Chapter 1735: Return of a daughter (32)

Chapter 1735 The return of the daughter (32)

After   Cha Cha finished speaking, he stared straight at Shi Yan, "What do you think?"

Shiyan, "..." The little liar has a very dark heart.

Actually dig a hole for Xu Xiangmeng?

"It's good." Shi Yan responded, and he said again and again, "However, is there any benefit for me? Tossing back and forth with you? It's not very cost-effective."

He raised his eyebrows and smiled at her.

Chacha's little hand waved, extraordinarily generous, "We will pay five or five cents for the cancellation fee!"

Is this the head office?

"But if you follow the procedure, then the liquidated damages belong to the company, and you can't get five or five points from you, and there are still a lot of staff in the company who have to work overtime for this matter. Said it was a loss-making business.”

Shi Yan explained this matter very seriously.

Chacha quickly reacted, "..." Yes, she didn't think about it carefully, "Then I'll pay your employees a little more overtime?

Anyway, I have to take the money from the Xu family. Even if it doesn’t fall into my hands and make me lose money, I don’t care. "

She has a lot of money, all she wants is Mrs. Xu and Xu Xiangmeng to pay the IQ tax!

If Mrs. Xu and Xu Xiangmeng are not happy, she will be very happy.

Today is also a day of hard work and happiness!

Shi Yan hummed, "Understood, I will let Manager Yang handle the matter."

Since she doesn't like the Xu family so much, she will follow her wishes, as long as everything is under control.

For him, it’s just a matter of canceling the contract.

It doesn't take long.

However, she was so sure that Mrs. Xu would come to the company to terminate the contract as her mother for Xu Xiangmeng's sake, without her consent. Probably there was really no relationship between the two.

Even so, he doesn't have to show mercy.

Things settled so happily.

Mother Xu didn't know, and before she knew it, someone had dug a hole for her.


Zhao Yang stayed at Xu's house for two days.

Often came back late at night, seeing Xu Xiangmeng having a headache.

It is clear that things that can be solved by admitting a mistake with Mrs. Zhao, why do you have to suffer yourself?

In Zhao Yang's situation, I'm afraid that after waiting for decades, nothing major can be done.

Xu Xiangmeng thought more and more that he still had to persuade Zhao Yang to return to Zhao's house as soon as possible.

Otherwise, her future will be very worrying.

Except for Zhao Yang.

Xu Xiangmeng was still upset about Baicha.

On that day, the sentence that Bai Cha said could terminate the contract with the Shi Group was like a hook that tickled her heart and kept her up at night.

In her opinion, if she pays the liquidated damages for Baicha, she can terminate the contract with the Shi Group.

After the termination of the contract, the Shi Group will definitely not use Baicha as its spokesperson.

At that time, she was the first choice for the jewelry spokesperson of the Shi Group.

Xu Xiangmeng felt that he had to do something.

But she couldn't bring it up by herself.

requires Mother Xu to take the initiative.

Xu Xiangmeng pondered for a while, and had a measure in his heart.

On this day, when Mother Xu came back from outside, she happened to see Xu Xiangmeng flipping through a jewelry booklet.

"Mengmeng?" she called out.

Xu Xiangmeng hurriedly put away the booklet and looked at Mother Xu with reddish eyes.


"What's the matter? Why are you crying?" Mother Xu's expression changed, she walked over emotionally, raised her hand and picked up the booklet she had hidden.

Mother Xu looked at the jewelry booklet in her hand and immediately understood why Xu Xiangmeng was unhappy?

She sighed, "Didn't Baicha say before that she can terminate the contract with the Shi Group? She can't afford the liquidated damages, so I will pay the liquidated damages to let her terminate the contract with the Shi Group.

In this way, the Shi Group will have to re-select the spokesperson, and at that time, they will choose you. "

Xu Xiangmeng replied in shock, "Will this not be good? After all, the spokesperson is already Chacha, if I stole her endorsement..."

"What are you talking about? The endorsement was originally yours, and she stole your endorsement. We are just taking it back in an upright manner?"

Mother Xu has an arrogant attitude. As long as her daughter wants it, she will definitely find a way to give it to her.

They have been tossing about the endorsement for a long time. If in the end, the endorsement is really not obtained, he and she thinks that she may mention this endorsement in the future, and she will be very upset.

So no matter what aspect, the spokesperson of this endorsement must not be Baicha.

From the beginning, she was not optimistic about Baicha.

Now it is even more unacceptable that Bai Cha, a wild girl, robbed Xu Xiangmeng of things. Xu Xiang dreamed of Xu's mother, so she made a vow and made up her mind.

With Mother Xu, this matter will definitely go smoothly.

No matter if Bai Cha said that sentence in the first place, whether it was true or false, now as long as Mother Xu intervenes, there is no room for Bo Cha to go back on this matter.

Because Bai Cha left Xu's house, Xu's mother and Xu Xiangmeng couldn't contact her again.

After thinking about it, Mother Xu took Xu Xiangmeng directly to the Shi Group. She is Bai Cha's mother, so she can handle the termination of the contract, she has the right.

This was Mother Xu's first visit to the Shi Group, and she looked at the Shi Group in shock.

The Shi Group is really many times bigger than the Xu family's company, and the two cannot be compared at all.

She finally knew why Father Xu was so afraid of the Shi Group, because the Shi Group did have this ability.

But now, she came to the Genshi Group to terminate the contract, so she must have confidence.

Xu's mother took Xu Xiangmeng and went to the front desk first. Because there was no reservation, the front desk staff did not allow them to enter the Shi Group directly, and asked to make an appointment first.

But because of their identities, the front desk had to contact Manager Yang.

Manager Yang was a little surprised when he heard that Mrs. Xu was coming, but it soon became clear that Mr. Shi had already mentioned this to him. If Mrs. Xu came to the Shi Group, he just had to follow Mrs. Xu's wishes. .

Shi always told him about the termination of the contract, so he was mentally prepared, but he never thought that Mrs. Xu would ruin Bai Cha's future so impatiently.

Thinking that Bai Cha was Mrs. Xu's biological daughter, Manager Yang felt that Bai Cha was really miserable.

As a mother, instead of loving your own daughter, you rob your own daughter? Take it to coax the daughter to be happy?

It was the first time he saw him, no wonder they all said that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

I thought of the bonus that Shi always said before.

Manager Yang couldn't wait to go to the hall downstairs to receive Mrs. Xu in person. The eyes he looked at Mrs. Xu became much more eager.

Because now Mrs. Xu is a cash cow in his eyes, Shi always said that in addition to the bonus, if you can do this well, you can get another bonus.

Not only that, Miss Bo Cha Bo also sent him a big red envelope, just for the money, he felt that he could solve this matter perfectly.

For money he can!

Today is also a day to work hard for money!

(end of this chapter)