Chapter 1742: The return of a daughter (39)

Chapter 1742 The return of the daughter (39)

Zhao Yang was at the other end, not knowing how to comfort him.

had to whisper, "Mengmeng, are you okay? You..."

Xu Xiangmeng didn't want to hear his voice at all, and hung up the phone directly.

She asked Zhao Yang to take the blame for her, didn't Zhao Yang make Mrs. Zhao angry even more so that she was directly exposed...?

Xu Xiangmeng looked through the comments on the phone with red eyes, except for her weak fans, almost all of them were scolding her and laughing at her!

"..." How to restore this situation?

As I was thinking, the door was kicked open.

Xu Xiangmeng looked back and saw the angry father Xu.

"Dad, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Father Xu raised his hand and slapped him!

stunned Xu Xiangmeng's body and almost fell.

Xu Xiangmeng looked at Father Xu in disbelief, "You hit me?"

Father Xu, "...I will not only beat you, but I will also teach you a hard lesson! Look at the good things you have tossed around! You have done something wrong, admit it, and have to let Zhao Yang take the blame for you, now?

made Mrs. Zhao angry! Mrs. Zhao asked the Xu family for an explanation, how would you like me to solve it? Do you know how it will affect the Xu family? "

Father Xu was furious.

Mother Xu, who came over, saw Xu Xiangmeng covering her face, and she felt extremely distressed. She glared back at Father Xu, "Can't you solve the impact? How can you blame your daughter for everything? She is not your punching bag. !

Besides, Mrs. Zhao couldn't control her son, and she suddenly went crazy, who was to blame? Can we blame us? "

Mother Xu did not feel that she was wrong at all, and was even proud of it.

Since this time Zhao Yang can honestly take the blame, there will be more men in the future who are willing to be ministers under the skirt.

The big deal, choose a few people who can cure their mother.

Take a warning.

After the province, a real mother appeared again to stir up the matter.

Father Xu, "!!!"

I don't know what's wrong with riding a horse!

Father Xu's face was ashen, he was so angry that he turned his head and left.

Now he has to go to Zhao's house first, settle the matter well, admit his mistake and apologize.

Explore Mrs. Zhao's tone. If there is still room for manoeuvre, let Xu Xiangmeng apologize together. If not, then Xu Xiangmeng should not appear in front of her eyes, otherwise he will be even more angry.

After Father Xu left, Mother Xu began to comfort Xu Xiangmeng in various ways, but she didn't think Xu Xiangmeng did something wrong, it was Mrs. Zhao, not her.


Cha Cha looked at the online comments with a smile.

is almost as she expected.

The Shi Group has not released the news of her termination, Xu Xiangmeng must not be able to sit still and will do something.

This is a good time to seize the handle. At the same time, Xu Xiangmeng, who cares so much about the character design, can't stand the collapse of his character design, tsk... In fact, Zhao Yang's step is not included in her calculation.

Unfortunately, blind.

Next, she will watch the Xu family get busy and then split from the inside.


In the evening, Father Xu came back.

's ashen face became a little haggard.

Mother Xu didn't intend to pay attention to him, but seeing him like that, she couldn't help but ask, "How's it going?"

Father Xu sat there in a decadent manner, "It's over."

"What's the end?" Mother Xu was startled by him, she had never seen his listless and decadent look.

"Didn't you go to Zhao's house?" Mother Xu asked again.

Father Xu laughed at himself, "Do you think the Zhao family will forgive us? The Zhao family is only a son like Zhao Yang, but because of Xu Xiangmeng, I became enmity with the Zhao family, and I couldn't even walk in the door of the Zhao family!

People don't want to see me at all! do you understand? The Xu family offended the Zhao family! Completely offended! "

Mother Xu staggered for a while, and soon regained her spirits, "The Zhao family is similar to us. Even if we offend the Zhao family, we will not be finished! You are just scaring people!"

Father Xu pressed the temple.

Hearing her words, sadness came from it.

"We only offended the Zhao family, but now, after Mrs. Zhao's troubles, people in the circle are now avoiding our Xu family like a scorpion. Which family doesn't need a son to inherit? If you have a son, you are afraid of your daughter. Hooked the soul, to the point of turning against each other!

Ah! It's really thanks to your daughter, now all the rich and powerful families that need their sons to inherit the family property are almost connected, and guarding the Xu family is like guarding against thieves, for fear of being harmed by your daughter! "


Mother Xu fell into a long silence.

"?" How is this possible?

Is her daughter that powerful?

To the point where people in the circle are frightened?

"Then what do we do...will it have a big impact on the Xu family?" Mother Xu finally realized that things might be more serious than she thought.

"Wait...wait for everyone to forget about this, let your daughter stay calm, don't run out and cause trouble."

Father Xu said lightly, his eyes were decadent, "Because of this, the company lost several cooperation..."

Mother Xu, "...Mengmeng didn't expect this to happen, don't blame her."

"Well, I don't blame her, I blame myself, I blame me for being useless, I blame me for being a waste! Just raised such a daughter and cultivated this virtue by riding a horse!"

Mother Xu was watching, terrified.

for fear that his stimulated spirit might have a problem.

Xu Xiangmeng hid in the dark with hatred in his eyes.

It's all because of Bai Cha, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Bai Cha, she would never have come this far.

If it wasn't for Bai Cha, she would still be the kind-hearted eldest lady of the Xu family.

She will not calculate, nor will Zhao Yang take the blame, and Mrs. Zhao will still like her very much...

But now, everything is ruined...!

Xu Xiangmeng quietly left Xu's house and went to the hospital with a firm goal.

She remembered that Bai Cha's adoptive mother was still being treated in the hospital.

The medical expenses are also paid by the Xu family.

She will go to the adoptive mother to have a good chat now!

I have to ask, since he hasn't appeared in more than ten years, why does he have to appear in front of the Xu family now! ! !

Xu Xiangmeng was furious.

Wait to the hospital.

was dumbfounded.

"???" That adoptive mother had already been transferred?

Not in this hospital anymore?

Xu Xiangmeng took out his mobile phone and called Xu's mother in confusion, "Mom, Bocha's adoptive mother has been transferred, have you done the formalities for her???"

"...I ask your dad, but Mengmeng, why did you go to the hospital so late!?"

Mother Xu looked at the dark night outside.

"I just want to get close to her adoptive mother and see if I can get Bai Cha to forgive me. Maybe things will get better at that time..." Xu Xiangmeng said.

Mother Xu thought for a while, then sighed, "Forget it! Listen to your dad, let's stop making decisions. I think he can't be stimulated very much now, in case it becomes self-defeating..."

Xu Xiangmeng hung up the phone with a sullen face.

Forget it, she went to ask the people at the hospital herself.

The medical expenses are paid by their Xu family. She always has the right to know about the transfer!

Mother Xu looked at the hung up phone and felt very uncomfortable.

Why can't Xiang Meng think for her now?

(end of this chapter)