Chapter 1767: And the pro princess (9)

Chapter 1767 and the pro-princess (9)

and pro princess 9

Chacha's broken ceramic pieces are extremely sharp.

looked at the other little eunuchs coldly.

"You help things up and restore them to their original shape, otherwise, I'll have to let his blood splatter on the spot."

The little eunuchs were so frightened that they hurried to clean up the things they had just destroyed.

Cha Cha looked at her coldly, she was also the princess of Yan Kingdom, how could a few eunuchs be able to bully her?

Even she was very suspicious that these eunuchs were all acting on orders. Eunuch Fang today, in the cold palace in the future, there will be other eunuchs looking for trouble.

Cha Cha pursed her lips and deliberately tried, "Xiaoyue, go to Father Fang."

As soon as the voice fell, the hostage father-in-law in his hand said, "Father-Eunuch Fang is not in the palace today, and has left the palace to do business according to His Majesty's order, so, that's why I ran here, wanting to get some benefits..."

"Oh." Cha Cha replied lightly.

Understand Fang Gonggong's calculations in seconds.

No matter whether these people acted according to orders or not, Eunuch Fang definitely planned it long ago. Today, Eunuch Fang deliberately waited for them to be bullied.

The purpose of    is easy to guess.

is nothing more than wanting to tell them about a few people making trouble.

In this cold palace, only if the other father-in-law is there, they will not be bullied.

They have to rely on Eunuch Fang's protection to survive, and at the same time, even if Eunuch Fang makes any more demands, she may agree.

Behind    Father Fang, it was obvious that there was an emperor.

Chacha's eyes were slightly cold.

This new emperor really wants to get rid of Yunyu impatiently.

After all, she spent so much time trying to figure her out, and the only person she was related to was Yun Yu, so everyone knew Sima Zhao's heart.

Cha Cha ticked the corner of his lips, so let's cooperate?

Seeing Yun Yu's appearance, she guessed that she also wanted to act for the new emperor.

Chacha's eyes changed, and she said sadly, "Xiaoyue, why is our life so bitter?"

Satsuki, "..."

"Don't say that, princess, it's these dog slaves who are blind! One day, when we return to Yan Kingdom, we will definitely not let these dog slaves go!"

The hostage father snorted, "You still want to return to Yan Kingdom? Dreaming! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

He was almost scared to death.

If he had known that this princess was not so easy to deal with, he would not have believed Eunuch Fang's evil and came to make trouble and grab the golden leaves!

"Princess, let's have a discussion, you let me go. After all, if you miss, I will die. You are a princess, so it's not easy to get killed, right? I just don't want to die..." The father-in-law said in a hurry, He really didn't want to risk his life here.

Cha Cha sneered, "I let you go, but you turned around and ran away? Think I'm stupid?"

Father-in-law, "...I really don't run."

Chacha's attitude was firm, "Don't let it go, be honest and let the eunuchs under your hand slip away! Otherwise, this broken piece of porcelain won't have eyes!"

"...Alas, my ancestors!" Father-in-law was startled and frightened.

for fear that the princess would shake his hand and kill him.

Not long after, a few little eunuchs packed up the things, but some things were smashed and there was no way to restore them.

Cha Cha controlled the hostages with one hand, and waved at the little eunuchs with the other hand, "Bring out all your valuables!"

Little Eunuch, "???"

Seeing that they didn't move, Cha Cha threatened the hostage with a sullen face, "What are you doing? Let them pay! And you, pay! If you broke something of this princess, don't you have to pay?"

Father-in-law, "..." I'm riding a horse!

Why come here to covet golden leaves?

I didn’t get the golden leaf, and I lost myself?

Big loss, big loss!

However, in order to survive, you can only hand over money.

Cha Cha glanced at him with satisfaction, and then let the father-in-law go.

"Eunuch Li, are you alright!" Several little eunuchs rushed to help people.

Cha Cha raised his eyebrows, "Oh, so it's Eunuch Li? This princess remembers you. If there is a chance in the future, you can go to our country of Yan to play."

Eunuch Li, "..." He gritted his teeth and looked at the silver in Xiaoyue's hand unwillingly, it was all his money! Simply deceiving!

He wondered, if he could turn defeat into victory this time, after all, he had no defenses before he was taken hostage by her.


Cha Cha said slowly, "Eunuch Li is not leaving yet? Are you planning to take back those silver coins from this princess?" She shook the broken porcelain pieces in her hand.

The bright and clean broken porcelain pieces were stained with blood, and the shaking Eunuch Li had a pain in his eyes and neck.

He touched his neck and felt a handful of blood.

Almost angrily stared at Cha Cha, "Let's go! Let's go!"

He walked away angrily.

Cursed when he left, but he wanted to see how long a princess and a pro-princess who had entered the cold palace could last!

A princess of the Yan Kingdom dares to act wild in the palace?

Do you think you are Concubine Yan?

Can you be favored by His Majesty?

Eunuch Li left angrily.

Next time, he must bring more people to grab the golden leaves!


The relationship between this waste prince and this princess should not be very good.

When such a big thing happened, I didn’t even come out to take a look. The door was closed during the day, hehe! No matter how arrogant the princess is, she still has to stay in the cold palace alone in an empty room?

Xiaoyue finished counting the money and looked nervously at her princess.

"Wait a while and go outside to guard. Eunuch Fang will cry about what happened today as soon as he comes back. You know what to do." Cha Cha has a gentle attitude, and Xiao Yue is very clever.

Since Eunuch Fang wanted them to feel afraid and panic, then she had all the minds of the person behind her.

Xiaoyue nodded, "Princess don't worry!"

Immediately afterwards, her eyes lit up.

"By the way, should I rub my eyes and make them red? Like I just cried?"

Chacha, "..." is okay?

Xiaoyue got the order, and immediately ran out of the cold palace with a sad face, waiting for Father Fang to come back from the outside.

Chacha is very gratifying.

Satsuki is indeed a good helper.

She raised her eyes and looked at the closed door, only to see that the door was slowly opened, and the man inside looked at her indifferently.

The eyes of the two were facing each other, and Yun Yu's eyes were a little more prying.

Yunyu, "Let's talk."

Cha Cha, "Good."

In Yun Yu's opinion, this princess is smarter than he imagined.

seems to have seen everything.

But, at the moment, he doesn't know what her purpose is?

In order to return to Yan Kingdom?

Or to get the emperor's attention?

He can not understand.

"I don't like to go around in circles, what is the purpose of the princess?" Since she can see a lot of things and is willing to cooperate with her in acting, she can probably guess some of his situation.

He is in danger now, she is an enemy or a friend, and she always has to figure it out.

If it is an enemy, then she can't get out of the cold palace alive.

Cha Cha frowned and looked at Yun Yu in confusion.

However, it is normal for him to ask such questions.

"Can't you see my purpose?

We worshipped heaven and earth. Although the wedding was simple, we were already husband and wife.

Since it is a husband and wife, it is natural to think about you everywhere, otherwise what would I do with you? Wouldn't it be easier to kill you directly according to Xindi's wishes? "

(end of this chapter)