Chapter 1772: And the pro princess (14)

Chapter 1772 and the pro-princess (14)

and pro princess 14

Yun Yu looked at the extra things with a cold face.

The anger and anger on the face of    are unrecognizable.

Eunuch Fang boldly said something, "Second prince, these second princes and concubine have spent a lot of thought for you, even if you don't have feelings, don't bully the second prince and concubine..."

Then, Father Fang hurried away.

He was afraid that Yun Yu would do something to him.

After all, the second prince's temper is too bad.

Yun Yu lowered his eyes, his eyes were complicated.

He didn't think about it, what she said to him before has come true.

Probably Yun Hai and Yan Qinghuan never thought of it. From the very beginning, she saw through their plan.

I thought I could figure him and Yanqingcha.

Actually, Yanqing Tea is the one who devised the strategy.

Such an interesting girl, he was even more curious.



Chacha whispered to Xiaoyue, "Xiaoyue, you live here first, I'll go to the next room to accompany Yunyu to speak a few words."

Xiaoyue was stunned on the spot.

"Princess, what are you talking about?" Going to accompany the abolished prince next door?

The waste prince has a bad temper and is uncertain.

Besides that face, Yin is nothing.

and many more.

"Princess, shouldn't you like his face?" Xiaoyue said sadly, "Although the abolished prince looks really good, it's just that face, such a dangerous thing, don't mess around. do it!"

Chacha, "...what are you thinking? I just came back after a few words with him, and I didn't spend the night with him."

What kind of mess is in this little girl's mind?

Xiaoyue pouted, not very happy, "It's obviously the princess, what you said can easily lead to misunderstandings..."

Chacha, "Then I'll be more careful next time, but don't worry, he won't do anything to me, wait for your princess and I'll take him back to Yan Kingdom."

Cha Cha smiled mysteriously, she really had this idea.

She has already thought about the next step.

As long as Yan Qinghuan gave her poison, she would let Yun Yu pretend to be dead, and then take Yun Yu back to the country of Yan.

If Yunhai strikes against Yan again, let Yunyu fight against Yunhai on the battlefield.

Dare to destroy the Yan Kingdom?

Then she will make Guiyun Country a vassal of her Yan Country!

Xiaoyue watched her princess go to the next door.

She stood where she was, in a complicated mood.

After   , I always felt that the princess was playing with fire.

Yunyu is not a normal person!

Xiaoyue sighed, for fear that the princess would be driven back by Yunyu, she paced back and forth in the room, from time to time she stuck out her head and looked at the room.

, the princess hasn't been kicked out yet!

panicked even more.

Yun Yu wouldn't kill someone to silence him?

They are also nominally husband and wife, shouldn't they?

Satsuki continued pacing nervously.

at the same time.

Cha Cha blinked and looked at Yun Yu with a smile.

"I said, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me, everything will be there. Look, the room has been completely redesigned! It's much better than the miserable life you had before, right?"

Yun Yu squinted, "So, your purpose?"

"Didn't I say it? I'm married to you, so I will naturally think about you. Of course, if you don't believe it, it can also be understood as: I saw your face!"

Chacha explained in a slow and slow manner that this person has a lot of problems.

"..." Saw his face?

Why did he want to strangle her so much?

Except for the face, is there nothing else that she can like?

Yun Yu was not very happy, "Can I understand that you are coveting my beauty?"

"...It can also be understood in the same way." Cha Cha replied, "And what do you have besides your face now? I gave you your bed, quilt, clothes, and even the food you eat."

She looked at Yun Yu calmly.

Yun Yu frowned subconsciously, he looked at her, her eyes clearly told him: Look, you have nothing, you really only have a face.

Yunyu, "..." inexplicably heartbroken.

He snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction, his eyes inadvertently fell on her pretty little face, with fair skin and watery eyes that were black and white.

If nothing else, she actually looks pretty good.

In terms of appearance, it is quite suitable for him.

Chacha saw that Yunyu fell into silence, and began to silently reflect on whether his words were not right.

"Well, I don't dislike you either..." I didn't mean to hurt your self-esteem, I just said it casually.


seems to have offended people?

Yun Yu still had a calm face, and the air pressure in the room was very low.

Cha Cha sighed slightly, well, she took care of the poor little one.

She waved at Yun Yu, "Come here, come over a little bit."

Yun Yu couldn't figure out the situation. Seeing her serious appearance, she leaned forward.

Chacha's lips curved, raised his hand to cover his eyes, and sighed on Yunyu's side face, "It's my apology to you!"


Cha Cha withdrew his hand and ran away.

Even Yun Yu's face didn't even bother to look at it.

She went back to the room, Xiaoyue looked at her hastily, "Princess, did he bully you?"

Chacha touched his little face, and the smile was a confident, "No, I bullied him!" Little Piti seems to be very bullying!

Xiaoyue looked incredulous, "???"

Is the princess so powerful now?

Dare to bully even the abolished prince?

Of course, she would not doubt the truth of what the princess said.

In her opinion, the princess is the most powerful!

If you said that you bullied the abolished prince, then you must have bullied the abolished prince!

right! The waste prince is a paper tiger!

is not a match for her princess!

Cha Cha cupped his face and lay down on the bed with great joy.

Seems like... It's good to bully Yun Yu once in a while?

This kind of feeling of bullying and taking advantage of others...isn't it good?

No wonder someone used to tease her about her routines, and she also wanted to do routines.

Xiaoyue still wanted to talk, and then saw her princess immersed in her thoughts, as if she was in a daze.

"..." Xiaoyue silently blew out the candle.


The next day.

During breakfast.

Xiaoyue found that the waste prince didn't look right.

His face used to be gloomy.'s rare to look a little calmer.

And it's weird.

seems to be peeking at her princess.

Xiaoyue, "?" Could it be that the princess bullied him last night, and he was looking for an opportunity to take revenge?

Satsuki was a little flustered.

wondered if he would attack the princess later, should she just take the lead and deal with Yun Yu first.

Xu is that Satsuki's eyes are too straightforward.

Slowly, Yun Yu turned her head and gave her a look.

Chacha also followed and looked at Xiaoyue.

"Xiaoyue? Why are you so nervous?" She raised her hand and touched Xiaoyue's forehead, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Xiaoyue took Chacha and said cautiously, "He's been watching you secretly, is he avenging what happened last night?"

Chacha, "..." Little girl, don't talk nonsense!

She snorted when she went up last night.

did not do anything.

How can    take revenge?

Cha Cha looked at Yun Yu quietly, and then found that Yun Yu was also looking at himself.

Oh, suddenly remembered.

The distance between them and Yunyu is so close, he can probably hear the voices of her and Xiaoyue...

Chacha, "..." is suddenly embarrassing.

(end of this chapter)