Chapter 1744: Return of a daughter (41)

Chapter 1744 The return of the daughter (41)

Xu Xiangmeng was not angry even after being scolded.

then said, "Aunt Zhao calm down, let's listen to my deal first!"

Mrs. Zhao felt a pain in her chest.

Xu Xiangmeng, "You clarify for me on the Internet, you just say that you framed me out of your mind, you let me go, and I let Zhao Yang go, Aunt Zhao, you have to understand that my future is nothing, but what about Zhao Yang? You can't bear to see me destroy him, right?

Aunt Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, you should know that if you push me to the end, I may drag Zhao Yang down, to hell, to hell. "

The last three words made Xu Xiangmeng bite extremely hard.

Even across the phone screen, Mrs. Zhao still felt a chill.

Mrs. Zhao's eyes were complicated and gloomy. After being silent for a long time, she closed her eyes and compromised, "Okay."

Mrs. Zhao's agreement was expected by Xu Xiangmeng.

If you don’t agree, then there is a problem.

Xu Xiangmeng said in a good mood, "Aunt Zhao, the cooperation is pleasant, you can rest assured that I will not pester Zhao Yang in the future.

And Aunt Zhao, after I have thought about it for you, you can tell Zhao Yang, you forgive me, he must go back to Zhao's house, and he is not allowed to see me again.

Look, are you satisfied with my after-sales service? "

's tactful voice was a little more teasing.

Mrs. Zhao sternly threw a word, "Xu Xiangmeng, you'd better ask God to bless you, the day it doesn't fall into my hands! Otherwise... I will definitely not let you go!"

Mrs. Zhao gritted her teeth and cut off the phone.

She was holding the phone, her eyes were cold.

What a Xu Xiangmeng, she has lived for so many years, this is the first time that she has been calculated like this by one person!

Xu Xiangmeng picked up the phone in a good mood.

No wonder she was so cruel, who made Mrs. Zhao go crazy and bite people?

She can only do it!


Mrs. Zhao walked out of Zhao's house expressionlessly and stood in front of Zhao Yang.

"I let Xu Xiangmeng go. From now on, you are not allowed to see her again, draw a clear line with her, and stay at Zhao's house honestly for me!"

Zhao Yang's eyes flashed with joy.

"Thank you Mom! As long as you promise to let her go, I will never see her again..."

As long as she's doing well, he doesn't care.

Mrs. Zhao, "!!!" My heart hurts so much, I want to kill!

She can't wait to strangle Zhao Yang!

Damn, how can you keep such a waste!

"Get in here, I don't want to see you now!" Mrs. Zhao held her forehead and scolded coldly.

Xu Xiangmeng is indeed right.

She was reluctant.

She is only a son like Zhao Yang, even if he drives him out of the house and sees him suffer.

But she couldn't just watch Xu Xiangmeng destroy him...


ten minutes later.

Mrs. Zhao posted on Weibo account to clarify for Xu Xiangmeng about stealing the necklace.

Melon-eating crowd, "...?"

Do you still have to reverse, reverse, reverse and reverse again when you eat a melon these days?

Which is the truth?

I'm sorry, I don't understand, the people who eat melons are a little tired and want to take a break...

Xu Xiangmeng's fans started going crazy again almost instantly.

and even various brain supplements.

Love, hate, hatred, all kinds of abusive essays came one after another.

Speculation abounds.

Xu Xiangmeng was very satisfied with Mrs. Zhao's speed.

did not hesitate to post a specious Weibo, which is considered not to care about Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao, "!" Care about your uncle! Oh shit!

It's over, now I don't want to see Zhao Yang anymore.

If I knew earlier, it would be better to let these two die together.

Stupid stuff!


Chacha was a little surprised when he saw Xu Xiangmeng turn from defeat to victory.

This combat power is a bit stronger than she imagined.

But that's it!

at the same time.

Xu Xiangmeng turned defeat into victory and asked Mrs. Zhao to admit the wrong thing, which directly exploded at Xu's house.

Mother Xu, "? Is my daughter so powerful?"

Father Xu, "..."

The two looked at each other and saw shock.

"You can't kill her again in the future!" Mother Xu reminded unhappily, "It seems that Mrs. Zhao still likes Xiang Meng. It's rare that Mrs. Zhao is willing to explain such a big thing under pressure."

Father Xu didn't rush to answer. After thinking for a while, he said solemnly, "You better call her back as soon as possible. I don't know what terrible thing she did this time..."

In the bottom of his heart, he always felt uneasy.

Mother Xu glared at him, "You worry about here and there all day long. What's there to worry about!

Could it be that Mrs. Zhao was still threatened to clarify?

what are you thinking? Who is Mrs. Zhao? At a glance, I knew that Zhao Yang had begged Mrs. Zhao... After all, it has been a relationship for so many years!

Mrs. Zhao couldn't bear to ruin Xiangmeng! "

If Mrs. Zhao heard this sentence, she would probably say: I really can't bear to ruin Xu Xiangmeng, I want to make Xu Xiangmeng die!

Father Xu sighed, "Let's do this first!" It was all like this, no matter how much he thought about it, there was nothing he could do.

In this case, it is better to pursue the victory while winning.

"By the way, ask Manager Yang if there is any hope for the endorsement, the money has been smashed, and the people have been laundered. If you still can't get anything, it will be a waste of money!" Father Xu reminded Dao, I hope the Shi Group can be more generous.

Although he thinks he may think too beautiful...

However, you have to ask.

Mother Xu responded and asked Manager Yang quickly.

Since the last time she transferred money to Manager Yang and Manager Yang confiscated it, Manager Yang ignored her and didn't know if it was a bribe transfer, which made him angry...

Mother Xu anxiously waited for an answer.

Zhao Yang is so powerful, she can't hold back.

Be sure to win an endorsement for Xiang Meng.

Xu Xiangmeng's idea is the same.

A family of three thought of going together.

Manager Yang looked blankly at the message the three sent him, "..." Haha!

Want to be a spokesperson, in the next life!

one hour later.

Shishi Group once again officially announced its spokesperson and Aite Weibo account @白茶的茶.

The Shi Group said that although there was indeed a misunderstanding between them, which led to the breakdown of the cooperative relationship, they were all misunderstandings and they had already understood each other, so the next spokesperson re-signed Baicha.

At the same time, there is also a wave of beautiful photos.

The blue ocean series gauze skirt is as beautiful as a fairy in a dream, delicate and solemn yet mysterious, as if it was tailor-made for her.

And judging from these photos, whether it is temperament or appearance, Xu Xiangmeng lost in a mess.

Xu Xiangmeng's fans suddenly fell silent.

The wild girl who has been scolding Bai Cha for so long is actually... It looks like she is a little princess.

is more like a little princess than Xu Xiangmeng.

The fans were at a loss and didn’t know what to do.

Some other fans who were attracted by their looks have already climbed over from the official blog of the Shi Group and came to follow Chacha's Weibo account.

The    account is just applied, basically blank.

There is only one system notification, congratulations on the successful opening of Weibo.

Yan Fan reluctantly punched in and commented, asking Cha Cha to take more beautiful photos. It is a pity that such a beautiful little fairy does not let people appreciate the beauty of the prosperous world.

Cha Cha, "..." Suddenly, I couldn't help being narcissistic.

Hey, how can I look so beautiful?

(end of this chapter)