Chapter 1750: Return of a daughter (47)

Chapter 1750 The return of the daughter (47)

Manager Yang got the information sorted out by the public relations department and the technical department.

Pidianpidian went to the president's office.

said on the Internet that the ocean series on Miss Bai was the mastermind behind the plagiarism, namely An Heng and Xu Xiangmeng.

Now he has the evidence.

So, I can't wait to tell Mr. Shi the news.

CEO's office.

Shiyan looked coldly at the documents on the table.

"An Heng?"

Manager Yang explained aloud, "Yes, it's An Heng, it's exactly the same as what you guessed before, Mr. Shi, but this An Heng is quite smart, he let Xu Xiangmeng move his hand, and he found the sailor behind him to lead the rhythm.

And these navy soldiers are his own people who have been raised by his manager for a long time, so they are not easy to be discovered.

If there is no thorough investigation, it is estimated that we will think that Xu Xiangmeng did it, and almost let An Heng stay out of the matter. "

But unfortunately, An Heng was facing professionals from their time.

No matter how powerful it is, it can be thoroughly investigated.

And An Heng is really too much, how dare he attack the future wife of their Shi Group?

Oh, you're done!

"Check An Heng's black materials and put them all up."

Shiyan ordered lightly.

Now that we have found out, we will solve it together.

And Xu Xiangmeng, it's time to get the account out of the way.

Manager Yang heard this and said with a smile, "We have already checked An Heng's black material, and we have it all ready! You just need to give an order when you need it!"

As for the capital behind An Heng, it is not an important person.

is not comparable to the Shi Group, and it is not a threat.

Manager Yang didn't panic at all.

By the way, I negotiated a bonus for the PR department and the technical department.



It was supposed to be a night no different from usual.

The hot search on Weibo suddenly exploded.

An Heng's personality has collapsed, and the Internet is full of black material about An Heng.

For example: I have a girlfriend early on, and I promote being single to the public. In fact, not only do I have a girlfriend, but I also cheat, go to nightclubs, etc... My private life is chaotic.

In addition, there are various means of robbing resources, and after robbing resources, they sell it and pretend to be innocent, etc. There are also some dedicated people, in short, all collapsed.

Pieces of evidence and videos were thrown out one after another.

The whole Weibo is full of lively watching and the voices of fans crying.

No one expected that so much of An Heng's black material would be exposed, obviously before that, there was no sign.

Anheng's company has not received any news.

Including An Heng's team, when they saw it, they were all stunned.

On the night when the black material was exposed, An Heng had just finished filming the scene of the day, and was planning to post a bad sale on Weibo. As a result, when he entered, he found that Weibo was paralyzed.

When Weibo such as    can be used normally, most of the hot searches are related to him.

An Heng, "???"

Shocked, confused, at a loss, at a loss...

A bunch of emotions spread and intertwined.

An Heng pinched himself with trembling hands.

Oh, it hurts, I'm not dreaming!

But if he wasn’t dreaming, how could he be like this?

He was fine when filming in the afternoon, and he is still popular.

It's night time?

Just changed so suddenly?

From heaven to **** in just a short moment?

Soon, An Heng's agent called.

"An Heng, which boss have you offended? I've been an agent for several years, and this is the first time I've seen such a big deal! You even directly exposed all your black stuff!

Even the capital behind you, they are not afraid to offend! You step on the horse and give Lao Tzu a good think, what have you done recently? Maybe we're all done playing! "

An Heng also panicked, and only managed to regain some sense of reason, "Brother Zhao, I really don't know who I offended, I have always been careful as a person, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary! Brother Zhao, think about what you should do. What should I do? My fans are scolding me, I have managed to get to where I am today, how can I be all gone in one fell swoop? I haven't..."

"Shut up! You ask me, who am I to ask?"

Brother Zhao was so angry that he scolded him, everyone was going crazy.

"You obviously have offended someone who can't be offended, and most likely you are not in the circle, otherwise no one would act so boldly!

You are strongly supported by our company. People in the circle will not do this kind of direct disclosure. After all, who is an artist who doesn't have a lot of information? Interests are involved, various relationships are intricate, and the other party is now directly overturning the boat with one pole, which fully shows that people are not afraid of revenge!

An Heng, it's not whether I can help you now, or our company will be implicated by you! Hurry up to the company now and explain it to the top management! "

An Heng's heart froze halfway.

The thoughts in his mind were a mess. He thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out who he had offended.

is not in the circle, the other party is still a boss-level figure.


An Heng's eyes darkened.

Could it be the Shi Group?

But, he didn't do anything!

He just asked Xu Xiangmeng to spread the news of Baicha's plagiarism, which...can the Shi Group put him to death?

And the Shi Group wouldn't take revenge on him for a spokesperson, right?

An Heng stood there in confusion, only feeling hopeless in life, all kinds of feelings of decadence and powerlessness invaded his heart...


An Heng's matter was so turbulent.

Xu Xiangmeng naturally saw it too.

She watched An Heng's personality collapsed, all kinds of negative news, and her mood was a little complicated. This person was fine a few days ago, how could he be reduced to such a level in the blink of an eye?

Will the matter of Nabai tea be affected?

Xu Xiangmeng cursed and dialed the phone number that An Heng had contacted with her before, but was unable to get through.

She thought for a while, it seemed that it was normal to be unable to get through?

After all, An Heng is finished this time.

Shouldn’t have time to take care of Baicha anymore.

If this is the case, then, wouldn't she have to do it herself?

was thinking about it when someone knocked on the door.

"Dream dreams."

Mother Xu came in with a glass of milk.

"Is something wrong?" Xu Xiangmeng's attitude was not very good.

She is not in the mood to pretend to be a good girl now, and her gentle mask has long been torn off, so it doesn't matter if she pretends or not.

Mother Xu sighed, "It's nothing, I just wanted to ask if you know that An Heng?"

"What if you don't know him? His personality has collapsed now, and the whole network is black. It's obvious that he has caught a cold. I have Zhao Yang to help. What kind of thing is he An Heng? It's impossible for anyone to help him recover." The future is up!

Xu Xiangmeng said disdainfully.

It's a pity, since Zhao Yang returned to Zhao's house, she has never been able to contact Zhao Yang again.

The secret contact with Zhao Yang before was useless.

I don't know where Zhao Yang is now.

If Zhao Yang's support could be obtained, Bai Cha would definitely be finished long ago.

The madness in Xu Xiangmeng's eyes suddenly appeared.

Mother Xu was shocked when she saw it, and quickly changed the subject.

"Mengmeng, An Heng has offended people at first sight, so don't run around in the future, okay?

Our Xu family is not as good as before. You can communicate with Han Chen more when you have time. After all, we grew up together. After so many years, the relationship is still there! "

(end of this chapter)