Chapter 1768: And the pro princess (10)

Chapter 1768 and the pro-princess (10)

and pro princess 10

Yun Yu's eyes flashed slightly, looking at her suspiciously.

She is too smart.

Her words are hard to tell.

After all, everyone will say something nice.

They had only known each other for a few days, and they were forced to get married when they first met.

Now say that he wants to be with him.

Don't talk about him, other people wouldn't believe it easily, right?

Cha Cha looked at Yun Yu, who had a suspicious look on his face, and was not in a hurry to defend. It would be abnormal if he believed her easily, so she was in no hurry.

for a long time.

Yunyu looked up at her with a serious look, and seemed to think for a long time before she could say a word, "Since we are already husband and wife, we must live together. We are living in two rooms now, what do you think?"

Chacha nodded, restrained his smile, and replied, "Should we live together, should I go to your place at night, or do you go to my room?"

While speaking, Cha Cha glanced at his expression from time to time.

I saw Yun Yu's face stiffened, her expression strange, and her face inexplicably dyed a bit of blush.

Chacha, "?" How can such a big man be so rude?

What did she say?

didn't say anything.

Yun Yu's slender figure moved slightly, and he looked away unnaturally, "It's all right." After dropping two words, he hurried back to the room.

is quite a bit of a runaway.

Cha Cha couldn't hold back his laughter, but he didn't notice for a while, and laughed out loud.

Then Yun Yu's footsteps hurried, adding a bit of mess.


Xiaoyue waited outside for half an hour before Father Fang came back.

She cried and recounted what happened today, without any action, as if she was frightened.

"Eunuch Fang, do you think that Eunuch Li will take revenge? Our princess, in a hurry, threatened him with broken pieces of porcelain... But we really have no choice."

Satsuki cried while talking.

looks very miserable.

Father Fang sighed, "Is the princess alright?"

"The princess is okay, but she was a little frightened." Xiaoyue wiped her tears with the handkerchief, her eyes were red, and she cried for a long time.

"Princess is fine. If there is a chance, I will definitely say a few words for the princess in front of Your Majesty, but you know Xiaoyue, I am a slave, I have no rights, maybe I can't promise anything.

As for the father-in-law Li, I will try my best to check, but, Xiaoyue, you have to understand that without father-in-law Li, there will be other father-in-laws. As long as the princess is in the cold palace for one day, she will spend a day in fear, no one knows. Who will be targeted and calculated by whom one day.

As for the abolished prince, we all know his situation in our hearts, and we will never get out in this life.

It’s just that I feel sorry for the princess, and the good years have to be wasted in the cold palace. It’s really miserable in a foreign country. "

Eunuch Fang said with great regret, and when he said this, he actually wiped his eyes without tears.

That regretful gesture is full.

Xiaoyue nodded, "Thank you, Eunuch Fang. If there is a chance in the future, Eunuch Fang must find a way to help out and help our princess."

As she spoke, she took out a handful of golden leaves, "We are really not suitable to stay in this Guiyun country."

Father Fang confiscated the golden leaf this time and pushed it back.

"Xiaoyue, I understand what you mean.

Knowing the princess for the past few days, I can really see that the princess is a good person.

I also received a lot of things from you, this time, don’t give them away, just treat me as a voluntary help. In the future, there will be more places to be taken care of in the palace, you should be careful and don’t let anyone see it again. "

Mr. Fang looks kind and kind like an elder, he speaks earnestly and teaches carefully.

If the princess hadn't reminded her first, Xiaoyue would have thought Eunuch Fang was a good person.

Actually, it's all a routine...

Xiaoyue thanked her gratefully, said a few more words, and then returned to the cold palace.

As soon as the two separated, Eunuch Fang hurriedly reported to the emperor.

Xiaoyue is anxious to tell the princess about it.

As Cha Cha guessed, Eunuch Fang and the emperor fought for this purpose.

Chacha bent his lips, and gave Xiaoyue a piece of paper, "Wait a minute and throw it at Yunyu." The window in Yunyu's room has not been repaired, so you can throw it in through the window.

Xiaoyue nodded, doing things smartly.


"Princess, is there anyone watching in this cold palace?" Xiaoyue asked.

The distance between these two rooms is obviously very close, do you need her to throw paper **** secretly?

Cha Cha didn't answer, but raised his eyebrows.

Because it's fun.

This is called... sneaky love and fun.

Satsuki left the room and quietly threw the paper ball into it.

Yun Yu heard the movement, looked up and saw the paper ball on the ground.

is somewhat indescribably complicated.

I really like to play...


Father Fang told the emperor about the situation.

Now is the right time.

Yanqingcha and Yunyu have not yet developed any feelings, so they will not show mercy.

In order to be able to return to the country of Yan, I believe that Yan Qingcha will definitely take action against Yun Yu, and judging from her holding Eunuch Li, this princess does have some courage.

It is most suitable for her to attack Yun Yu.

The emperor intends to find a time for Eunuch Fang to bring someone over to meet him.

Yan Qinghuan blocked in time.

"Your Majesty, you are not suitable to come forward in this matter. It is the best choice for me to come forward. I am her sister and she will believe me."

She seemed to point, and her pretty face was cold.

"Huan'er is right, I'm too anxious, what does Huan'er mean?" the emperor asked slowly.

"If Your Majesty believes in me, I will handle that matter, and I will let His Majesty stay out of it and clear all ties."

Yan Qinghuan said lightly, she didn't want His Majesty to see Yanqingcha, such a good opportunity, if she came forward, firstly, she could take the opportunity to teach Yanqingcha a lesson, and secondly, it could prevent Your Majesty from contacting Yanqingcha.

Three times... After Yun Yu's death, she can also convict Yanqingcha. At that time, it will kill two birds with one stone.

Let Yun Yu and Yan Qingcha go to the Palace of Kings of Hell to be husband and wife...

The two have their own calculations.

The young emperor had different emotions in his eyes.

No one could read what he was thinking.

for a moment.

Xindi said, "Father Fang, bring the tribute gift list you received this morning and let Concubine Yan choose."

Father Fang, "Yes."

"Huan'er, take what you see and take it back directly, don't be polite to me." Xindi looked at her with love in his eyes.

Yan Qing smiled politely, "Your Majesty, let the Empress choose first, Qing Huan will not dare to violate the rules."

"After you choose, ask Father Fang to send it to her.

Those who don't care don't have to take it to heart. "

Xindi smiled lightly, as if the person in front of him was the woman he loved the most.

Yan Qinghuan didn't answer.

The Queen Mother married the new emperor very early. At that time, the new emperor was not a prince, but a humble prince who became his concubine and accompanied him until now.

Now she has transformed herself into an empress, the mother of the world.

Although His Majesty has no feelings for the Queen, but in the end, he has some kind of affection in mind. As long as there is such affection, His Majesty will not make her queen.

If the queen does not give up the throne for one day, she can only be the concubine......

(end of this chapter)