Chapter 1766: And the pro princess (8)

Chapter 1766 and the pro-princess (8)

and pro princess 8

Eunuch Fang glanced at the two tightly closed doors, restrained his smile, and comforted, "Miss Xiaoyue should pack up the things here first, after all, just got married, it's normal to run in a bit, the second prince has a temper. Strange, I hope the princess can take more care."

Xiaoyue was not happy when she heard it.

"Why should our princess take care of him! He is a deposed prince in a cold palace, and our princess has golden branches and jade leaves!

Even if our country of Yan is small, there will still be the country of Yan as the backing of our princess. If nothing else, even in this palace, Concubine Yan is still our princess’ sister! What's up with him being a waste prince! "

Eunuch Fang was very satisfied with Xiaoyue's reaction, "Don't be so angry, the princess still lacks something, the old slave will turn back and let someone prepare."

When Satsuki heard this, her attention was finally diverted.

"I'm missing some pots and pans, and cooking tools. No one here in Lenggong delivers meals for my princess, so I plan to occasionally cook something for my princess here."

Xiaoyue took the golden leaf and handed it over as she said, "Father Fang, you are really a good person. Thanks to your care, if there is a chance to return to Yan Kingdom, I will definitely thank my father-in-law again."

Father Fang, "You're welcome, girl. I'll ask someone to prepare it later. Your Majesty still needs me to take care of it, so I won't stay any longer."

After Eunuch Fang left, Xiaoyue hurriedly packed the tableware and hurried into the room, "Princess, Eunuch Fang is gone."

Chacha hummed.

Her family Xiaoyue usually looks silly and sweet, but when it comes to the critical moment, it seems to be open, very clever.

Xiaoyue quietly leaned into Chacha's ear and asked, "Princess, did Eunuch Fang see it on purpose?"

Chacha nodded and patted her head, "Are you scared?"

"I was frightened at first, but I reacted later." Her princess has a gentle temperament, so she will not stab people's hearts casually.

And he clapped her hand when he pushed her.

Plus, the princess reminded her before.

So, when you don't understand the situation, follow the princess's mood, it's definitely no problem.

Resolutely can't hold back!

Chacha is very satisfied, the little girl is smart and clever.

And she just listened, Satsuki also solved the problem of pots and pans.

Another moment passed.

There was a knock on the door.

Then, Yun Yu walked in.

Xiaoyue observes her words and looks, and seeing that the princess has no intention of chasing Yunyu away, she immediately goes outside to watch the wind.

"I..." Yun Yu hesitated for a moment, as if he couldn't speak.

"You don't need to say more, even if it's acting, I scolded you, and we're even." Cha Cha waved his hand indifferently.

It was him who took the initiative to explain, which surprised her a little bit. She thought that Yun Yu would hold back her words and say nothing because of her temper tantrum.

Yunyu, "..."


Imperial study.

Father Fang recounted what he had seen.

"When the old slave went to the cold palace, the princess was arguing with the abolished prince, and the relationship was not very good. It seems that the princess is still thinking about returning to the Yan Kingdom. After all, the cold palace has suffered and suffered, and I am afraid that she has never suffered such hardships."

The emperor put down the memorial in his hand, "You continue to walk to the cold palace and see if you can make that princess available to me."

Since he can't kill Yun Yu.

Then let the princess do it.

After all, this princess, Yan Qingcha, is Yun Yu's concubine.

Yan Qinghuan raised her hand to signal Eunuch Fang to retire.

"Your Majesty really intends to use Yanqingcha? Then kill Yunyu and release her back to Yan Kingdom?"

Yan Qinghuan was not too happy.

She wanted Yanqingcha's life.

If she really released people back to the country of Yan, what did she plan to bring Yan Qinghuan back to the country of Yun?

And the emperor's statement is different now than before.

clearly knew that she did not like Yanqing tea.

Now you still want to give Yanqingcha a chance to live?

"Don't worry, Huan'er, it's just a lie to her.

First let Eunuch Fang go to the Leng Palace a few more times, and then find a chance to give her a chance, kill Yun Yu, and I will let her go back to Yan Kingdom.

After suffering all kinds of hardships, a golden branch and jade leaf will agree with our suggestion, and... she should be very clear in her heart that only when Yun Yu is dead can she, the second prince and concubine, return to the state of Yan.

Yun Yu is not dead for a day, she has to be a princess for a day.

She will definitely agree to my proposal.

When the time comes, the rabbit will die and the dog will cook, and Yun Yu, a princess with little ability, can be killed at will without much thought. "

Yan Qinghuan pondered for a long time, "Okay, then according to His Majesty's wishes, however, it is suggested that His Majesty should stumble her a little.

Just suffering in the cold palace is not enough. "

Emperor, "Everyone listens to Huan'er."


Not long after, Eunuch Fang asked Xiaozhuzi to send a lot of things to Lenggong.

Satsuki happily packed up and prepared lunch.

Although there are not many ingredients, it is also good.

At least there is food to eat, not just porridge.

After   Chacha found out that Xiaoyue may have a talent for cooking, she gave her a little guidance, and then, "..." Xiaoyue is really talented, and the food she cooked for the first time tasted very good.

Since this is the case, then she can quietly put more ingredients for Xiaoyue in the future.

Because Chacha and Yunyu had just quarreled in the morning, so at this moment, Chacha didn't call Yunyu to have dinner.

It is normal for the two of them to ignore Yun Yu.

Xiaozhuzi took an excuse to deliver things, and quietly observed the closed door.

It seems that the noise is quite fierce.

Even the apparent harmony is unwilling to maintain.

Xiaozhuzi didn't dare to stay longer, for fear of finding out that there was a problem, and in a hurry to return to Eunuch Fang, he left quickly.

There was a hint of mockery in Cha Cha's eyes.

"Now go get him something to eat."

There is no dark guard monitoring near the Leng Palace.

Xiaoyue nodded and brought the food over.

Yun Yu was a little surprised.

This little princess seems to be more interesting than he thought...

In the evening, Xiaoyue made some meals.

Although it was stumbling, it was good for the taste.

Leng Gong’s peaceful life lasted for three days in a row.

On the fourth day.

A vicious father-in-law brought a few people to the cold palace, breaking the original peace.

These people are just smashing the cold palace.

There were also people who went to the kitchen to smash things.

Satsuki almost cried out in a hurry, "You guys stop! Stop!"

"Yo, you have a good temper? Everyone said that the country of Yan is so beautiful, and this little girl is not bad." The father-in-law at the head laughed loudly.

Cha Cha squinted and walked out of the room.

First, he looked at the ground full of misery.

raised his eyes and looked at the father-in-law at the head.

Cha Cha walked over calmly, bent over and picked up a broken piece of porcelain.

That father-in-law made a joke, "The princess looks so beautiful... Ah! What are you doing!"

Father-in-law's face changed greatly.

In the blink of an eye, the broken piece of porcelain had reached his neck.

"Would it be nice for me to get an evaluation from your dog slave?" Cha Cha said coldly, the broken porcelain piece in his hand went a little deeper, and blood immediately overflowed.

"Don't mess around! This is Guiyun Country, not Yan Country!" The **** reminded her.

"If this were the country of Yan, you would have been cut into pieces long ago, and you can still live to this day? Even if you don't even look at what you are, anyone's territory would dare to run wild!"

(end of this chapter)