Chapter 1724: The return of a daughter (21)

Chapter 1724 The return of the daughter (21)

Han Chen stared blankly at himself being hung up.

He has a headache.

Having been with Xu Xiangmeng for so many years, he knows that Xu Xiangmeng occasionally has some small temperaments, but they are just right and will not arouse people's disgust.

This time, Xu Xiangmeng insisted so much, which he never thought of.

Han Chen thought for a while and called Zhao Yang.

Rivals in love return to rivals in love, but neither of them will harm Xu Xiangmeng, it's all for her good.

And he hasn't heard from Zhao Yang these days.

On the contrary, I heard some rumors once.

I haven’t had time to decide yet…

just took this opportunity to ask Zhao Yang.

The bell rang for a while before Zhao Yang answered.

"Han Chen, why are you calling me? I don't have time to quarrel with you!"

Zhao Yang's impatience was clearly heard from the phone.

Han Chen, "...Xiang Meng has some misunderstandings with the Shi Group. I would like to persuade her to quit the entertainment industry and not accept endorsements in the future. Although the Xu family and the Han family are not as good as the Shi Group, they can definitely make her prosperous and wealthy. It is necessary to go to the entertainment circle to go to the muddy waters, but Xiang Meng didn't want to quit the circle and hung up my phone.

If you have time, you also persuade her, I believe you understand what I mean. Zhao Yang, things that are good for her, I hope we can always unite the front. "

Zhao Yang was a little speechless, "Well, I see."

Although he had a fiery temper, he didn't fail to see the situation clearly.

"As long as there is a chance, I will persuade her, and I will hang up if there is nothing else."

Zhao Yang's voice seemed to be deliberately lowered.

After   Han Chen noticed it, he asked, "Wait, I heard that you had a falling out with Mrs. Zhao, is this true?"

Zhao Yang fell into a long silence.

"I don't need you to care about my affairs. If it's a joke, you can do whatever you want."

Han Chen laughed.

"... That means that there is indeed such a thing, Zhao Yang, I won't fall into the trap, but I suggest you take the time to have a good talk with your mother, how old are you, and you still cut off the relationship?

You are just asking for trouble! "This temper still needs to be sharpened.

Otherwise, it cannot be changed.

"Go away!" Zhao Yang scolded.

Han Chen is a dog just to see his jokes!

"Don't get excited, if you can't get along any day, you can come to our company, I promise to pay enough overtime..." Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yang hung up the phone angrily.

He had never seen such a brazen person.

Zhao Yang cursed angrily.

When he makes a comeback, the first thing to do is to kill Han Chen!

But the thought was only a moment.

He stared blankly at the work he was doing, oh, he is still a little intern...

Xu Xiangmeng could not find anyone to cry.

The agent hurried over again, took away her cell phone, and did not allow her to speak online.

"You have to believe that President Xu will handle everything." The agent comforted a few words and began to wait for news.

The **** storm on the Internet continues.

Finally found an opportunity to scold Xu Xiangmeng, a group of people are waiting for revenge!


When Qin Wei opened Weibo again and saw the above news, she was stunned for a long time.

"..." Shi's Group is too arrogant!

actually ended up in person!

The official face slap, so cool!

Qin Wei rolled on the sofa with her phone in her hand, and then called Shiyan in a happy mood.

"Cousin, I love you so much! I didn't expect that in order to vent your anger, you would end up in person, and when you met your grandfather, I would definitely praise you for loving me!"

Who said her cousin was cold-hearted?

is obviously the heart of tofu in the mouth of the knife.

She just ran into Xu Xiangmeng, and her cousin avenged her. What an earth-shattering brother-sister relationship!

Ahhhh! So happy!

Shi Yan frowned, does his cousin have a brain problem?

"You think too much." He said coldly.

Qin Wei blinked and blinked again, "?"

She didn't think too much!

Shi Yan's tone was not emotional, "I'm for the jewelry brand under the Shi Group, Xu Xiangmeng almost ruined the brand's reputation, and Shi is not blind, how could it be possible to fall in love with her?"

is simply insulting Shi Shi's eyes.

Qin Wei suddenly became autistic.

"Cousin, you are really a straight man on a horse. Just follow my words, okay? Why do you have to break my fantasy? If you are like this, you will not find a girlfriend in the future!"

"...You also know that your thoughts are fantasy? Then you should know that fantasy is designed to be broken." Shi Yan couldn't understand Qin Wei's thinking.

I always feel that my cousin is having an abnormal day again.

Qin Wei hung up the phone angrily.

No, if she goes on, she will be **** off!

Ahhhh! angry!

Qin Wei held the phone, her face twisted into a ball of anger.

But something is not quite right.

Her instinct told her that there was something wrong with her cousin!

Although I don’t know what the problem is, there is a problem!

However, she quickly put the issue behind her.

Because she has new questions.

Qin Wei called Manager Yang.

"Manager Yang, who is the spokesperson for the jewelry? Why has the company been slow to say it? It seems to be very confidential?"

"This is Mr. Shi's plan. In order to maintain enough mystery, Miss Qin, please give up. I won't tell you who the spokesperson is."

As an old fox, Manager Yang understood Qin Wei's thoughts in seconds.

Hey, don't think about clichés, he refused!

Qin Wei was lethargic and sighed, "...It's boring."

Manager Yang, "Miss Qin, don't worry, on the day of the press conference, you will know who the spokesperson is. I can reveal a little bit of information. The spokesperson is very beautiful..."

Qin Wei, "I think you're talking nonsense. If you don't look good, can you be the spokesperson?"

"... always call me when you are, Miss Qin goodbye."

Manager Yang quickly hung up the phone, the little ancestor must never call him again.

Qin Wei didn't ask about the spokesperson, and the whole person was a little mourned.

What can I do? wait!

There is no other way but to wait.

She can't bring Shiyan over and beat him, and then threaten him.

She dared not.


After Shiyan finished talking with Qin Wei.

took the initiative to call Chacha.

"Don't pay too much attention to things on the Internet. Shi has already dealt with it. Once Xu Xiangmeng acts as a demon again, Shi will not let her go."

Although this incident did not involve Chacha for the time being.

But if the Shi Group does not clarify, many people will think that Xu Xiangmeng's endorsement has been robbed, and when Shi's press conference announces the spokesperson, it will definitely bring her a lot of trouble.

So it's resolved as soon as possible.

If Qin Wei knew what Shi Yan was thinking, she would probably die of anger, "???" Oh, I was wrong, where is the real straight man? I don't deserve it.

"Thank you, Mr. Shi." Cha Cha thanked her earnestly. She has been paying attention to things on the Internet, and Xu Xiangmeng is too good to die.

No need for her to take action at all, Xu Xiangmeng was scolded by himself for doing it.

So, it's easy to overturn a car with a stand.

Walk and be cautious.

Shi Yan hummed and hung up the phone.

Shiyan, who looked cold, put down his phone and suddenly started to get anxious…

(end of this chapter)