Chapter 1759: and pro princess (1)

Chapter 1759 and the pro-princess (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task.

Fortune Gold Level 9, the distance to Gold Level 10, the progress is 60%.

Lucky Supreme Card drops a card immediately. 】

Qiqi looked at the progress happily. It is now 60%, and halfway through the progress, the Fortune Gold Card will soon reach 100%.

Cha Cha calmly raised his hand, palm up, and soon a pale gold card appeared with two words on it.

This time, she took redemption.

Cha Cha curved his eyebrows.

I always feel that this card is a bit strange.

used to be a reminder of identity, this time...

That's all, you will know when you enter the next plane.


Chacha had just passed through, and before she could react, she heard the sound of a long sword breaking through the air, and danger and killing intent spread around her.

She avoided it almost subconsciously.

The body is agile and vigorous.

The long sword that    stabbed missed, and the opponent paused, as if he did not expect her to escape.

Cha Cha looked down at the red wedding dress on his body, and then touched the cumbersome and slightly heavy headgear on his head, "..."

"?" Is it so exciting as soon as it comes up?


Without even knowing her identity, Cha Cha knocked out the assassin who wanted to assassinate her at a very fast speed.

Then he casually threw the person under the bed.

Cha Cha sat on the bed expressionlessly and began to receive the plot.

The original owner Yanqingcha, the princess of Yan Kingdom.

The strength of the State of Yan is not as strong as that of the State of Guiyun, and it was oppressed everywhere by the State of Guiyun, but it was only oppressed, and the State of Guiyun had no intention of destroying the State of Yan.

Until the new emperor of Guiyun Kingdom takes the throne.

The    method was cruel and resolute, and it directly wiped out several small countries nearby.

In order to show his sincerity, the State of Yan sent Princess Yan Qinghuan to Guiyun State.

Yan Qinghuan soon became the favorite concubine of the new emperor in Guiyun State, and Yan State also escaped.

But the country of Yan was only calm for two months, and the new emperor began to be restless again. Obviously, the new emperor was warlike and liked to fight.

Under the persuasion of Yan Qinghuan.

The new emperor spared the state of Yan, but asked the state of Yan to send its most beloved princess to be kissed.

King Yan had no other choice. In order not to be destroyed, he could only send the original owner to marry him.

And now, he just arrived outside Guiyun Kingdom City, but he has not yet entered the city.

Because of traveling for many days, I deliberately rested at the inn here.

As a result, just after rest, the original owner encountered an assassin.

The original owner is different from her. She grew up in the palace since she was a child.

Unfortunately, the original owner could not escape the assassination.

was fatally shot by an assassin!

In other words, if it wasn't for Chacha's coincidence, the original owner would have been a corpse by now.

chacha, “…”

Almost died as soon as he appeared, so panic!

The original owner died. For Guiyun Kingdom, there was only endless bad luck. The body did not even enter the city, and was thrown back to Yan Kingdom.

And the father of the original owner, so he could not afford to be sick.

passed away not long after, the state of Yan had no leader, and the new emperor took the state of Yan into his pocket without costing a single soldier.

And the new emperor's favorite concubine, Yan Qinghuan, became more and more favored, and finally became the new emperor's queen, and even more favored the six palaces, becoming a good story, which made many people envious.

The original owner's wish was very simple, to find out who wanted to harm her, and try her best to... let the father live for a while longer. Of course, the longer the better, but it is a bit difficult, so the original owner did not ask for it, just wanted to try his best. ...

Cha Cha sighed slightly.

Then he flipped through the materials related to Guiyun Kingdom.

The new emperor Yunhai of Guiyun Kingdom was originally not the prince of Guiyun Kingdom, nor his heir.

The prince is the second prince, Yunyu. Yunyu has been favored since he was a child, and the old emperor also has high hopes for him. Every time he talks with him, he can put forward the way to govern the country.

But in this case, the old emperor suddenly abolished the prince and established the third prince Yunhai as the prince, and a few days later, Yunhai ascended the throne.

The old emperor died, and the abolished prince Yun Yu was put into the cold palace.

The common people naturally don't care too much about royal affairs, and changing the emperor is also very far away for them. As long as the new emperor is not a brutal person, he can let them live peacefully, and it doesn't make much difference to them who is the emperor.

But from Chacha's point of view, it is clear that there is a problem.

Yunhai calculated the abandoned prince Yunyu.

Thinking a little deeper, maybe the death of the old emperor was also related to the new emperor Yunhai.

Of course, no matter how detailed the information is, she can't see it, so I only know this information for the time being.


Now, she is not dead, she is alive and well, she will not be thrown back to Yan Kingdom, she will only be sent to the palace.

Chacha is not very happy, what if the new emperor has a blind eye on her and wants her to be a concubine?

It is estimated that the new emperor is not like the person she is looking for.

The more Cha Cha thought about it, the more unhappy she became. When she was unhappy, she was upset. When she was upset, she suddenly wanted to hit someone.

Oh yes, there is an assassin in the room.

Cha Cha got up and pulled the assassin out from under the bed again. He kicked him wildly. After kicking, he saw the assassin looking at her in horror, probably woken up by her kick.

"..." The eyes are facing each other.

Assassin took advantage of her stupefied skill, and raised her hand to be a hidden weapon.

Chacha, "?" It seems that I can't keep you anymore!

go to hell!

Assassin was resolved.

There was a knock on the door.

"Princess? Did something happen?"

Chacha, "It's okay, just a rat."

She casually threw the corpse into the space, walked over with a calm expression and opened the door.

A young maid stood outside the door.

is the original owner's personal maid, and has been with the original owner for many years.

"Xiaoyue, is there anything else?"

Xiaoyue said worriedly, "Sir, let the servants come and tell the princess to enter the city after a stick of incense."

I don't know the good or the bad.

"Okay." Cha Cha replied indifferently, she definitely couldn't run away now, and proceed along this line first, otherwise the original master and father will be implicated.

If    and the pro-princess run away, can't we go to Yan Kingdom to settle the account?

So, she was honest for a few days.

Actually, a suspended animation just now seems like a good idea?

Run directly back to Yan Kingdom?

No, we have to see who is the murderer of the original owner!

Xiaoyue looked at Chacha sadly.

"Princess, if you are sad, you can cry for a while. When you enter the city and go to the palace, you can't cry."

The little girl's eyes were red, and it was the first time she was so far away from home that she was also very scared.

Chacha remembers the plot just now, after the death of the original owner.

Xiaoyue returned to the country of Yan, and after the death of King Yan, he committed suicide, which is considered very loyal.

She raised her hand and touched Xiaoyue's head, with a gentle tone, "Don't cry, I will protect you."

This trip is dangerous, but she is not afraid.

A return to the cloud country, she would like to see if she can eat her.

Chacha's eyes are firm.

At that moment, Satsuki felt that her princess was much stronger.

seems to grow up overnight.

After a stick of incense.

Chacha put on the red hijab again, was helped out of the room by Xiaoyue, and then got on the carriage, and the group rushed towards the city.

At the gate of the city, the line that saw off Yan Guo stopped.

An adult rode to the front of the carriage, "Princess, I can only deliver it here, you have to take care."

"Sir, please come back, please tell your father and king that Qing tea is not afraid of it."

(end of this chapter)