Chapter 1736: Return of a daughter (33)

Chapter 1736 The return of the daughter (33)

When Mrs. Xu saw that Manager Yang received her in person, she felt a lot more confident.

She glanced at the front desk. The front desk stopped her just now. Did you see it?

is now their manager Yang, come to receive her in person!

I really don't know where these front desk people have the confidence to even dare to stop her? Don't even look at her identity!

The front desk ignored Mrs. Xu's gaze, and still stood there focused on guarding her post and doing her duty.

This punch seemed to hit cotton, and Mrs. Xu was not very happy, but these were all small matters. She came to the Shi Group and had another more important matter to solve.

Compared with   , of course, her business is more important.

Manager Yang took her into an office.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Xu and Miss Xu, do you have anything to do with our company?"

Mother Xu held Xu Xiangmeng's wrist and looked at Manager Yang seriously, "What do you think of my daughter? Is it suitable to be the jewelry spokesperson of your Shishi Group?

I think her image is quite good, and she has endorsed many brands. "

Manager Yang nodded cooperatively, "Miss Xu is outstanding, and Mrs. Xu is really lucky!"

Anyone can say something nice.

Similarly, everyone wants to hear good words.

Xu is very satisfied. It seems that Manager Yang is quite tasteful.

"I also think that I am lucky to have such a good daughter. By the way, Manager Yang, I came to Shishi Group today, and she has a more important thing.

You also know that Bo Cha, the jewelry spokesperson of your Shishi Group, is also my daughter. The relationship between me and her is that I can decide anything on her behalf, and I am her guardian.

She regrets signing the endorsement deal with the Shi Group now, and doesn't want to be your spokesperson anymore, so she entrusted me to terminate the contract with you.

Of course, considering that this matter will have a very bad impact on the Shi Group, the normal compensation process is to go, and I will pay the liquidated damages. I am really embarrassed for the trouble caused to Shi. "

Mrs. Xu, relying on herself as the mother of Baicha, came to lie casually.

In her opinion, Bai Cha would not care about her.

Even if he is really dissatisfied with her behavior, he will not do anything to her.

Therefore, Mrs. Xu resolutely terminated the contract for Baicha.

does not care about the impact of this behavior on the future of Baicha.

Manager Yang, who has known the truth for a long time, is a little speechless. Can you say this?

He really didn't see Bai Cha as his own daughter at all, but there was no extra expression on his face, he just looked at Mrs. Xu seriously.

"Are you saying that Bai Cha doesn't want to be the spokesperson anymore? But when we met before, we had a good conversation. She also likes this endorsement very much, and the endorsement fee we paid is also very high. During the cooperation process, it never happened. Contradiction, how can you suddenly not want to endorse?"

Mrs. Xu looked apologetic.

"You also know that our family, Baicha, has lived a hard life since she was a child. She grew up in the countryside, and to put it bluntly, she is a wild girl.

is lucky to be your spokesperson, but at that time, she was also carried away by joy.

After she calmed down completely and thought about it carefully, she felt that she was really inappropriate. She felt that she was a wild girl, and she was not worthy to endorse such top jewelry as you.

is not even worthy to be your spokesperson.

She is afraid that she will affect your brand.

I know that you may not be able to understand this matter, but she is indeed begging me to come, otherwise, I would not risk offending the Shi Group to tell you these words.

Liquidated damages, you can say the amount, our Xu family can afford it. We just hope that after paying the liquidated damages, it will not have any other impact on us. You also know that our Xu family is not as good as the Shi Group. Small company, can't stand the big storm. "

Mrs. Xu's remarks were sincere.

And the last few sentences, the implication is to hope that your Shi Group will not retaliate against our Xu family in the future.

is very cautious.

Unfortunately, none of these precautions are for Baicha.

Manager Yang looked at Mrs. Xu with a complicated look.

"Even if there is no way to continue the cooperation, our Shi Group will not do anything out of the ordinary. Our company is a serious company. Please rest assured about this, but the termination of the contract is such a big thing, I still need to report to our Shi. .

If we always agree, then this matter can enter the normal process. As for the liquidated damages, please ask Mrs. Xu to prepare it first. "

Next, Manager Yang left the office.

went to Shiyan's president's office, and he briefly said what Mrs. Xu had said to him.

Shiyan nodded.

"According to the process of liquidated damages, how much will she have to pay?"

Manager Yang smiled mysteriously, "Probably at least 20 million." This is not a small sum.

Shiyan hummed, "Go ahead and do it. After you get the 20 million yuan, you can even give employees year-end benefits."

Manager Yang left the president's office with a smile.

Twenty million, ah twenty million.

took 20 million in vain. This year's employees can eat more meat when they are eating!

The moment Manager Yang re-entered the office, he restrained his joy and walked in with an embarrassed look on his face.

The first sentence after entering the door, "Mrs. Xu is a bit difficult to handle."

Mrs. Xu groaned in her heart.

"Do you always disagree?"

Xu Xiangmeng, who was beside him, turned pale.

What's so good about cypress tea?

"Can you let me talk to Mr. Shi in person?" Xu Xiangmeng asked a question. Speaking of which, she really wanted to meet Shiyan.

The most successful man in the business world.

There are many legends about him in the business world.

Manager Yang, "..." I think you are dreaming.

Do you still want to see our Shizong?

He sighed, "This jewelry endorsement, I believe you all know, is very important to us, because it is the 20th anniversary of our jewelry.

This is a big project. If it is delayed because of the spokesperson, it will definitely have a great impact on our Shishi.

But considering that the Xu family's company may still cooperate with us in the future, we reluctantly took a step back.

As for Bai Cha, I must admit that her face is indeed very suitable for our endorsement, and in terms of temperament, I can't guarantee whether it will be suitable or not, and it may be slightly lacking.

After all, endorsement is a long-term matter, and the character and temperament of the endorser must be considered comprehensively. As for me, I will always tell us my thoughts.

Under my active persuasion, we can agree to the termination of the contract proposed by Miss Bo, but the liquidated damages must follow the procedure! "

Mrs. Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

understood Manager Yang's meaning in seconds.

"Manager Yang, this time, it's really thanks to you. I don't know if you have time in the evening. I want to invite you to dinner."

Manager Yang pretended to be thoughtful, "Yes."

Oh, Miss Bai said, let them pay more IQ tax.

(end of this chapter)