Chapter 1743: Return of a daughter (40)

Chapter 1743 The return of the daughter (40)

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. She threw her phone aside and sat on the sofa in the living room, waiting for Xu Xiangmeng to come back.

I waited for a whole night, but no one was there.


Xu Xiangmeng spent money and learned from the hospital that the person who helped Bocha's adoptive mother Zheng Hong to transfer the hospital was a gentleman with the surname Shi.


Time banquet?

But I don't think it's possible.

How could Shiyan possibly help Baicha to do these things?

Shyan and Baicha haven't known each other for a long time, right?

Count the time, maybe you have helped Baicha so much in just a few days of acquaintance?

No matter how you think about it, it feels unrealistic.

But the surname is Mr. Shi... She really can only think of Shiyan, except him, she doesn't know who else can do it.

Can't find Zheng Hong, Xu Xiangmeng is not willing to go back like this.

Under the current circumstances, Xu Xiangmeng quickly made a judgment.

It was impossible for Han Chen to not know that she had been in the accident for so long, but Han Chen did not call to express condolences for a long time. There was obviously a problem.

So, now Zhao Yang is the only one who is willing to help her.

Xu Xiangmeng went to Zhao Yang without any hesitation.

Zhao Yang is blaming himself for this.

Seeing Xu Xiangmeng coming to him, he was sad and full of emotion.

"Mengmeng, I'm sorry, it's all because of me, if it wasn't for me, it wouldn't be like this..."

After all, it was all his fault.

Zhao Yang sat there dejectedly, as if he had been abandoned.

Xu Xiangmeng stretched out his hand to comfort him, "No, it's not your fault, you've done enough for me, it's because I'm not good enough, it's because I'm too greedy, that's what happened today, Zhao Yang, this has nothing to do with you ."

She has a gentle expression, but there is a bit of sadness in her eyes.

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and lowered his head in shame.

He knew that it was his fault that he had a great influence on her.

Otherwise, she wouldn't run out in the middle of the night. At this time, she should have a good sleep at Xu's house.

But even so, she was still thinking about him, comforting him...

No, he must find a way to solve this matter.

Even if he can't solve it, he will give Xu Xiangmeng a good explanation.

When Zhao Yang raised his eyes again, he seemed to have made an important decision.

quietly noticed his Xu Xiangmeng, and hooked his lips in satisfaction.

This is what    wants.

Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang, after so many years, I still only eat this one.

As long as she cries, sells miserably, or is gentle, for Zhao Yang, it is the ultimate gentle nirvana.

Xu Xiangmeng looked away, pretending not to understand Zhao Yang's thoughts.

She asked gently, "Zhao Yang, can I stay with you for one night?"

"Of course, it's just... I'm not in a good condition, can I find a hotel for you?" Zhao Yang said worriedly.

Since he left the Zhao family, he has suffered a lot.

The living conditions are not generally harsh, she is a little princess who is held by others, how can she make do with him?

"It's okay, Zhao Yang, I will try to get used to your habits, you are my best friend."

"Hmm..." Zhao Yang felt comforted.

Xu Xiangmeng looked at the living environment with disgust. The room was very monotonous, with white walls, a table, a bed, and some messy things.

There are no delicate floor tiles under his feet, all concrete floors, and they have never been decorated at all. This kind of environment... I really don't know how Zhao Yang endured it.

However, she didn't show it, she just looked at Zhao Yang tenderly and distressed.

"These days, it's been really hard for you."

The pampered eldest young master, once living in the folk...

Really sigh.

I just don’t know if Zhao Yang can find a way to return to the Zhao family to take power.

In fact, she now has one last way to go.

But I feel uneasy.

Unless she is really desperate, she will never take that road...


The next day.

When Xu Xiangmeng woke up.

glanced at the phone, Mother Xu called her a lot, but she muted it but didn't answer.

She was sure that Zhao Yang was not here, so she slowly returned the phone to Mother Xu.

"I'm fine, I'm here with Zhao Yang, Mom, I'm making you worry..."

Xu Xiangmeng admits his mistake first.

Sure enough, Mother Xu, who was about to question her, swallowed her words when they reached her lips.

"As long as you're fine, that's fine."

Mother Xu sighed, feeling helpless, "When this matter is over, let's be a little princess at home, okay?"

"...Okay." Xu Xiangmeng replied, "I listen to you, I caused you trouble."

Mother Xu felt much better when she heard the words.

After all, she had raised her daughter for more than ten years, so she knew that she would not be so cruel, and probably just couldn't think of it for a while.

Xu Xiangmeng hung up the phone with hatred in his eyes.

It seems that we can only take the last step.

She has to turn over!


On the other side, the Zhao family.

Zhao Yang knelt outside Zhao's house, begging Mrs. Zhao to give Xu Xiangmeng a life.

He came here before dawn.

So far, I have been kneeling for two hours.

Unfortunately, no one came out of Zhao's house.

Zhao Yang continued to kneel unwillingly. He believed that as long as he kept kneeling and his heart was sincere enough, his mother would give Xu Xiangmeng a way to survive.

The balcony on the second floor of Zhao's house.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Zhao Yang who was kneeling with a sullen face.

She was so angry that she rubbed her temples and wanted to rush out and scold people.

How could she have such a son?

How can you be fascinated by Xu Xiangmeng's fox spirit?

She is also a normal person, a mother, with a strong heart.

No matter how angry or resentful, I will still feel distressed when I see this scene.

Mrs. Zhao hesitated.

The phone rang.

She glanced at the caller ID, it was Xu Xiangmeng calling.

The ringtone is fast, disturbing and calm.

Mrs. Zhao hesitated for a moment, then pressed the answer.

She wants to hear it, why did Xu Xiangmeng call her at this time, to demonstrate?

Soon, Xu Xiangmeng's voice came.

"Aunt Zhao, how are you doing?" Xu Xiangmeng asked innocently.

In his voice, there was not a trace of displeasure, as if they were still getting along as harmoniously as before.

Mrs. Zhao's eyes turned cold, "Thanks to you, it's so good! I'm really flattered by Miss Xu calling me!"

"Aunt Zhao is serious." Xu Xiangmeng laughed, "I don't care too much about those things on the Internet, but I just don't know if Aunt Zhao still cares about Zhao Yang.

You know, Zhao Yang listens to me very much. He will do whatever I ask him to do. Even if you are dissatisfied with Zhao Yang now, you are always reluctant to let Zhao Yang suffer, right?

Aunt Zhao, how about we make a deal? "

Xu Xiangmeng said with a smile, knowing Mrs. Zhao for many years, she was 70% sure that Mrs. Zhao would agree to her request.

After all, no matter how ruthless Mrs. Zhao is, she is reluctant to watch Zhao Yang take a train of thought...

Mrs. Zhao's fingertips holding the phone were already white, and her eyes were full of anger, "How dare you negotiate a deal with me? What are you? A **** who only knows how to hook up with men and take advantage of men, how did the Xu family teach them? Yours! Shameless!"

Thanks to her Zhao family and Xu family have been together for so many years, they are a bunch of shameless people!

(end of this chapter)