu sighed and continued to explain, "No matter what the situation is, the fact that the Shi clan is now down means that the Shi clan is unhappy.

The consequences of Shi Zong's unhappiness are very serious, so Xiang Meng, don't do anything anymore, I'll go to Shi's Group to apologize, and if Qin Wei does anything again, you must bear it for me, be honest Really shrink... Otherwise, no one can save you! "

Father Xu's patience has long since worn off, but there is no way out. If he doesn't explain clearly, it is very likely that Xu Xiangmeng will do something irreversible while he is not paying attention.

And Xu Xiangmeng is his daughter.

No matter how angry he was, he couldn't watch his daughter go into the abyss.

Xu Xiangmeng hung up the phone in a daze, the whole person was stunned

Is it because she offended Qin Wei that the Shi Group took revenge like this?

She gritted her teeth and wanted to post on Weibo, but she didn't dare to do it.

She grew up in Xu's family since she was a child, and she knows a little bit about things in the circle.

It's like Shi Yan, although I haven't seen or touched it, but it is said that the person has a bad temper...

Xu Xiangmeng's eyes were red, thinking of Father Xu's words, she was a little annoyed, but more resentful, if it wasn't for Qin Wei, how could she be ridiculed by everyone?

She hates Qin Wei now!

What a princess of the Qin family!

One day, she will ask Qin Wei to apologize to her!

Xu Xiangmeng rubbed his eyes, picked up his phone, and called Han Chen, "Han Chen, I seem to have done something wrong... I really don't know what to do..."

Xu Xiangmeng pulled Han Chen and cried fiercely.

Han Chen was helpless, but also a little distressed.

The Han family is not Shishi's opponent, he can't oppose Shishi because of this.

The Han family can't be destroyed in his hands, and the kind of thing that wants beauty and no country will not happen to him.

He is still very awake.

So in the face of Xu Xiangmeng's cry, Han Chen didn't say anything about taking revenge for her other than comfort, which made Xu Xiangmeng very dissatisfied, and she continued to cry, hoping to make Han Chen realize that this matter was to her. How much damage.

After a while, Han Chen was thoughtful.

He made a suggestion, "Xiangmeng, why don't you quit the entertainment industry, although you only accept endorsements, but it is considered a foot in the entertainment industry, this circle is deep and the relationship is too complicated.

You might as well be your little princess in the Xu family. The Xu family is not short of money, and the Han family is not short of money. You don't have to work so hard in the entertainment industry to answer this, and you have to listen to some unkind words on the Internet. "

Han Chen feels that as long as Xu Xiangmeng is willing to quit this circle, this kind of thing will not happen again in the future, and some misunderstandings can be avoided.

After all, in the entertainment industry, many people have some financial sponsors or backstages behind them, and maybe one day they will offend someone who cannot be offended.

Just like today, the Shi Group can’t afford to offend them.

Therefore, for the long-term development, it is better to let Xu Xiangmeng quit the entertainment circle, work in the Han family or Xu family company, even if it is to learn to manage the company, it is also possible.

is better than the current situation.

Xu Xiangmeng categorically rejected Han Chen's proposal. She hung up the phone angrily. She didn't expect Han Chen to have such a thought?

Let her retire?

How could Han Chen be so embarrassed to say it?

This is impossible!

She wants to be famous, she wants to appear in everyone's sight, she wants to let everyone know that she Xu Xiangmeng is excellent!

She is not only excellent, she was also born into a wealthy family, has a strong background, and is top-notch white and rich. She wants everyone to envy her.

Qin Wei's incident was just an accident.

Only one thing like Qin Wei has happened during her endorsement for so long, so as long as she learns a lesson and pays more attention in the future, similar things will not happen again, she is very sure.

Retreat? Impossible in this lifetime.

She hasn't got what she wants yet!

(end of this chapter)