Chapter 1765: And the pro-princess (7)

Chapter 1765 and the pro-princess (7)

and pro princess 7

This night.

Xiaoyue and Chacha sleep together.

Although the cold palace was cold, it did not feel the chill.

Even Yun Yu felt a little warmer because of the extra quilt.

Silent night.

In the dilapidated room, the half-lying man suddenly opened his eyes.

It was as black as ink, and it swept sharply to the side.

The man in black knelt down respectfully, "Master, do you want to get rid of that Princess Yan?"

Yun Yu's eyes were slightly cold, "You want me to lose my wife?"

The man in black was startled, "My subordinates don't dare." Unsure of his master's mind, he didn't dare to make random suggestions.

Yun Yu looked down at the quilt on her body, the little princess who is new to the cold palace, looks very interesting, at least she is now her nominal wife, so she can't kill it for the time being.

for a moment.

The man in black said, "Master, do you need your subordinates to investigate this princess? She is Concubine Yan's younger sister, and Concubine Yan is currently favored. If Concubine Yan sends her to deliberately approach the master, it will be detrimental to the master..."

Having said that, I did not go on.

Yun Yu's attitude was gloomy, "Even if they are sisters, they don't necessarily have one heart. You don't have to check. Go on, don't be discovered by the people in the sea of ​​​​clouds."

"Subordinates obey." The man in black disappeared in the cold palace in the blink of an eye.

Yun Yu squeezed the quilt and closed his eyes again to sleep.

As if no one ever came.

at the same time.

The person who was supposed to be sleeping with Satsuki suddenly opened his eyes.

Cha Cha sighed slightly.

Actually, the poor little one was just looking at the pitiful, maybe he was holding something bad behind his back.

She tugged at the quilt, helped Xiaoyue tuck the quilt, and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Satsuki got up.

In the things that Father-in-law Fang sent yesterday, there are some rice noodles, etc., and a pot that can cook porridge. Although she has never done it, she can't let the princess do it.

is counting on the abolished prince, I am afraid it is even more impossible.

Satsuki worked hard to make porridge for three.


soon attracted a reprimand from Yun Yu.

Yun Yu had a dark face and looked inexplicable, "Are you trying to smoke me and your princess to death with smoke?"

Xiaoyue was taken aback by him, and she explained tremblingly, "This is the first time for slaves and slaves to cook porridge, no no no no experience..."

Yun Yu, "..." Oh, so you want to poison your princess!

Chacha came out of the room and was choked by the thick smoke, "Xiaoyue, what are you doing?"

Xiaoyue, "...cook porridge."

Maybe she doesn't have the talent to cook porridge.

Chacha walked over and looked at the situation, "You can't use these wet firewood, pick up some slightly dry firewood."

"Okay." Satsuki obediently and obediently.

Cha Cha then looked at Yun Yu, "What advice does the second prince have?"

Yun Yu snorted, glanced at her, turned her head and left.

Cha Cha stared at his back with a smile on his face.

Little Pitiful is quite temperamental.

But no matter how pitiful he is, he is still a dog man...

Chacha picked out the wet wood from the inside, and the thick smoke dissipated slightly. Then she opened the pot again and looked at the rice and water inside, "..." Her mood suddenly became complicated.

What Satsuki cooks... can I eat it?

She silently touched the cake in her arms.

Actually, it’s okay to eat a few cakes in the morning…

It didn't take long for Miss Yue to come back. The advantage of living in the cold palace is that you can find messy things everywhere, and it is very convenient to use for fire.

Cooking porridge is also a skill.

Although Xiaoyue obviously doesn't have this skill, but... Chacha discovered the talent of cooking rice in Xiaoyue.

This boiled porridge smells pretty good.

It should be okay to eat.

Chacha greeted Xiaoyue to prepare tableware.

She got up and went to pat Yun Yu's door, "The porridge is ready, do you want to eat something?"

Yun Yu, "..." Is he the one who would bend over for a bowl of porridge?

After a while.

The three sat and drank porridge together.

Well, he said no, but his body came over honestly.

Cha Cha glanced at Leng Palace.

Although   Leng Palace is simple and uninhabited, it is very quiet and spacious. It is not impossible to live here.

"Xiaoyue, go to Little Bamboo later, and ask him to help you get some casserole or something, and turn the room opposite into a simple kitchen." Cha Cha said, if you were counting on outsiders to bring meals to Leng Gong, I'm afraid it would be them will starve.

It is more appropriate to do it yourself.

Xiaozhuzi and Eunuch Fang will not conflict with them at present. Since these two can still use it, they should seek more benefits for themselves.

She can exchange all these things from the system mall, but... someone is staring at Leng Gong, and many things need a source.

She can stuff some of those things from time to time, but it doesn't just pop out of nowhere.

Yun Yu stared at Cha Cha coldly, with a bit of irony in his eyes, "Why, are you still planning to stay in the cold palace for a long time?"

Chacha hummed, "Can you still go out from the cold palace?" If you can't go out, then don't you have to live in the cold palace?

Yun Yu was yelled at by her, and her expression changed.


"What's wrong with me? I think I'm fine." Cha Cha smiled and added another spoonful of porridge to him, "Don't think so much, just live a peaceful life."

Yun Yu frowned and looked at the porridge in the bowl, just as it was about to be brought to his lips, his eyes flickered, a cloudy shadow.

He slammed the bowl to the ground, and became furious.

"What nonsense are you talking about, so that I can live in peace? I am the crown prince, and I almost ascended the throne. What do you think you are? Do you really think you are still the princess of the Yan Kingdom? You were sent by the emperor to insult me. an object!"

Xiaoyue was frightened, and looked at Yunyu in confusion.

was stunned for a while, and hurriedly went to help his princess.

What happened to this man! Get angry at every turn.

Unexpectedly, Cha Cha pushed Xiaoyue away, and looked at Yun Yu with a stern face, "You still have the face to talk about me? Don't even look at what you are, a waste prince who was beaten into the cold palace! You are the second prince.

Do you think you still have a chance to turn over? Stop daydreaming!

Maybe one day you will die. At that time, I can still ask the emperor for mercy, let him let me go back to Yan Kingdom, and continue to be my princess, how about you? You have no one to collect your bones!

Give you a good look, do you really think you can push your nose on your face? Xiaoyue, bring back the quilt I gave him yesterday! "

Cha Cha entered the room with a sullen face, Yun Yu also returned to his room with a sullen face, and the two slammed the door one after the other.

Xiaoyue, "..." Why did the princess suddenly get angry?


Is this a quarrel?

was thinking about it when Eunuch Fang's voice sounded, "Oh, Miss Xiaoyue? What's wrong?"

Xiaoyue said in a low voice with a sad face, "The princess is quarreling with the second prince. Our princess is already very wronged. The second prince is still uncertain and loses his temper from time to time."

"Don't blame the second prince for his bad temper. You know what happened to him. Let the princess take more care of him." Eunuch Fang comforted.

"Our princess has taken care of him very much. She gave him a quilt and gave him porridge. As a result, he even threw the bowl. You are not angry! Our princess has never suffered such grievances!"

Xiaoyue said sadly, the smile in Father Fang's eyes became more and more obvious.


The couple is having fun online~

(end of this chapter)