Chapter 1771: And the pro princess (13)

Chapter 1771 and the pro-princess (13)

and pro princess 13

All the signs of the new emperor show that he trusts Yan Qinghuan very much.

However, once you think about it carefully, you always feel that something is not right. Unfortunately, the assassin's corpse can only test out that it is related to Yan Qinghuan, and cannot test it more deeply.

for a moment.

Qiqi replied, "I haven't found any signs of other systems in this world, nor have I found any foreign travelers."

Cha Cha nodded and understood, "I see, Yan Qinghuan is likely to be reborn." A person will not change suddenly. Although Yan Qinghuan concealed it well, it can be seen from the details that it is different from the original in Yan country. In the palace, there is a big difference.

However, it is only the difference. Yan Qinghuan's behavior is the same as before, just a little more ruthless and smarter...

As for when Yan Qinghuan was reborn, the specific time cannot be inferred for the time being.

In short, Yan Qinghuan is the enemy.

is also her biggest enemy other than the emperor in Guiyun Kingdom.

Yan Qinghuan's plan this time may be to send her to a dead end. After all, even if Yun Yu is abolished, he will still be the second prince of the Kingdom of Yun, and murdering the second prince is a death penalty.

Yan Qinghuan is asking her to rush to her death...


Zhaoyang Palace.

Yan Qinghuan had a headache while sitting in the bedroom.

The assassin's corpse appeared in Zhaoyang Palace for no reason?

There are guards patrolling everywhere in the palace, and there are secret guards of the emperor in the dark. How blatant? And no one has found it yet?

So the moment she saw the corpse.

subconsciously thought it was some kind of supernatural phenomenon.

"..." Because, she has experienced this situation.

And now, after calming down, Yan Qinghuan's mind has stabilized a lot.

But still can't find a reason to explain this happening. She sent the assassin to assassinate Yanqingcha, but Yanqingcha was safe and sound. After the assassin disappeared for a few days, the body suddenly appeared in Zhaoyang Palace?

She didn't think it had anything to do with Yanqing Tea.

Yanqing Tea has always been favored by King Yan, and it is impossible to have excellent Qinggong. There is only a small moon around Yanqing Tea.

So Yan Qinghuan immediately ruled out Yanqing tea.

She is more inclined to be someone in the palace who wants to kill her!

The emperor loves her and puts her on the top of his heart. The so-called big tree attracts the wind, and he must have made many enemies. Maybe there are some spies who are monitoring the Zhaoyang Palace.

Yan Qinghuan thought about it for a while, and quickly checked the maid and **** of Zhaoyang Palace in person.

Sure enough...

More than one undercover agent was detected.

There are several people sent by the goddesses of each palace.

However, unfortunately, no one of the queen was found.

It seems that this queen is really smart, not to send people undercover in her palace, this is great wisdom, quietly watching them fight?

I want to take advantage of the fisherman and dream!

Yan Qinghuan was cruel, her eyes were fierce.

God gave her a chance to be reborn, but not for her to be trampled underfoot! She must be in the back seat! Become the most noble woman in the world!

After all, the chance of rebirth is something that no one can come across casually.

Even she was shocked at first.

Before rebirth.

She is still the princess who is close to her, but the emperor of Guiyun is not the third prince Yunhai, but the second prince Yunyu, which is the current abolished prince.

After Yunyu ascended the throne, she had outstanding talents and strong fighting power. She quickly conquered the surrounding small countries, and Yan Kingdom was not spared, and she was sent to Guiyun Kingdom by King Yan.

King Yan was reluctant to bear Yanqing tea, so he let her come to Guiyun to suffer and suffer.

Yunyu is bloodthirsty, not keen on women.

She was sent to the cold palace without even seeing Yun Yu.

after that.

She was bullied and humiliated in the cold palace.

opened his eyes and returned to the time when Yun Yu had not yet ascended the throne.

So, she took advantage of the opportunity and the events she knew to secretly contact Yunhai, help him become the new emperor, and put Yunyu into the cold palace.

She also wants to let Yun Yu taste the taste of the cold palace.

Not only that.

She also wants to take revenge on Yanqingcha.

Why do pets belong to Yanqing Tea? She used to want to kill Yanqingcha, but now, she has changed her mind, she is going to step on Yanqingcha under her feet!

Let Yanqing Tea know what regret is!

Zhaoyang Palace made a big effort to investigate the people in the palace. This matter soon spread in the palaces, and the new emperor naturally knew about it. Let’s check the people. Anyway, Yan Qinghuan also checked the people he arranged in Zhaoyang Palace. not.

Except for the emperor who didn't react much, the queen didn't react either.

Only those concubines who had sent people, the uneasy and kind concubines, were uneasy and afraid, for fear that Yan Qinghuan would find him.

But you can't blame them either.

There are so many concubines in the harem, but the emperor has always doted on Yan Qinghuan.

This Concubine Yan occupies the emperor and prevents him from raining and dew. They are also suffering! Every day, I hope that the emperor can see other concubines, but if he is born, the emperor is like being drugged, either in the imperial study or in the Zhaoyang Palace.

I don't even go to the Queen's place very often.

And the queen has a Buddhist temperament, and she grows flowers and basks in the sun every day... I don't even know how to write the word "champion".

The queen's position was wasted in vain!

The concubines of each palace were angry at him for not fighting, but they were helpless.

At this time, seeing that the matter of sending someone to go undercover in Zhaoyang Palace was found out, they, who were not favored and had no background, could only wait tremblingly for Concubine Yan to toss...

But waited day after day.

Yan Qinghuan didn't do anything.

As if nothing had happened.

just sent those undercover people back to the palaces.

It seems that he is really generous and doesn't care about everyone...

For a while, the concubines of the palaces were not sure about Yan Qinghuan's next step.

Could it be that he planned to sell miserably to the emperor?

can't figure it out, really can't figure out what she wants to do.

In fact.

Yan Qinghuan had already dug out her own ledger and kept the accounts one by one.

She has to deal with Yanqingcha now, so she has no time to deal with those useless waste concubines...


Cold Palace.

It was almost two days after returning from Zhaoyang Palace.

Cha Cha slowly prepares to show his favor to Yun Yu.

On this day, when Eunuch Fang came, Chacha asked Xiaoyue to hand him a handful of golden leaves.

"Eunuch Fang, we are also very familiar. For the sake of Concubine Yan, I also hope that Eunuch Fang will give me some accommodation and move more beds to the cold palace. After all, the waste prince is the second prince, so we can't just keep going like this, right? There isn't even a place to sleep."

Fang Gonggongben was sent by the emperor.

At this moment, there was a look of difficulty on the face, but in the bottom of his heart, he began to praise the princess of the Yan Kingdom, knowing that there was no urgency in hooking up with Yun Yu.

First slowly penetrate from the aspects of food and accommodation...

Return to His Majesty later, I believe His Majesty will be very satisfied.

Eunuch Fang took the golden leaf and nodded in embarrassment, "Princess, I will try my best to do what you said, and I will be careful when the time comes, after all, no one usually comes to this place like the Cold Palace.

So it is a little better to eat and wear it, and it will not be easily discovered by others. "

Fang's official business was very fast. That afternoon, Yun Yu's room was put on a bed, and the little **** cleaned the room and put a table.

Compared with the previous one, although it is simple, this configuration can also be called a new look in the cold palace.

(end of this chapter)