Chapter 1734: The return of a daughter (31)

Chapter 1734 The return of the daughter (31)

Xu Xiangmeng stopped crying.

But looking at Han Chen's appearance, she always felt that something was not right.

But I can't say that something is wrong.

She silently persuaded herself, maybe she thought too much.

Don't think too much.

After all, I have had a relationship with Han Chen for so many years.

Immediately afterwards, Han Chen answered the phone, didn't stay any longer, and left Xu's house.

Zhao Yang wanted to leave with him.

It is not suitable to stay at Xu's house.

was stopped by Xu Xiangmeng again, "Zhao Yang, don't leave, just stay at Xu's house for a few days, I need you to accompany me."

Zhao Yang couldn't say what he refused.

"it is good."

Since Xu Xiangmeng asked to keep him, he naturally couldn't leave at will.

He guessed that Xiang Meng was not in the right mood.

It's fine if he stays.

is just enough to persuade her to prevent her from thinking about it...

As soon as the two entered the hallway from the corridor, they heard the quarrel between Xu's father and Xu's mother.

The content of the quarrel is about Baicha.

Xu Xiangmeng shrank his eyes, pulled Zhao Yang and retreated again.

"At times like this, I'd better not make trouble."

She sat in the yard lost.

Zhao Yang patted her on the shoulder, "Don't think so much, husband and wife, it's normal to be noisy, don't think too much about Bocha, there's me! If Han Chen dares to treat you badly, I will never let him go!"

Although he is not Han Chen's opponent now, as long as he works hard, he will surpass Han Chen one day.

Xu Xiangmeng hummed.

She smiled with difficulty, "Zhao Yang, in this world, only you are the best to me, even Han Chen can't compare to you.

You said: It would be great if the person I had a marriage contract with was you! "

She looked serious and didn't seem to be joking, which surprised Zhao Yang, and he stared at Xu Xiangmeng blankly.

Soon, he pinched himself, these words, even in his dreams, he never heard, what happened today?

He could actually hear Xu Xiangmeng say these words to him.

For a moment, Zhao Yang felt that he might be crazy and had hallucinations, so he heard these words, otherwise, how could Xiang Meng say such things to him?

Zhao Yang thought about it for a while, he thought that Xu Xiangmeng and Han Chen had such a good relationship, and he was probably just angry for a while!

Zhao Yang smiled bitterly, "Xiang Meng, don't think so much, Han Chen, as you know, he is different from others and me, but you have to believe that he will treat you well, he is not that A scumbag, he made a promise and he will keep it for the rest of his life, and he still has so many years of love. Probably today, he is just a convulsion.

Still, I'm glad to hear you say that, even though I know I won't have the chance. "

Xu Xiangmeng didn't continue talking, she turned her head and looked into the distance.

She knows Zhao Yang too well. Although Zhao Yang is good to her, Zhao Yang is a muscle. This kind of words cannot continue to be said, but can only be mentioned occasionally to plant a seed in his heart, and then let it slowly of germination.

She really never thought about being with Zhao Yang before. Compared with the Zhao family, the Han family is much better, and the Zhao family also has Mrs. Zhao, and now Mrs. Zhao is very hostile to her.

But today is different, Han Chen seems to have a lot of opinions on her now.

So now, she must keep Zhao Yang, the already cooked duck, by her side, and there must be no more situations where the cooked duck can fly.

In this way, even if she really breaks up with Han Chen in the future, she still has Zhao Yang as a backup.

This is also a kind of protection for yourself.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xiangmeng changed the subject.

"Zhao Yang, what happened to you and Aunt Zhao? Did you really cut ties with the Zhao family as Han Chen said? I think Aunt Zhao should just be angry. When you look back, you must admit your mistake. also passed.

You think, after all, there is only one child in the Zhao family, you can't ignore the family business of the Zhao family! They are also reluctant to recognize you! "

Zhao Yang smiled when he heard this, "I am the only heir to the Zhao family now, but my mother said that she is young and in good health, and she can have a new obedient heir with my father."

Xu Xiangmeng couldn't help laughing and laughing, this is indeed what Mrs. Zhao could say.

Zhao Yang continued, "So in the future, don't tell me about going back to the Zhao family, I believe I can make a career by myself, and in the future, I will confront Han Chen with confidence. , I am your most solid backing!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!" Xu Xiangmeng smiled.

Encourage Zhao Yang by the way.

In fact.

Xu Xiangmeng couldn't help but scold Zhao Yang in his heart.

Is there a pit in your brain?

Don’t leave the family business alone, and have to go through hardship and burden yourself?

I'm afraid that my brain is not working well!

But she would never say it.

I can only hope that Zhao Yang will figure it out sooner, and go back to Zhao's house to admit his mistake to Mrs. Zhao.

Otherwise, just rely on Zhao Yang alone, I am afraid that she will die of old age, and she will not wait for the day when Zhao Yang's career is successful...

Xu Xiangmeng silently thought about it over and over again.

About an hour later, she and Zhao Yang returned to Xu's house. The quarrel between Xu's father and Xu's mother was over, and she pressed her temples with a headache.

I still have to coax Mother Xu, I'm really tired...


After   Cha Cha left Xu's house, he went to a new place.

This was prepared for her at Shi Yan.

It is said that it is a company benefit. During the endorsement period, you can live in this apartment.

In this regard, Cha Cha thinks that the company's welfare is very good, but whether it is the company's welfare or Shiyan's welfare, she thinks she can vaguely guess.

But this kind of thing, if you say it directly, it will be boring.

77 from time to time to report the situation of the Xu family.

It's a little unclear.

【Why not solve it directly? Instead, act with Xu Xiangmeng? 】

Chacha, "Of course it can't be solved directly. I always want to let Xu Xiangmeng have a taste of losing everything. If I can let the people around her leave her one by one, then I will be happier."

Qiqi shuddered inexplicably.

No wonder I always feel that the host of this plane is strange.

"Then what's next?" Qiqi asked again.

Cha Cha squinted his eyes, revealing a smile that is unique to when he smashes wool.

"Of course I had a good discussion with Shi Zong."

The wool was brought up by herself. How boring would it be if she didn't take a pinch?

【? ? ? 】 Qiqi has limited IQ, and feels that he really can't guess Chacha's intentions.

But you can't go wrong with Cha Cha.

It believes that Chacha must be a big move!

Chacha didn't waste time, and directly told Shiyan about his thoughts.

Then, before he could finish speaking... he was rejected by Shiyan.

"Miss Bai, what are you thinking? Terminate the contract with you? Do you think I'm crazy?"

Chacha, "That's not what I mean, I mean that when Mrs. Xu comes to you, she proposes to terminate the contract, and you agree to follow the procedure to get the liquidated damages compensated by Mrs. Xu as quickly as possible.

Then sign a contract with me! Anyway, even if they terminate the contract with me, Shi will not take a fancy to Xu Xiangmeng. They are so confident, so they should pay some IQ tax! "

(end of this chapter)