Chapter 1751: The return of a daughter (48)

Chapter 1751 The return of the daughter (48)

Mother Xu is well-intentioned.

Never thought, these words directly pierced Xu Xiangmeng's heart.

Xu Xiangmeng stared at her coldly, "Communicate with Han Chen? Are you mocking me on purpose? After my accident, Han Chen didn't even call. Do you think his attitude is not obvious enough?"

Han Chen clearly gave up on her and didn't want her anymore.

And now, Mother Xu actually asked her to exchange feelings with Han Chen?

How did you say this?

Don't you think it's funny?

Xu's mother was caught off guard and was reprimanded, her mood was a bit complicated, and it was very uncomfortable, "Mengmeng, I didn't mean that, I just think Han Chen is a good person. If you don't want to talk to him, then don't talk about it..."

Xu Xiangmeng laughed at himself, "I see, you are just watching my jokes on purpose! You deliberately mentioned Han Chen in front of me.

Do you just want to prove that my fake daughter is not as powerful as the real daughter of Baicha?

Yes, Baicha is your daughter, of course you care more about her! I'm just a substitute, a substitute picked up by you! "

"How can you say that!" Mother Xu looked at Xu Xiangmeng in disbelief with sadness in her eyes.

She tried hard to tell herself that her daughter said such a thing just because she was confused for a while.

She knows that Mengmeng has been very hard these days, but she is also trying very hard to comfort her and want to help. At this time, shouldn't we tide over the difficulties together?

How can you say such hurtful words?

Mother Xu was very sad.

"Forget it, you are alone, calm down, we'll talk about it later." She turned and left the room.

The moment she walked to the door of the room, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at Xu Xiangmeng, "Mengmeng, I always regarded you as my biological daughter, when I gave 20 million to Bai Cha to terminate the contract for you, you You should know that between the two of you, I chose you without hesitation."

The words fell, and he turned to leave.

Xu Xiangmeng stood there, tears falling.

What if she chose her?

Isn't it still a mess to lose?

She never wanted these!


Mother Xu came to the living room, hesitated for a long time, and called Han Chen.

"Han Chen, have you been very busy recently? Come and sit at home when you have time."

The other party was silent for a moment.

Mother Xu was inexplicably a little nervous.

"Han Chen, I know Mengmeng has done a lot of wrong things, but she is still young and ignorant. People, she always makes mistakes when she is young, and she has to be given a chance to correct, don't you think?"

After a while, Han Chen's voice sounded.

"But if a person makes mistakes again and again, it will grow crooked from the bones, do you think, can it be corrected?"

His voice was light, and there was not much emotional ups and downs.

But Mother Xu was startled.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means that the Han family wants to dissolve the engagement with the Xu family. I don't dare to ask for Xu Xiangmeng's fiancée, and I don't want to have any contact with her anymore!" Han Chen was resolute and decisive.

This matter, he thought for a long time before making a decision.

Now, Zhao Yang is no longer in the country.

Even if he broke off the engagement with Xu Xiangmeng, Zhao Yang would not receive any news, so he had nothing to worry about.

On the contrary, he was very fortunate that he could see Xu Xiangmeng's true face so early.

Mother Xu panicked.

"Han Chen! You have been in love for so many years, how can you say no? If you break off the engagement with Mengmeng at this time, wouldn't this stab her in the head?"

If the marriage contract is really broken now, not only will Mengmeng be unable to think about it, but maybe the Xu family will also suffer from it.

No matter how you look at it, you can't dissolve the engagement!

"Auntie, when she stabbed someone with a knife, she didn't show mercy! Don't you know what happened to Zhao Yang by her?

And Bai Cha, who was also hurt by Xu Xiangmeng again and again, auntie, that's it, considering the previous relationship, I only broke the marriage contract, and I will not do it, I hope you don't force me.

After all, Xu Xiangmeng is not the real Xu Xiangmeng, you probably don't want me to reveal this. "

Han Chen made what he said very clearly.

Either agree to dissolve the marriage contract, or Han Chen makes a big mess and dissolves the marriage contract.

Between the two, the former is naturally the least risky.

Mother Xu cried and called Mr. Xu to explain the matter.

Mr. Xu was exhausted, "The Han family wants to dissolve the marriage contract, so let's break it!" The matter has come to this point, and there is no possibility of recovery.

Rather than offend the Han family by holding on, it's better to let go quickly, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be another enemy.

It's only half an hour before and after.

The Han family directly announced the news of the dissolution of the engagement with the Xu family.

The passers-by who haven't finished eating An Heng's melons are stunned.

【What the hell? Is it that exciting? An Heng's personality collapsed, and Xu Xiangmeng was dissolved! 】

【Oh! Therefore, Xu Xiangmeng was abandoned hahahaha! 】

【What about Xu Xiangmeng's fans? What about her crazy fans? Where did it go? You Mengmeng have been abandoned! 】

【The keen me, I always feel that things are not so simple! 】

[How can we know what happens in the rich and powerful circle? It doesn't matter if it's simple or not, eat melon if you have it. 】

Soon, fans of Xu Xiangmeng killed him.

【The childhood sweethearts are just like that. If you say that the marriage contract is dissolved, the marriage contract will be dissolved. There is no sign. Bah, scumbag! 】

【Oh! I want to see who this scumbag will marry next! 】

【The scumbag who cheated! shameless! The sisters scolded him to death! Send him to heaven! 】

【Our dreams are so good, how can we not be worthy of you? 】

【The young master of the Han family VS the rich daughter of the Xu family, there is no guessing between the two childhood sweethearts, you just broke up the engagement? How about talking about marriage? 】

【Ah, ah, Zhao Yang, come quickly, your goddess has been abandoned! come quickly! 】

【I suddenly feel that Zhao Yang is not bad. Although Mengmeng may have a bad mother-in-law in the future, Zhao Yang is not scumbag. Every time she sees only Mengmeng alone. 】

【Unlike Han Chen, when Mengmeng had an accident, he didn't even fart, thank you for not marrying the scumbag! 】

【This means that we have hope for Yangmeng CP again? Ah, ah, Zhao Yangchong! 】

Mrs. Zhao, who was surfing the Internet, was still very angry when she saw this.

Damn, co-author Zhao Yang is a spare tire?

After being dumped by Han Chen, he began to think of Zhao Yang?

Oh, I'm sorry, she is the wicked one.

If Zhao Yang dared to come back, she would just break her leg!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Zhao immediately called the foreign bodyguard, "Is Zhao Yang honest? If you find that he is not honest, just break his leg for me. I'll take care of it. I'll see if he can still crawl. go home!"

Zhao Yang, "?" Where did I provoke you?

He shivered and looked at his legs.

Is this your mother?

He looked at the bodyguard, and then at the environment he was in.

The surrounding is almost an impregnable wall, even if he is exhausted, he can't run out...

I don't know what happened to Mengmeng.

Zhao Yang lowered his head, a little sad.

Will Mengmeng miss him?

Will you be anxious if you can't find him?

Obviously he has not been abroad for a long time, but he feels that this kind of life is like a year.

(end of this chapter)