Chapter 1758: The Return of a Thousand Gold (End)

Chapter 1758 The Return of Qianjin (End)

Mrs. Shi is very anxious about Shi Yan's marriage.

Although Zheng Hong was satisfied with the Shi family, she did not make any promises at will. In her opinion, everything depends on her daughter's attitude.

If Chacha is willing, then she has no problem.

If Chacha is unwilling, then she will not agree either.

Cha Cha had no problem with Mrs. Shi's proposal, so the marriage was settled.

The banquet was very happy.

He initially disapproved of his mother's talk of marriage, which was easy to frighten people, but in the end... Cha Cha agreed!

Then this is a happy event for him.

Even he suddenly began to appreciate his mother's anxiety. If she hadn't spoken quickly, it might have taken him a while to marry someone back?

Mrs. Shi, "It's better to choose a date than hit the sun. I think the 20th anniversary of jewelry is a very good day, and you are also connected because of the jewelry endorsement. The time is a month later, although it seems a bit rushed, but the Shi family I won't treat Cha Cha badly, and I'll give her a grand wedding!"

Shiyan, "..." As expected of her own mother, she really understands his heart.

He can do his best even in a month

He looked at Cha Cha expectantly, waiting for her to respond.

Chacha blinked, "Okay."

Zheng Hong hesitated, "Is there enough time?" Agreeing to get married is one thing, but getting married in a month is another. The time is too rush.

"It's too late!" Shi Yan affirmed.

One month is enough.


On the same day, Manager Yang found out that the time has changed. In the past, when he worked at a fixed time every day, he was not only late, but also left early.

Manager Yang, "?"

Not only that, Shi Zong’s whole person is very happy.

The mood looks very good.

Is it possible...the relationship has gone further?

But...that's not the case, is it?

Manager Yang couldn't figure it out, but on the second day, he knew the reason, because Shi always pushed back everything that could be pushed back, and focused on all the things that couldn't be pushed back, just like a workaholic who worked hard?

Manager Yang, "Mr. Shi, you don't have to fight like this, right? Are you in a hurry? Or what?"

Shiyan, "Well, I'm in a hurry. After all, I'm someone who wants to marry a daughter-in-law. The wedding should be well prepared, and precious time should not be wasted on work."

"???" Manager Yang was stunned.


This is a direct wedding after riding a horse?

Wait, didn't you just run to someone's apartment to recover from your injury?

In the blink of an eye, you are getting married again?

This efficiency is too fast!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Yan said, "Don't worry, Manager Yang, your bonus will continue to double if it should be doubled. Some work in the company still needs to be handled by you. The year-end bonus will not treat you badly. Come on!"

Faced with the encouragement from Mr. Shi, Manager Yang fell into panic.

I always feel that he will be very busy next time.

Although he loves bonuses.

But...he is also a good husband who takes care of his family.

Of course, if the prize is very large, he...will be happy to bend over for the money!

While taking care of the family, it is not impossible to work overtime.

Well, he worked hard! he can!

Since the banquet was arranged, all the energy was devoted to the preparations for the wedding.

He's going to give her a big wedding!

The wedding is only once in her life, so she can't be dissatisfied.

As for the wedding dress, he had already prepared it.

The last set of   Kate's ocean series is a wedding dress for Chacha.

She will be the prettiest bride ever.

Shiyan feels as if he has seen a bright future and a very happy wedding.


One month later.

The Time Group dropped another blockbuster at the same time on the twentieth anniversary of jewelry.

shocked everyone.

Shishi Group V: @白茶的茶, the rest of my life, my wife, please give me more advice.

Netizen, "?"

and many more?

What did they see?


Whose wife?

When everyone was confused, Chacha's Weibo authentication suddenly changed from the spokesperson of Shishi Group's jewelry to Mrs. Shiyan.

The four clear characters made everyone stunned.

What the fuck?

This is Shi Yan's wife?

The two quietly got married?

This is too incredible, right?

When many people wondered if today is April Fools' Day, high-definition pictures of the wedding scene began to circulate on the Internet.

Cha Cha was wearing a beautiful and noble wedding dress, with an unmistakable temperament. The man standing beside him, a black suit, was cool and cold, with a slight smile in his eyes.

When Shi Yan raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of deep affection.

The wedding scene is full of romantic roses, luxurious yet elegant, noble and glamorous, and every part is exquisite and attentive.

And the people sitting below are almost all industry leaders.

It can be seen how powerful the Shi Group is.

Eat melon masses, "..."

【Suddenly sour. 】

【The boyfriend beside you suddenly doesn't smell good, so I want to throw it away and change it. 】

【Change boyfriend +1. 】

【I want the same wedding, but it seems destined to be a dream. 】

【What's so good about the little princess of the Shi Group? It's time to ask for the wife of the then group! 】

【Here is the little princess Aite Qinwei. 】

【I envy me to death! The spokesperson became Mrs. Shi in the blink of an eye! What kind of unparalleled good luck is this horse riding? 】

Xu Xiangmeng naturally saw it too.

She looked resentfully at Bai Cha marrying Shi Yan.

But she couldn't stop it.

When she first heard the news, she thought about sabotage, but...if she didn't succeed, she couldn't do anything at all.

Even as soon as she made a move, someone came to teach her a lesson.

Several times in a row, Xu Xiangmeng did not dare to do anything.

She clearly realized that she was being watched.

But this recognition is useless, because she doesn't even know where the person watching her is.

There seem to be a lot of people watching her, she can't escape, can't run...

She could only be forced to shrink in this place. She was very reluctant, but no one could help her. She couldn't find Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang didn't seem to have tried to contact her. Sometimes, she even suspected that she wanted to Zhao Yang, who has been protecting her, doesn't want her anymore?

Someday later.

Xu Xiangmeng received news from Mrs. Zhao.

Only then did she know that Zhao Yang was imprisoned abroad. After a few months, Zhao Yang's love for her has diminished a lot, and there are even signs of reconciliation with Mrs. Zhao.

Xu Xiangmeng, "???" This is just to stimulate her on purpose, right?

Good a love reduction.

So, love will disappear?

Emotions will also disappear!

In this world, nothing lasts forever.

Everything is fake.

Han Chen also had other girlfriends, Xu family was defeated, Bai Cha became Mrs. Shi, and she was ruined, she could no longer turn over, and no one would think of her again...

An early morning three days later.

Xu Xiangmeng committed suicide.

In this world, she has nothing to cherish.

It was Mrs. Xu who collected the body for Xu Xiangmeng.

However, Mrs. Xu's mood has not changed, except for a sigh, there is no sadness, it seems that everything has returned to the original point, and it seems to have changed a lot...

The Xu family still has no daughter, and there will be no more daughters.


Tomorrow is a new plane~

(end of this chapter)